
Beat soy milk, soybeans can not be beaten directly, 1 step is missing, no wonder it is not smooth, and there is a beany smell

author:Wenqi kitchenette

Beat soy milk, soybeans can not be beaten directly, 1 step is missing, no wonder it is not smooth, and there is a beany smell

Do you usually like to drink soy milk? In order to make my skin feel better and my condition better, I drink at least 3 times a week to supplement protein, calcium and other nutrients. Women drink more soy milk, I think it's better than drinking milk, you can try it.

Beat soy milk, soybeans can not be beaten directly, 1 step is missing, no wonder it is not smooth, and there is a beany smell

In addition to drinking it yourself, the children at home should also drink it, the nutritional value is very high, the taste is also good, and it is healthier and more hygienic than what is sold outside, and it is also made of real materials.

Sometimes I don't know what to eat for breakfast, so I have a cup of soy milk first, and with the help of the wall breaker, it will be ready in half an hour.

Beat soy milk, soybeans can not be beaten directly, 1 step is missing, no wonder it is not smooth, and there is a beany smell

Everyone is familiar with soy milk, but many people don't use the right way to beat soy milk. Many friends are confused, isn't it right, so how to deal with it? Just because there is 1 step missing, the result is easy to cause the soy milk to be unsmooth and have a beany smell.

Beat soy milk, soybeans can not be beaten directly, 1 step is missing, no wonder it is not smooth, and there is a beany smell

【Soy milk】

Ingredients: beans, water, rock sugar

1. Prepare some beans, the soybeans I use here, black beans are also OK, put them in water for cleaning, and the washed soybeans need to be soaked.

Beat soy milk, soybeans can not be beaten directly, 1 step is missing, no wonder it is not smooth, and there is a beany smell

2. Soak for at least 6 hours, so I usually wash and soak it at night, put it in the refrigerator, and take it out the next morning. Take out the beans and rinse them a little again, and then many people will choose to make soy milk directly, but I am not like this.

Beat soy milk, soybeans can not be beaten directly, 1 step is missing, no wonder it is not smooth, and there is a beany smell

3. There is still one more step to be done here: pour the beans into the pot, then bring some water, then turn on the fire and cook, boil the beans for about 5 minutes, take out one and try it, you can rub off the skin to turn off the fire, after turning off the fire, take it out while it is hot and pour it in cold water, and then rub off all the skin on the outside of the soybeans.

Beat soy milk, soybeans can not be beaten directly, 1 step is missing, no wonder it is not smooth, and there is a beany smell

4. This is to do 1 more step, so that after the soybeans are processed, if you beat the soy milk again, it will be smoother, there will be no residue, and there will be no excessive beany smell. Put the soybeans into the wall breaker, then add enough water to it, and then put a few pieces of rock sugar.

Beat soy milk, soybeans can not be beaten directly, 1 step is missing, no wonder it is not smooth, and there is a beany smell

5. Next, you can start beating soy milk, directly turn on the five grains soy milk button, if you want a shorter time, there is also a "fast mode", press the button and wait quietly, you can pour out the soy milk after you beat it, and when you pour it, you can find that there is very little okara, which is more delicate than directly soaking it. After cooling, it is fragrant and rich, full of nutrition, and there is no fishy smell.

Beat soy milk, soybeans can not be beaten directly, 1 step is missing, no wonder it is not smooth, and there is a beany smell

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