
After the fall of Gaddafi, the opposition seized one of his son's computers, and after opening it, the photos that can be called "large-scale" shocked everyone, who would have thought that Gaddafi's son would have such an alternative

author:Gu Yi History

After the fall of Gaddafi, the opposition seized one of his son's computers, and after opening it, the photos that can be called "large-scale" made everyone staggered, who would have thought that Gaddafi's son would have such an alternative fetish...

As the former "king of kings", Gaddafi was once powerful, and during his reign, he was even more unscrupulous.

Gaddafi came from a modest background, and as the only person in his family who had ever read a book, he became the leader of a country by virtue of his brilliant mind and bold deeds.

In 1969, a coup d'état lasted only half an hour, and the Idris dynasty was put to an end. As the leader of the operation, Gaddafi climbed to the top naturally. As the saying goes: a person ascends to heaven when he attains the Tao, and so does the Gaddafi family.

As soon as Muammar el-Qaddafi became the country's leader, he immediately set about putting all of his family members in key positions, consolidating his power while keeping a firm grip on the country's economy.

Qaddafi had seven sons and two daughters, each of whom played an important role in a variety of industries. The eldest son, Mohammed, has no intention of taking over, and has always controlled the Libyan telecommunications and e-mail industries, and is a low-key and wealthy man.

Perhaps by the nature of a businessman, Mohammed, immediately after the fall of Gaddafi, smelled the danger and fled to Tripoli. Although he was captured by the reactionaries, he was quickly rescued by Gaddafi's supporters and finally entered Algeria to live.

Qaddafi's second son, Saif studied in Western countries in his early years, and was deeply influenced by Western countries in his thinking. Saif was also pro-Western in the fact that after his return, he repeatedly persuaded Gaddafi to change his attitude towards Western countries.

Saif is particularly adept at dealing with the Western media and has been a diplomatic spokesman for Gaddafi. It is also rumored that Saif was also raised by Gaddafi as an heir. After the fall of Gaddafi, Saif was arrested and imprisoned several times, and was finally officially released in 2017 after six years in prison.

Saadi, the third son, is a footballer who also holds the Football Federation firmly in his hands by virtue of Gaddafi's name. When Saadi was playing, the goalkeeper did not dare to stop the ball at one point. Saadi was also an extremely headstrong prince, who once shot his coach because he was dissatisfied with him.

With the blessing of Gaddafi, Saadi, who was alcoholic, drug-addicted, indulgent and murderous, was still not punished by the law. With the outbreak of the Libyan civil war, Saadi fled Niger, but he still could not escape the end of imprisonment.

This usually arrogant and domineering prince, when his father was in trouble, instead of trying to rescue him, he escaped by himself. After he was caught, in order to suffer less flesh and skin, he even knelt down and begged for mercy. Saadi was extradited to China in 2014 and imprisoned, where he was released after more than seven years.

The fourth son, Hannibal, did not like politics and lived as a playboy all day long. He wanders around luxury places every day, and often takes his wife around the world to show off. Gaddafi's favorite son, Hannibal is in charge of the oil import and export business, the lifeblood of Libya's economy.

With a steady stream of money in his hands, Hannibal lived a life of extreme luxury. Assaulting others, slapping the consul of his own consulate, drunk driving and speeding, etc., Hannibal has escaped sanctions again and again with money and Gaddafi.

When the Libyan reactionaries dug out Hannibal's computer, it was the extravagant photos inside that revealed the luxurious life of Hannibal and even the Gaddafi family. After the fall of Gaddafi, Hannibal lived in exile for four years and was eventually imprisoned in a Lebanese prison.

The fifth son, Mutasim, has long been regarded as Gaddafi's successor, and he is the proudest of all these sons. Mutasim has always stood by Gaddafi's side, not only protecting Gaddafi's security, but also participating in the core decision-making of major national issues.

Mutasim is like a Libyan conservative with a very different attitude from Saif Saif's pro-Western. After the outbreak of the civil war, Mutahim fought alongside Gaddafi and was defeated and died in Sirte along with Gaddafi.

Sixth son Saif. The Arab lived abroad for many years and later died in a NATO airstrike. The seventh son, Khamis, joined the army and was in charge of one of Gaddafi's descendants. After the outbreak of civil strife in Libya, died in battle.

Gaddafi, who was once known as the lion of the Middle East, led the entire family because of his rise, and because of the fall of Gaddafi, the entire Gaddafi family members died and fled, which is really embarrassing.

After the fall of Gaddafi, the opposition seized one of his son's computers, and after opening it, the photos that can be called "large-scale" shocked everyone, who would have thought that Gaddafi's son would have such an alternative
After the fall of Gaddafi, the opposition seized one of his son's computers, and after opening it, the photos that can be called "large-scale" shocked everyone, who would have thought that Gaddafi's son would have such an alternative
After the fall of Gaddafi, the opposition seized one of his son's computers, and after opening it, the photos that can be called "large-scale" shocked everyone, who would have thought that Gaddafi's son would have such an alternative

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