
Good news, the compliance of raw materials for food and health food can be quickly queried online

author:Putuo District Market Supervision Bureau


Still can't tell the difference

Are you worried about the raw materials of medicine and food?

It is also used as a raw and auxiliary material for health food

Can you use any confusion?

Also in order to allow health food claims

Is the health function directory tangled?

Still for not being able to get it in time

Worried about the latest regulatory information?

Good news, the compliance of raw materials for food and health food can be quickly queried online

Don't worry, you can pass now

China Food Raw Materials Quick Check Platform

It's a quick check with one click!

Good news, the compliance of raw materials for food and health food can be quickly queried online
Good news, the compliance of raw materials for food and health food can be quickly queried online
Good news, the compliance of raw materials for food and health food can be quickly queried online
Good news, the compliance of raw materials for food and health food can be quickly queried online

You can also scan the QR code to access

China Food Raw Materials Quick Check Platform!

Good news, the compliance of raw materials for food and health food can be quickly queried online

Contributed by: Food Production Section

Edit: Office

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