
Georgia Horoscope 7.1-7.7

author:Susan Miller constellation

Translated by Isidorus4

This week, Canadians will celebrate July 1 and Americans will celebrate July 4 – their respective national days. Luckily, this week is perfect for socializing and strengthening bonds between friends and family. (Really, not to sound patriotic.) The backdrop to these events is that the Sun and Venus are in warm, sensitive Cancer (reluctant to drop anything). The curious planet Mercury is in Leo, which will bring a high degree of drama to our speech and daily behavior. ("Oh my God!") You'll have to see this with your own eyes! At the same time, restless Mars in Taurus promotes the enjoyment of good food – in fact, it is easy to eat too much. Especially the high-quality marzipan ice cream. Of course, Jupiter will stay in Gemini for another year, and Saturn will have another year in Pisces. Read on to see what kind of future awaits you.

Translator: @橘色的羊羊公主

Family is your focus this week, especially parents. You can redecorate and entertain guests. What the family is talking about is going to be about finances, maybe about real estate or real estate speculation? In fact, you are now surprisingly calm and conservative in your consideration of spending your money, because you want your efforts to ensure good results. You especially want to protect what you have. That's why you need to be patient enough to do some careful planning before you act. You'll pay attention to details and make decisions, which will make you patient and work towards what you'll achieve in the future. You know what you're doing.

【Taurus】Translator: @berrywhy

It's been a busy, social week! Your pace will be fast, filled with excursions, chores, meetings, and conversations with neighbors, friends, family members. You'll be busy all the time! Luckily, fiery Mars in your sign will boost your energy. (This blessing only comes once every two years and lasts for about six weeks, so be grateful.) In fact, Mars will be with you for three more weeks, and one good thing this week is that life will be pleasant. You will be pleasant and relaxed with other people. You may find that your world is full of love beyond your imagination. You'll also enjoy the beauty of being around you every day. It's amazing.

Gemini Translator: @行走的柠檬红茶

With lucky Jupiter in your sign, life becomes good. For the first time in 12 years. This week, the Sun and beautiful Venus are in your house of finances, which makes you pay more attention to cash flow and income; Money in and money out; You might want to buy something special. (Venus in your house of finances will boost your interest in beautiful clothes, jewelry, art, and entertainment.) "More champagne! Let's enjoy life to the fullest! Still, this urge will be tempered by Venus' alignment with Saturn, so these purchases will likely be something that will be used for a long time and be relatively practical. It's a great time to learn and research new things; Plus, you're eager to talk to everyone. Looks fantastic!

Translator: @大祭司Vioe

The Sun is in your sign and you are in the driver's seat. You are ready to take control, and with Venus also in your sign, you will use social and charisma to achieve your goals. Mercury will promote money-making ideas and attract people to focus on what you really value in life – whether material, intellectual, or spiritual. Mercury may make you shop more than usual. It also encourages financial planning, which is not surprising since you're never careless about money. (You're a saver.) Mars will energize your energy and ego as you deal with group affairs this week. Collaborate with others to find win-win solutions. If there is a conflict, exercise can be used to vent suppressed emotions.

Leo Translator: @一瓶酱酱耶

This week Mercury is in Leo, and there is a strong desire to express yourself in the face of the world's great meow. Luckily, everyone is happy to be your listener because you put a lot of effort into what you have to say. Your brain will naturally jump from one question to another. Get out there and go on excursions to make adjustments. Now that you're a good learner, give yourself a boost and sign up for a course to learn something new or a new subject, and I know you're going to love it. At the same time, Mars is at the top of your chart, and ambition will urge you to get things done. That's good because the results will make you happy and life easier.

Virgo Translator: @来一碗梦想

You're welcome this week! Enjoy interacting with others, especially creative artists. An older acquaintance may introduce you to someone you're interested in romantically. You may also be making travel plans with someone or discussing higher education, publishing, or something related to medical or legal matters. Now there are many opportunities waiting for you, as Jupiter is at the top of your chart and its impact on your career and social status will be important (for the first time in 12 years), you are going through a period of success! Over the next 12 months, you can expect to get promoted at work, or receive some sort of public recognition or award because you are admired and recognized. (It's time for these things to happen!) )

Libra Translator: @粉色电饭煲

This week you focus on your career, social status, and reputation in the group. You may wonder if you're moving in the direction you want to go. At the same time, everyone is now noticing you and complimenting you. They are impressed with you, which is why you may be entrusted with a heavy task or empowered in some way. Don't worry, you can do it. This week is good for romance, especially with someone older or more in status. Now is also a good time to discuss wills, estates, and community property. A younger friend might come up with an interesting idea.

【Scorpio】Translator: @AppleTTT

You'll want to know the common-sense reasons for doing everything, and you'll get impatient with peers who babble on about great ideas and are prone to pompousness. Try to let your own creative imagination work a little. If you're stuck in the moment, you won't get far. This is the time of year when you look back on your beliefs and philosophy of life. Your point of view doesn't stay the same forever. You are constantly throwing away what no longer fits and accepting new information, which is also how you transform.

Sagittarius Translator: @美狸狸的好姐姐

This week you can attract money and practical help as well as the favor of others. You may also take a hard look at jointly held property and anything shared or owned with others, including getting a loan. Chances are, you'll get help from an older family member, which in turn will benefit your family and family. Of course, you're working so hard now because you want to get concrete and useful results. Despite the practical and financial focus, the travel plan is sure to appeal to you! (You know who you are.) At the same time, your closest relationships are now warm and supportive. It's a bliss.

Capricorn Translator: @阿荷的机器猫

Many of you are being amazed at the amazing progress you have made in your health and at work. In other words, your work is recognized, or you feel a sense of accomplishment and personal reward in your work. If that's not the case, it's important to note that you will be able to find a better job this year. Don't settle for the status quo. This week is also a great time to practice your craft or hone your technique, perhaps a musical instrument, an art or a sport. It will be a very fulfilling week for you, as serious discussion and focused effort will allow you to achieve something in some way. You're going to love that. When it comes to intimacy, serious discussions will go well. It's going to be a very solid week.

Aquarius Translator: @瞎逛不wen艺

This week's focus is on your work or workplace, or your health and pet ownership. These are the things that grab your attention. Of course, if you make an effort to complete the to-do list right now, you'll get considerable satisfaction from doing things well. (It's good to know that.) In fact, some of you may have a work-related relationship, perhaps with someone of a different age. In the meantime, start thinking seriously about your vacation plans for this year (or next), especially if you can include your children, as this year is a great time to improve your relationship with your children. Socializing, art and sports are the best choices for romance. (It's all interesting stuff.) Yay! They've been waiting for you – let it happen.

Pisces Translator: @AppleTTT

Over the next few weeks, you'll begin to appreciate the differences and distinctions that others consider insignificant. But it does mean that you will notice things that others have overlooked, which will be useful to you and earn you praise. Starting in the middle of the week, you will allow yourself to show a new side of your personality without hesitation without feeling sorry or embarrassed. You will put aside your concerns and express your true self and true feelings. Those who are right will give you a positive response.


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