
Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

author:Xie Chunjie

Heck, the entertainment industry has been lively again recently, especially the topic of "changing faces" of female stars, which is simply flying all over the sky. Let's take Jin Chen as an example, since the broadcast of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", her frequent "face change" has not been on the hot search. Look at her face, it changes from time to time, and when some fans see her new photos, they exclaim: "Is this still the Jin Chen we know?" Of course, some people think that she is getting more and more beautiful, but these polarized evaluations are also speechless.

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Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up
Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

Let's talk about Chen Qiaoen, alas, this sister began to "change her face" because of age and relationship problems. Looking at her usual photos, without the beauty filter, the whole person looks a little unnatural. Netizens also commented unceremoniously: "Oh, Sister Jon, don't fix it anymore, let's be natural, isn't it good?" But some die-hard fans said: "Jon will always be our goddess, and he is beautiful for his own pleasure!" "No, the views are also the opposite.

Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up
Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

When it comes to plastic surgery, how can you not mention Zhang Yuqi? She was once known as the "Mainland Qiansongyi" beauty. It's a pity that after many plastic surgeries, Sister Yuqi lost her original temperament. You say this "change of face", just stop in moderation, some netizens complained: "Is this still the Zhang Yuqi I know?" It's like two people! However, some fans resolutely defended her: "No matter what, Yuqi will always be the most beautiful!" ”

Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up
Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

Zhao Lusi has also been the object of "changing face" questions recently. Her weight has been reduced, and her facial features have also changed, causing everyone to speculate: "Did she use a knife?" Some netizens felt distressed: "Our Lusi is a little fairy, and she is beautiful even if she is not tidy!" Of course, there are also some mean voices: "The weight has been lost, the face has changed, isn't this the effect of plastic surgery?" ”

Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up
Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

Speaking of "disappearing" stars, Lou Yixiao is definitely a typical one. After "Love Apartment", she basically disappeared from the public eye. But when I came back, the change in my face was quite obvious. As soon as netizens saw her new appearance, they immediately commented: "Oh my God, is this still our Hu Yifei?" It's changed too much, isn't it? Someone questioned: "Yixiao, why did you also embark on the road of "changing your face"? However, some fans expressed their understanding: "People always have to change, and they can't always stay in the past." ”

Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up
Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

Ju Jingyi's plastic surgery is also the focus of heated discussions. From innocent to bewitching style, the frequency of this facial change is too high. Netizens were dazzled, and some said: "Oops, how did our little bow become like this?" There are also people who support her: "It's beautiful, what's wrong?" However, in the face of these frequent changes, everyone is also a little helpless.

Let's talk about Li Zonghan again, he used to be the "No. 1 student of the Republic of China", but now his face is a little unnatural. When netizens saw it, they complained: "This face is too stiff!" Someone said nostalgically: "It's still the previous Brother Zong Han who looks comfortable." Some fans also stood up: "People will get old, Brother Zong Han is still so charming!" ”

Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

Plastic surgery, in the final analysis, although it can improve appearance, the risk is not small. There are all kinds of voices on the Internet, some people like it, some people play it. Netizen "Xiaohong" said: "Plastic surgery, just moderately, don't make your mother know me." Netizen "Xiaolan" added: "Don't blindly follow the trend, what suits you is the best!" "Look, everyone's opinions are also diverse, and each has its own reason.

Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

Netizen comments

"Jin Chen has changed again this time? Oh my God, is her face a magic face, it refreshes every once in a while, and it feels like looking at her photos like opening a blind box, and I never know what the next one will look like! ”

"Jin Chen fans are passing by! I think she's getting more and more beautiful, what's wrong? Everyone has a love for beauty, anyway, I think she looks good! ”

Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

"That's true, but some celebrities are really unrecognizable. Look at Chen Qiaoen, leaving the beauty filter is like two people, Sister Qiaoen, you are so neat, fans don't dare to admit it! ”

"The years are not forgiving, and Jon is also fighting. Who makes the entertainment industry a place to look at faces? But Sister Jon, let's be natural, isn't it? Don't overdo it. ”

"When it comes to plastic surgery, the first thing that comes to my mind is Zhang Yuqi, who was originally known as 'Qiansongyi in the Mainland', and now look at it, hey, the original temperament is gone. Sister Yuqi, can you stop for a moment, let's not fix it, okay? ”

Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

"Yes, I still remember watching Zhang Yuqi in "The Mermaid", it was really beautiful, and now ...... Alas, forget it, let's not talk about it, anyway, let's wish her a happy day. ”

"Zhao Lusi has also recently become the object of plastic surgery questions, you see her weight loss, her facial features have changed so much, netizens are fried." Ruth, did you sneak up on something? ’”

"Little fairy Ruth, don't pay attention to those words, we are already very beautiful, we don't need to be too tidy. Those who say cool things are probably sour lemons. ”

"Oh, Lou Yixiao's change of face is obvious enough, how much I liked her when I watched "Love Apartment", and now that she is coming back, when I look at this face, it is really ...... What a change! ”

"Hu Yifei has become like this, and I feel that "Love Apartment" has changed its taste. However, it doesn't matter if people want to be beautiful, after all, the entertainment industry is a 'face circle'. ”

Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

"Ju Jingyi's plastic surgery is really endless, from innocent to bewitching, this face has become too frequent. The fans were dazzled, 'Xiaoju, are you hanging?' ’”

"Even if it changes, our Ju Jingyi is still the goddess in my heart! Those who hacked her were probably jealous that she was too beautiful, right? ”

"Speaking of Li Zonghan, I can't cry or laugh, I was the 'first student of the Republic of China' back then, and now my face is as stiff as a sculpture." Brother Zong Han, what's wrong with you? ’”

Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

"People get old, Brother Zong Han is still attractive, don't care too much about those changes in appearance. But ah, plastic surgery really has to be cautious, don't fix it. ”

"Plastic surgery, it's really a dilemma, it's done, it's risky; It's not neat, there is a lot of pressure on appearance in the entertainment industry. Alas, it's not easy for celebrities! ”

"Hey, let's pay more attention to our lives as ordinary people, we have watched too much celebrity plastic surgery, and I feel that I am about to become lemon essence. Again, health and nature are the most important! ”

Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

"Hahaha, everyone's comments are really funnier than the other, it seems that everyone has a lot of opinions on celebrity plastic surgery. However, in any case, we still hope that they can find the most suitable way of beauty for themselves, after all, inner beauty is eternal! ”

In short, in order to maintain beauty and youth in the entertainment industry, celebrities have to face the temptation of plastic surgery. However, plastic surgery is not a trivial matter, and it is easy to be damaged if you are not careful. I hope that everyone can be more rational and less impulsive on the road of pursuing beauty. After all, health and nature are the most important things, aren't they?

Celebrities collectively "change their faces" again! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi lit up

Finally, the comments of our netizens are also varied and exciting. Netizen "Little Green" said: "It's really distressing to watch the stars change their faces one by one! Netizen "Xiao Huang" said: "Everyone has the right to pursue beauty, as long as they are happy!" There are also netizens "Xiaobai" sighed: "Times have changed, let's change with them, but don't lose yourself." ”

In any case, on the road of plastic surgery, I hope everyone can go smoothly and find the most suitable beauty path for themselves. After all, inner beauty is eternal.

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