
Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi becomes an avatar! Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, Ju Jingyi lit up

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When it comes to "changing faces", the first thing that comes to mind is celebrities. Many celebrities choose to have some face-changing surgeries for the sake of beauty and popularity, but the results are often counterproductive, not only losing their original charm, but also shocking fans. The phenomenon of celebrities "changing their faces" has been going on for a long time, and it has become more and more intense in recent years, which is embarrassing.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi becomes an avatar! Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, Ju Jingyi lit up

In the face of the pressure of beauty from the outside world, celebrities are the first to bear the brunt. Because they are accustomed to camera focus and public scrutiny, they are extremely prone to appearance anxiety and lack of confidence. The competition in the entertainment industry is fierce, and external conditions often determine the acting career, so in order to gain a firm foothold in this "survival game", stars choose "plastic surgery" as a shortcut.

Taking Zhang Yuqi as an example, she originally had a unique "royal sister" temperament and domineering face, and her grinning personality was also different. However, as she grew older, her face became stiff and weird, losing her former character.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi becomes an avatar! Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, Ju Jingyi lit up

Analyzing the reasons behind it, in addition to the general appearance anxiety, she is also facing professional pressure - in order to gain a foothold in the cruel environment of 984 in the entertainment industry, she must rely on external packaging to maintain her popularity. Zhao Lusi is also facing the judgment from the "Internet celebrity face", and Jin Chen and Chen Qiaoen have to face the dilemma of "outdated".

All of this makes them determined to have plastic surgery, hoping to maintain some kind of competitiveness. Of course, there are also people like Ju Jingyi, who have repeatedly "changed their faces" out of the infinite pursuit of "perfection". "Ten rooms and nine emptiness", cosmetic surgery is not as beautiful as the stars imagined. Muscle fillings and facelifts that cause stiffness and exaggerated expressions are common side effects.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi becomes an avatar! Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, Ju Jingyi lit up

More seriously, it often changes the proportions of the face, making the facial features distorted and uncoordinated. Take Li Zonghan as an example, he originally had a tough guy face and was full of manliness. But now plastic surgery has caused his face to protrude and shrink backwards, and the corners of his eyes and mouth are hanging upward, like a "Kamen Rider", which makes people look very weird.

Lou Yixiao also changed from a pure and lovely face to an "abandoned baby face" because of the distortion of her face after plastic surgery, and she was judged like two people before and after. She had to stop work for several years to make repairs before she could barely get her face back to normal. Celebrities have gone astray from "plastic surgery freaks", bringing reflection to the public. Outer beauty is important, but it is more important to cultivate inner temperament. Because true charm comes from a person's soul.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi becomes an avatar! Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, Ju Jingyi lit up

Zhang Yuqi should not be confined to changing her face, she already has her own personality and style. Chen Qiaoen was also popular all over the country with his sunny and cheerful penetrating power, but now he blindly relies on hyaluronic acid to maintain foamy youth, which is really putting the cart before the horse.

An elegant, enterprising, cheerful and generous middle-aged woman is often more attractive than a "little woman" full of burdens. Each of us will grow old, but as long as we have a positive attitude, we will shine with a unique brilliance. This is the fundamental source of beauty, and it is also the best preparation for the future.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi becomes an avatar! Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, Ju Jingyi lit up

No one is perfect, and everyone has advantages and disadvantages. But if you know how to appreciate yourself, you can appreciate others and the world. This may be a life topic that celebrities should learn, and it is also a topic shared by all of us.

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