
Is it better to get true love in an arranged marriage? Jian'an District successfully mediated a matrimonial dispute in the mediation

Is it better to get true love in an arranged marriage? Jian'an District successfully mediated a matrimonial dispute in the mediation

In this era of rapid development, we have witnessed the rapid development of science and technology and the continuous progress of society, however, in some corners, some traditional concepts are still deeply rooted, the most significant of which is arranged marriage. What is an arranged marriage? It refers to the marriage that is not based on a voluntary union, but is forcibly arranged for them by a third party (generally parents) in violation of the principle of freedom of marriage, which existed in the feudal period of the mainland. In 1950, the mainland promulgated the Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China, which explicitly prohibits arranged marriages, buying and selling marriages, and other acts that interfere with the freedom of marriage.

Arranged marriages not only deprive young people of their right to choose their own partners, but also invisibly bring them huge psychological pressure and constraints. This is not the case that the Litigation and Mediation Center of Jian'an District of Xuchang City has successfully mediated an arranged marriage, resolved the contradictions and disputes between the two parties to the marriage, promoted social harmony, and spread it as a good story.

Is it better to get true love in an arranged marriage? Jian'an District successfully mediated a matrimonial dispute in the mediation

Brief facts of the case:

The case involved a property dispute over the marriage contract between Ma and Lu. Ma Moumou and Lu Moumou held a marriage ceremony in December 2022 according to rural customs, but did not register their marriage.

Before the marriage ceremony, Ma Moumou gave Lu Moumou a dowry, and the three gold expenses totaled more than 150,000 yuan. During the marriage, due to various trivial matters that led to great conflicts between the two families, the two also lived apart for a long time, because life was really unbearable, Ma Moumou filed a lawsuit with the court, demanding that Lu Moumou return the bride price in full.

Mediation process:

After receiving the case, it was found that the two parties did not have a deep relationship between the man and the woman during the period of living together, and basically the parents of both parties were in an arranged marriage, although they had been married for 2 years, the plaintiff had been out of town, and the woman had only lived in the man's house for about 10 days, because of the lack of emotional foundation before marriage, the man and woman had not been "husband and wife", and they were silently waiting for the end of the marriage, and the original defendant had always been indifferent to each other, and there was no other party in his heart. They are all living in their parents' homes.

For a long time, the plaintiff's mother did not agree, as a daughter-in-law, she did not live in her mother-in-law's house for a long time, and did not enter the house during the New Year and holidays. The defendant's mother also said that your son was not at home for a long time and did not come back, what did the child do when he went back, the parents of both sides began to fight with each other, and even to the point of doing something when they met, and the plaintiff's mother filed a lawsuit with the Jian'an District Court of Xuchang City in a fit of anger.....

Patiently listen to some of the problems in their lives, the conflicts in the marriage, first express their agreement, give advice on the marital conflicts between the two parties between family and marriage, and tell them the story of the case in a big parable to alleviate their antagonistic emotions, after three days of face-to-face communication, both parties can accept the mediator's way of dealing with it, and finally they reached an agreement, the plaintiff agreed to return all the items such as the quilt sent by the defendant, but in the specific way to perform, the defendant did not pay according to three times for the sake of anger, and the plaintiff's mother did not agreeIn order to calm them down and avoid the original defendant's mood swings, they did not communicate, so they let both parties go back to rest first, and wait until further notice at the arranged time.

Is it better to get true love in an arranged marriage? Jian'an District successfully mediated a matrimonial dispute in the mediation

During this period, the mediator has done work for the defendant's mother many times, since we want to dissolve the marriage contract, then don't be angry, once it was also the dearest and most beloved two families, and now it is not the result that the two families want to see, since the matter has come to this point, both parties have taken a step back, and resolved it amicably, the plaintiff will return all the items of your quilt and quilt cover at one time, and you will also pay the bride price of 100,000 yuan to the plaintiff at one time, the case will be successfully resolved, and the girl can also start a new life as soon as possible, through the mediator's serious persuasion, The parties finally reached an agreement and successfully returned their respective belongings and cash, and the marriage property dispute finally ended in a handshake.

Is it better to get true love in an arranged marriage? Jian'an District successfully mediated a matrimonial dispute in the mediation
Is it better to get true love in an arranged marriage? Jian'an District successfully mediated a matrimonial dispute in the mediation

Implications of the case:

Arranged marriages are not eliminated overnight. It is deeply ingrained in many families and societies and requires our long-term efforts and persistence to achieve the goal of ultimate elimination. May all handsome men and women in marriage and love "hold the hand of the son and grow old with the son"......

Is it better to get true love in an arranged marriage? Jian'an District successfully mediated a matrimonial dispute in the mediation

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