
"Procuratorial Blue" helps weave a dense safety production protection network

author:Rule of law in Linfen

June this year is the 23rd National "Safety Production Month", with the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Knows How to Respond to Emergencies - Smooth the Passage of Life". The Xiangfen County People's Procuratorate closely focused on the theme, focusing on improving the urban safety prevention system, the implementation of the "procuratorial protection enterprise", the "No. 8 Procuratorial Recommendation", and the smooth passage of life, etc., carried out special research and judgment, strengthened active performance of duties, closely linked and cooperated, carried out various forms of publicity activities with rich content, and promoted the concept of safe development and safety protection knowledge to take root among the masses through promoting governance and explaining the law with cases.

With the power of "inspection".

Compliance pre-installation helps enterprises to produce safely

"Procuratorial Blue" helps weave a dense safety production protection network

The People's Procuratorate of Xiangfen County took the lead in exploring the "Compliance Notification System for Enterprises in the Construction Field" in the city. Quan Jianwei, the chief procurator, led the post prosecutors to go deep into the construction site to carry out the "first lesson of starting work", and issued education and guidance in the form of "Common Criminal Compliance Risk Tips for Enterprise Safety Production" and posters for project managers and construction personnel, so as to help rectify and eliminate hidden dangers in a timely manner. And cooperate with the urban construction department and the person in charge of the construction site to jointly carry out pre-construction inspections, and carry out "re-examination" of the parts that may have potential safety hazards, so as to grasp the small ones as soon as possible, and grasp the signs and hidden dangers.

Legal popularization and publicity

Strengthen the awareness of safety risks among the public

"Procuratorial Blue" helps weave a dense safety production protection network

The rule of law publicity activities with the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Knows How to Respond to Emergencies - Smooth the Passage of Life" publicized the main content of the Supreme People's Procuratorate's "No. 8 Procuratorial Recommendation" and production safety laws and regulations to the masses through the establishment of consultation desks and hanging publicity banners, combined with the actual case handling and typical cases of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, to explain the law with cases, strengthen the public's risk awareness, prevent and resolve major safety risks from the source, and create a strong atmosphere in which everyone pays attention to safety, everyone participates in safety, and everyone supervises safety

In the next step, the Xiangfen County People's Procuratorate will take the "Safety Production Month" law popularization publicity activity as an opportunity to thoroughly implement the requirements of the special actions of "Procuratorial Protection of People's Livelihood" and "Procuratorate and Protection of Enterprises", give full play to its own functional advantages, further strengthen the supervision of the field of production safety, and actively help enterprises eliminate all kinds of potential safety hazards.

"Procuratorial Blue" helps weave a dense safety production protection network

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