
The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

author:Shi Mingjun's heart


It's outrageous, I've heard of smoking and drinking addiction, but I haven't heard of drinking gasoline and eating pesticides "addicted"!

In 2006, there was a strange news in Heilongjiang that the aunt used gasoline as a "delicacy" and drank tons of gasoline for more than ten years, but the magic is that she is like no one.

Could it be that this person is not mentally normal, how can anyone be "hooked" with drinking gasoline?

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Later, when there was no gasoline, she even ate the pesticide "666 powder" as a "snack", and in just a few years, she ate 130 kilograms!

However, it is unbelievable that after the peasant woman eats it, she is still safe and sound, and there is no sign of poisoning, what is going on?

Could it be that there are really people in this world who are invincible?

In the end, the truth is revealed, and the ending is unexpected.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of information has not been marked in the article, please be aware.

A northeastern peasant woman who is addicted to drinking gasoline and diesel

A person is "invincible", in most people's impressions, it is often seen in TV series or martial arts novels, however, who would have thought that in real life, there seems to be such a person!

This incident happened in a village in Daqing City, Heilongjiang, and the heroine of the incident was named Cheng Shumei.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Duan Yu eats "reckless clams" and practices the body of "inviolable by all poisons".

When reporter Guo Dengpan met her, Cheng Shumei was in her 40s.

She has the unique heartiness of Northeast people, and she always talks to people one after another, on the surface, she doesn't look like a "strange woman" at all, the following picture is Cheng Shumei.

Not only us, but even Guo Dengpan at that time saw her for the first time, and thought that Cheng Shumei was a normal peasant woman.

Later, he entered Cheng Shumei's house and looked around, but he didn't see any bottle of gasoline, and the reporter couldn't help but wonder at that time, since Cheng Shumei often drinks gasoline, why can't he see a bottle of gasoline and can't smell the smell of gasoline?

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Who knows, before he could doubt for long, Cheng Shumei solved the mystery by herself, only to see her take out a bucket of black gelatinous material from a grocery store.

When he first saw this, the reporter was a little surprised, and it wasn't until he listened to Cheng Shumei's explanation that he suddenly realized.

It turns out that that thing is not gasoline and diesel, but the soil refining of Daqing, Heilongjiang, what is the soil refining of oil?

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

You must know that Daqing, Heilongjiang is a famous oil producing area in the mainland, and the famous Daqing oil field is there.

At the beginning of the 21st century, when materials were relatively scarce, many people in the local area would choose to dig a big pit, build a large stove, add some linoleum paper, and then try to refine some usable fuel tar.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Although these oils are of poor quality and have many impurities, they are "a penny, a penny", and the price is also cheap compared to other oils, so they have also become a common oil for local rural tractors.

(This thing is rare now, because the survival process of soil refining is simple, it is prone to accidents, and a large number of toxic and harmful gases will be produced in the process of soil refining, and its concentration is very high, which is easy to pose a serious threat to the surrounding residents.)

Therefore, our country has long strictly banned the refining of this "illegal oil refining", and everyone must not try and make mistakes. )

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

After the introduction, Cheng Shumei also drank soil refining oil in front of reporters.

Good fellow, you see, she tastes like she's eating some kind of "human delicacy", which is an exaggeration!

According to common sense, ordinary people don't like gasoline, let alone drink gasoline and diesel, so how did Cheng Shumei "hook" it?

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

This can be traced back to Cheng Shumei's childhood, according to Cheng Shumei, she has been "different from ordinary people" since she was a child, others hate to smell pungent smelling gases, but she likes it very much!

Later, when she grew up, because her hometown was in Daqing, Cheng Shumei also did a lot of work related to gasoline and diesel, which made her "form a deep fate" with gasoline. ”

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Of course, at first, she just liked gasoline with a pungent smell, but then she smelled it and somehow she had a whim, and was a little curious about what they smelled like.

So, one day in 1990, she secretly drank a sip of gasoline while others were not paying attention.

It doesn't matter if you take a sip, but the problem is that Cheng Shumei seems to be "addicted"!

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Since then, she has to drink a sip of gasoline almost every day, and if she doesn't drink it, she will be "itchy", in Cheng Shumei's words, "It's okay to smoke without smoking for a day, but it's okay to drink gasoline and diesel for a day!" ”

It should be noted that at that time, Cheng Shumei also knew that her behavior was weird, so most of them secretly drank diesel.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

never thought that after a long time, her family and friends still discovered her "secret".

Later, this strange incident spread to Shili Eight Villages, and slowly rumors gradually rose, some people thought that she was crazy, and some people thought that Cheng Shumei had "special functions".

So, does Cheng Shumei really have "unknown superpowers"?

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Experts answer questions

In order to answer this question, the reporter took Cheng Shumei to find relevant experts, but the experts pointed out like this:

Cheng Shumei suffers from iron deficiency anemia, which is one of the causes of her pica, coupled with her childhood cognitive defects, but she failed to stop her behavior in time, and no one reminded her, so it caused a vicious circle and finally led to a situation of "addiction".
The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Knowing such a result, the reporter was a little curious.

According to Cheng Shumei, she has been drinking gasoline since she was young, drinking almost 200 grams a day. In this way, in more than ten years, Cheng Shumei drank at least a ton, and gasoline contains the carcinogen "benzene", so does gasoline have no effect on her body?

