
On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

author:Big-headed hunting

Now the dog days are getting closer and closer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and it is also the season of the most "body cold", because at this time, the body will be more weak and cold, and the yang energy is also insufficient.

Especially for female friends, during menstruation, it is easy to lose qi and blood, and the weather is hot, and some cold diseases and deficiency diseases that have accumulated will appear, such as backache and irregular menstruation, which will be more serious.

On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

As the saying goes: "Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, don't work for doctors to prescribe medicine", since ancient times, there is a saying that "ginger cures all diseases", at this time, 10 bowls of mung bean soup is not as good as a bowl of it, it is recommended to have a cup every morning, drain moisture, relieve heat and heat, eat early and benefit early.

What we are talking about here is "ginger jujube tea", which can not only warm the spleen, improve digestion, but also help the rise of yang qi, promote yang and disperse cold, in line with the health principle of "summer yang", the role of ginger jujube tea can not be underestimated, it can not only replenish qi and blood, but also regulate yin and yang.

On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

This practice is originated from the classic of "medical saint Zhang Zhongjing", it seems to be very simple, but it is particular to do, we should also pay attention to a few points when we drink, if you drink it wrong, not only does it not maintain health, but also hurts the body.

For example, after 12 o'clock at noon, it is not recommended to drink, and there are friends who are pregnant, menstrual period, and easy to get angry, do not drink ginger jujube tea, and finally there is one point that everyone is easy to ignore, if there is a wound in the body, do not drink ginger jujube tea, let's see how I do it.

On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

1. Ginger

Recommended recipe: ginger jujube tea

Main ingredients: 250 grams of red dates, 100 grams of ginger, 100 grams of brown sugar

Here's how:

On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

1. Prepare 200 grams of red dates, pour them into a large bowl, pour in a spoonful of flour and some baking soda, then pour in water, wash off the impurities and dust on the surface with your hands, wash it several times, drain the water and set aside.

On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

2. Then, put the jujube on the board, roll back and forth on the jujube with a rolling pin a few times, you can easily take out the jujube core, and after taking out the jujube core, cut it into diced jujubes, so that the nutrients in the jujube can be fully released.

On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

3. Next, pour the diced red dates into the pot, then pour in the water that has submerged the red dates, stir it with a spoon, then cover it with a lid and cook it for about 20 minutes.

On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

4. Prepare some ginger, wet it with water, pour in edible salt, rub the ginger skin several times with salt, use the friction of salt to rub off the impurities and bacteria on the ginger, wash it, change it to cut it into minced ginger, and put it aside for later use.

On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

5. At this time, the red dates are also boiled soft and rotten, pour it into a wok, then add the chopped ginger, about 100 grams, then pour in 100 grams of brown sugar, stir it evenly with a spatula, and after smoothing, boil over high heat to collect the juice.

On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

6. After starting to collect the juice, keep stir-frying with a shovel, stir-fry until the shovel is up, if it will fall off, it means that there is still moisture, then you need to continue to stir-fry until there is resistance, sticky shovel, if it does not fall for a long time, there is no moisture, and it can be kept for a longer time.

On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

7. Prepare a waterless and oil-free bottle, put the cool ginger jujube paste into it, then tighten the lid, put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate, drink a cup for breakfast or in the morning, and be full of energy all day.

On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

8. When drinking, scoop a spoonful into the cup, then pour boiling water to brew and brew, a ginger jujube tea is ready, the ginger jujube tea that comes out of this way must be drunk while it is hot, interested friends, quickly collect it and try it.

On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup are not as good as a bowl of it, and a cup is taken every morning to expel moisture and relieve heat

Conclusion: On dog days, 10 bowls of mung bean soup is not as good as a bowl of it, it is recommended to have a cup every morning to drain moisture, relieve heat and heat, and eat early to benefit.

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