
Late at night on the 26th, actor Li Zonghan suddenly posted a diagnosis report and solemnly stated it

author:A stream
Late at night on the 26th, actor Li Zonghan suddenly posted a diagnosis report and solemnly stated it

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Li Zonghan posted the diagnosis report late at night and angrily denounced the Internet rumors

Late at night, actor Li Zonghan posted a news on his personal social platform, posted his diagnosis report, and wrote a text angrily denouncing the rumors about his "plastic surgery" on the Internet

Late at night on the 26th, actor Li Zonghan suddenly posted a diagnosis report and solemnly stated it

In fact, there have been some discussions about Li Zonghan's appearance changes on the Internet before, and some netizens pointed out that Li Zonghan's face seemed to be a little swollen compared to before, and even wondered if he had undergone a medical beauty project

Li Zonghan released this news in the middle of the night, it is a powerful response to these false rumors, from the diagnosis report he posted, it can be clearly seen that there are some problems in his lungs, and the swelling of his face is due to complications caused by lung problems, this diagnosis report is undoubtedly the most powerful proof of his innocence, and it also makes those who spread rumors have nowhere to hide

"Illness comes like a mountain", Li Zonghan's experience sounded the alarm for us

In the news released by Li Zonghan, in addition to posting the diagnosis report, he also described in detail the process of his medical treatment and his current physical condition, between the lines, you can feel his helplessness in the face of illness and his determination to actively treat, he also called on everyone to pay attention to their own health, regular physical examinations, and do not wait until there is a problem in the body to regret it

Late at night on the 26th, actor Li Zonghan suddenly posted a diagnosis report and solemnly stated it

Li Zonghan's experience also resonated with netizens, modern society life is fast-paced, many people are busy with work and life, often neglect their physical health, diseases will not disappear because of our neglect, but will come quietly when we are defenseless, Li Zonghan's experience undoubtedly sounded the alarm for us, reminding us to always pay attention to our own health and cherish life

When celebrities encounter online violence, how can we protect the pure land of the Internet?

In the era of information explosion, the Internet has become an important platform for people to obtain information and express their opinions, but some people have taken advantage of the anonymity and fast spread speed of the Internet to wantonly publish false information, spread rumors, and carry out malicious attacks on others

Late at night on the 26th, actor Li Zonghan suddenly posted a diagnosis report and solemnly stated it

As a public figure, Li Zonghan is naturally more likely to become the target of Internet rumors, and this "plastic surgery" turmoil not only damaged his reputation, but also brought him huge psychological pressure

The Internet is not a place outside the law, and everyone should be responsible for their words and actions

In recent years, with the increasing complexity of cyberspace, problems such as cyber violence and online rumors have become increasingly prominent, not only infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, but also seriously polluting the cyber environment

Late at night on the 26th, actor Li Zonghan suddenly posted a diagnosis report and solemnly stated it

For Internet users, each of us should improve our own network literacy, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, in the face of network information, we must maintain rational thinking, do not easily believe unverified information, let alone become the disseminator of Internet rumors, we must also actively participate in network governance, and jointly maintain a clean cyberspace

Starting from the Li Zonghan incident, he called for the establishment of a healthier network ecology

The Li Zonghan incident once again reminds us that cyberspace needs to be guarded together, and only when everyone establishes a sense of responsibility and jointly resists online rumors can we build a clearer and healthier online ecology

Late at night on the 26th, actor Li Zonghan suddenly posted a diagnosis report and solemnly stated it

Looking forward to the future, cyberspace can become a more rational, friendly and positive space, so that everyone can express themselves freely and communicate with peace of mind

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