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Qilu Evening News, November 6, 2006

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

With questions, the reporter and Cheng Shumei went to the hospital for an examination, and the miraculous thing is that the results of the doctor's diagnosis really showed that everything was normal!

However, the doctor also advised Cheng Shumei at that time not to continue to eat diesel.

Cheng Shumei didn't say anything about this, but when she got home, she really didn't seem to drink gasoline, which made her family feel a lot more at ease, but this doesn't mean that the matter is over, just because Cheng Shumei made another amazing move!

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Within a few days, the family found out that Cheng Shumei stopped drinking gasoline, but began to eat "666 powder" as a snack.

What is "666 powder"? It is an organochlorine pesticide invented by the mainland in the 50s of the last century, and before the 80s, it was widely used in agricultural production and family life.

Later, because it is not easy to degrade, and it is highly toxic, and even poses a serious threat to health, many countries banned this pesticide, and even the mainland stopped producing it in 1983.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Cheng Shumei actually took the "666 powder" that everyone avoids as a snack, which is simply deadly!

We can see that Cheng Shumei is eating "666 powder" below, and it seems that she is quite "enjoying".

So, how exactly did she come up with eating pesticides?

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

In fact, Cheng Shumei started eating pesticides a long time ago, around the time of 2000.

At that time, Cheng Shumei's husband went out to work, and the family's tractor "stopped".

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

At first, she was able to get some gasoline from her neighbors, but later, the villagers gradually refused to help her because they were afraid that she would have a problem with her drinking.

After that, Cheng Shumei was like "losing her soul", and she couldn't do anything, except for one thing, pesticides.

At that time, she used pesticides almost every day, and she liked to smell pesticides, and it was okay to use pesticides, but after a long time, there was a problem.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

According to Cheng Shumei, one day in 2000, she was playing pesticides and "666 powder", and she "made a mistake" when she smelled it, so she stopped and ate a bite of "666 powder", and after that, she was out of control.

At first, she was also worried that she would be poisoned, but when Cheng Shumei found that she didn't seem to feel anything at all, and later she went to the hospital for examination, and the results showed that everything was normal.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Therefore, she became bolder, and ate at least 100 grams of "666 powder" a day, if it is calculated according to 6 years, then Cheng Shumei has eaten almost 130 kilograms!

Oh my God, 130 kilograms of highly toxic pesticides are in the stomach, it's unimaginable.

Hearing such news, the reporter was also surprised, and at the same time couldn't help but be a little curious, so he took Cheng Shumei to do many inspections.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

At first, they went to the hospital, and the hospital even organized an examination team for this miraculous case, but the results still showed that Cheng Shumei's indicators were normal, and even no residual toxins were found in her blood.

Could this be that Cheng Shumei is really a "strange woman" who is "invincible to all poisons"?

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

The reporter who "does not believe in evil" once again took Cheng Shumei to the Heilongjiang Pesticide Identification Station.

This time, the truth has finally been found, what is the truth?

The experts at the appraisal station told them that the pesticide Cheng Shumei ate was indeed "666 powder", but because the pesticide had expired for more than ten years, the toxicity had weakened a lot.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

After so many days, it turned out that Cheng Shumei was not "invasive", and here, the mystery of the Northeast peasant woman's "inviolation" was also revealed.

So, what happened to Cheng Shumei later?

Later, she did a targeted examination, and it was found that "pica" also made her pay a heavy price, and long-term drinking of diesel fuel and consumption of "666 powder" not only caused her endocrine disorders, but also caused serious gynecological diseases.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

And if you want to change the condition, you can only quit "pica", what is "pica"?

It mainly refers to a disease of a particular fetish that gradually develops in infants and children during the process of eating.

In the end, with the support of doctors and family, Cheng Shumei received detoxification treatment and successfully reduced the symptoms of pica.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Although we don't know the specific situation of Cheng Shumei now, we can guess from the ending that maybe she has returned to her normal life now.


Although Cheng Shumei's case is just an example, it also reminds everyone that we must pay attention to the family situation, especially some children, whose eating habits must be cultivated from an early age, and healthy eating habits are very important.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

If there are children with "pica" symptoms, we should not only help the child to adjust as much as possible, but also take the child to the doctor in time, knowing that some things are "a thousand miles of embankment, collapse in the anthill", and small things may also cause serious consequences.

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

Indian man pica, eats bricks

If you have anything to say about this, you are welcome to express your opinions!

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth
The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

CCTV-10 "Approaching Science", released on October 27, 2006

The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth
The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth
The aunt in the Northeast is "invasive", and she has eaten 130 kilograms of pesticides for 6 years and is safe and sound, and the doctor reveals the truth

The sources in this article are from:

1. "Baidu Encyclopedia - Heterophilia (pica)";

2. Heilongjiang Peasant Women's Strange Eating Fetish: From Drinking Gasoline to Eating Highly Toxic Pesticides (2), CCTV-10, "Approaching Science", released on October 27, 2006;

3. "A Peasant Woman in Daqing, Heilongjiang Province Becomes Addicted to Drinking Gasoline and Eating Pesticides", Qilu Evening News, November 6, 2006;

4. "Heilongjiang Village Women Are Addicted to Highly Toxic Pesticides and Like to Drink Gasoline and Diesel",, July 7, 2006;

5. "Peasant Women Suffer from Pica and Drink Gasoline and Eat Pesticides (Picture)" Public Network-Qilu Evening News, published on October 8, 2006, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

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