
【Health Science】Mung bean soup is wrong and hurts the body, these 4 types of people should pay attention!

author:Healthy Linyi
【Health Science】Mung bean soup is wrong and hurts the body, these 4 types of people should pay attention!

Mung bean soup is a good summer reliever, it has a fragrant taste and a refreshing taste. Some friends even drink every day.

As everyone knows, mung bean soup, as a heat-relieving drink, is not suitable for everyone because of its cold nature, and improper drinking will also lead to weaker and weaker bodies.

The drinking of mung bean soup is contraindicated

Women who are menstruating should not drink it

During menstruation, women's bodies are in a state of blood loss, and drinking too much mung bean soup with a cold taste can easily lead to qi stagnation and blood stasis, causing abdominal pain or aggravating dysmenorrhea.

Those who are weak and cold should not drink it

If you eat a large amount of mung bean soup, it will not only aggravate the discomfort symptoms, but also may reduce the immunity of the digestive system and cause other health problems.

People with poor digestion should not drink it

Mung beans contain high levels of protein, which need to be converted into small molecule peptides and amino acids under the action of enzymes before they can be absorbed by the body.

People with weak digestion can hardly digest mung bean protein in a short time, which can easily cause discomfort such as bloating and diarrhea.

People who are taking medication should not drink it

Mung bean itself is a traditional Chinese medicine, if you suffer from external wind heat, summer heat and internal invasion and other hot diseases, when taking traditional Chinese medicine and then take mung bean soup appropriately, there is a complementary effect.

However, if people with symptoms such as weak gastrointestinal tract, limb soreness, general chills, cold pain in the waist and legs, diarrhea and other symptoms should abstain from eating mung beans when taking traditional Chinese medicine, otherwise, it will not only reduce the efficacy of the drug, but also aggravate the condition.

In addition, for some elderly people with chronic diseases such as "three highs", due to the regular daily use of therapeutic drugs, the consumption of mung beans should not exceed 10 grams / day, and the interval between taking medicine should be more than 2 hours.

What are the precautions for cooking mung bean soup?


Do not cook mung bean soup in an iron pot

The flavonoids and metal ions in mung bean skin may form darker complexes that make the color of mung bean soup black and difficult to digest.


Don't add alkali when cooking mung bean soup

Edible alkali can wreak havoc on the vitamin B in mung beans, resulting in nutrient loss.

If you want to make the soup sticky, consider adding a small amount of oatmeal or glutinous rice to "thicken".


Mung bean soup should not be drunk every day

Mung bean soup should not be drunk every day, and adults generally drink it 2 to 3 times a week, one bowl each time.

When children start eating porridge at the age of 2 to 3, they can add some mung beans in moderation. After the age of 6, it can only be consumed as an adult.


Don't overdo mung bean soup

The oligosaccharides contained in mung beans are easy to make people flatulent, and mung beans are indigestible foods, and excessive drinking is easy to damage the spleen and stomach.


The effect of mung bean soup is different depending on the heat of boiling mung bean soup.

Generally speaking, if you just want to cool off, it is not advisable to cook for a long time, about 10 minutes, so that the soup boiled out is green in color and relatively clear.

There is no need to eat the beans together when drinking, it can achieve a good effect of cooling off.

If the detoxifying effects of mung beans are needed, it is best to boil the beans to rot.

This kind of mung bean soup has a turbid color and poor heatstroke effect, but it has a stronger heat-clearing and detoxifying effect.

Because it has the effect of diuretic gas, drinking it after food or drug poisoning can play a role in excreting toxins from the body.

Source: CCTV Life Circle

【Health Science】Mung bean soup is wrong and hurts the body, these 4 types of people should pay attention!

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【Health Science】Mung bean soup is wrong and hurts the body, these 4 types of people should pay attention!

Editor: Zhu Yiying Reviewer: Liu Zhiguo

Editor-in-Chief: Liu Dong

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