
Investigate and manage 10 hidden dangers! Wuping Pingchuan Street has achieved remarkable results in weaving a "protective net" for geological disasters

author:Wu Ping released

Wuping Pingchuan Street: Weaving a "protective net"

The prevention and control of geological disasters has been effective

In recent years, Pingchuan Street in Wuping County has invested more than 10 million yuan to comprehensively promote the comprehensive management of 10 geological disaster hidden danger points in Xixiang Community, such as Jinzhailing, Dawoli, and Tengli in Qifang Community. In the "6.16" heavy rainstorm, these geological disaster points were not damaged and collapsed, withstood the test of wind and rain, and guarded the safety of the masses.

Investigate and manage 10 hidden dangers! Wuping Pingchuan Street has achieved remarkable results in weaving a "protective net" for geological disasters

Wang Yutong, a local resident, said, "In the past, we had a very bad landslide here, and every rainy day, I couldn't sleep at night, and I had to get up in the middle of the night to have a look." Last year, I did anti-skid treatment, and now there is no problem with heavy rain, so I can sleep at night with peace of mind, and I don't have to worry about the mountain sliding down. ”

Investigate and manage 10 hidden dangers! Wuping Pingchuan Street has achieved remarkable results in weaving a "protective net" for geological disasters

Since 2022, the Natural Resources Bureau of Lianhe County, Pingchuan Sub-district, has carried out a "dragnet" investigation of residential areas with hidden dangers such as landslides and landslides in its jurisdiction, and a total of 10 hidden danger points such as Jinzhailing and Dawoli have been identified. Through on-site investigation, and combined with the actual situation and threat degree of geological hazards, the construction of retaining walls, anchor frames, interception and drainage, arch skeleton slope protection, slope cutting and load reduction, geocell grass planting and slope protection are strengthened to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Investigate and manage 10 hidden dangers! Wuping Pingchuan Street has achieved remarkable results in weaving a "protective net" for geological disasters

Wu Liangzhen, director of the Pingchuan Street Comprehensive Convenience Service Center, said, "Last year, the County Natural Resources Bureau and our Pingchuan Street paid attention to the planning and management of small engineering packages while promoting large-scale land disaster management, and implemented two small engineering packages, 10 points, and more than 50 beneficiaries, all of which were completed with quality and quantity, which played a good preventive role in the face of this major disaster." ”

Investigate and manage 10 hidden dangers! Wuping Pingchuan Street has achieved remarkable results in weaving a "protective net" for geological disasters

Pingchuan Street continues to increase the inspection and investigation of geological hazards in its jurisdiction, comprehensively improve the construction of disaster avoidance capabilities, relieve the potential safety hazards in front of and behind the houses of the people in the jurisdiction, make every effort to weave a "protective net" for geological disasters, and write every "people's livelihood answer sheet" with heart and affection.

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