
Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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Hey, when it comes to eating, many people probably think that it's good to eat some potatoes every day, right? Potatoes are not only cheap, but also have a variety of preparations, whether they are stews, stir-fries or soups, they can make a table full of flavor and flavor.

But you know what? Although potatoes may seem ordinary, they can be very beneficial to our health. First of all, potatoes are a good thing, they are rich in vitamin C and B vitamins, as well as potassium, which is a good antioxidant food. You see, we are usually worried about aging, or cardiovascular diseases, and eating more potatoes can really help us fight off these diseases.

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

In addition, the dietary fiber and minerals in potatoes are good helpers to promote digestion and help gastrointestinal health. But, having said that, eating potatoes is not without pride. If you do it wrong, good things can turn bad.

For example, if the potato strips are fried and eaten, it is not recommended. We all know that eating too much fried food is not good for the body, especially cardiovascular. Moreover, frying will also destroy the vitamins in potatoes and reduce their nutritional value. Therefore, we try to choose the way to cook potatoes by steaming or boiling, which not only retains the nutrients, but also avoids excess oil.

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

Eggplant, too, is a good thing, but it also depends on how you eat it. Eggplant has a lot of vitamin P in it, which helps us fight off microvascular bleeding, especially for those who are prone to nosebleeds or bleeding gums. Moreover, eggplant also has the function of lowering cholesterol, and eating some eggplant is also good for regulating blood lipids.

However, eggplant is also particular about eating, try not to fry it, because eggplant is an "oil bee", especially easy to absorb oil. After sucking a lot of oil, no matter how good the eggplant is, the nutrition is also "drowned" by the oil.

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

Therefore, a healthy way to eat can try grilled eggplant or stewed eggplant, which can not only retain nutrients, but also avoid too much fat. In short, whether it is potatoes or eggplants, they have their own nutritional value and health benefits.

But the key is to see how we eat, and if we eat in the right way, health will follow. Remember, eating healthily is important! Moreover, everyone's physical condition is different, and the choice of food and the way to eat it should be determined according to one's own health status. In this way, you can truly enjoy your food and maintain your health at the same time.

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

Potatoes and eggplant, two foods that are very common in our daily diet, but their effects on patients with hyperlipidemia are an issue that needs to be carefully explored.

When it comes to potatoes, many people may not know that although they are a great source of carbohydrates, proper consumption of potatoes actually has a positive effect on blood lipid management. First of all, the dietary fiber rich in potatoes can help regulate blood sugar and lower cholesterol levels.

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

Dietary fiber is not digested and absorbed in the intestines, and it is able to bind to fats in food, reducing fat absorption, thereby helping to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels in the blood.

The potassium contained in potatoes can help regulate blood pressure and is very beneficial for cardiovascular health. Potassium can fight the effects of sodium, reduce the negative effects of sodium in the body, and play a key role in maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system. However, the health effects of potatoes are closely related to their cooking methods and consumption amounts.

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

If you regularly eat fried potatoes or mashed potatoes with a lot of cream, butter and other high-fat seasonings, then these habits can significantly increase the risk of heart disease and hyperlipidemia.

When eggplant absorbs too much fat during cooking, its potential to become a high-fat food is greatly increased, which is detrimental to people trying to control blood lipids. Like potatoes, the health effects of eggplant are also highly dependent on how they are prepared and cooked. It is recommended that patients with hyperlipidemia choose roasted eggplant or add it to soup, which can maximize the nutritional value of eggplant and avoid excessive oil.

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

In summary, potatoes and eggplant are both foods that can be included in the diet of people with hyperlipidemia, but the key is to be mindful of how they are cooked and how much they are served.

Choosing healthy cooking methods and controlling the amount of food you eat allows these two foods to play their positive role in regulating blood lipids and promoting cardiovascular health. Patients can effectively manage their blood lipid levels and maintain overall health while enjoying these delicious treats.

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

When it comes to controlling blood lipids, people usually think of reducing the intake of high-fat, high-salt, and high-sugar foods, but few people know that in addition to these common foods, there are also some specific foods that seem harmless but are actually extremely challenging for blood lipid control.

Here, we are going to expose some hidden "culprits", these foods are not easily detected in the daily diet, but for patients with hyperlipidemia, they should indeed be limited or even avoided. First, let's talk about refined grains. Refined grains, such as white bread, white rice, or other dehulled and deembryonic food products, are consumed in large quantities because they are found readily available.

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

But the problem is that the fiber of these refined grains is drastically reduced, and they are quickly converted into sugar, causing blood sugar and insulin levels to rise rapidly. This drastic change will lead to an increase in fat synthesis in the body, and cholesterol levels will also rise, which is a great test for blood lipids.

This is followed by frozen desserts such as ice cream, frozen yogurt, etc. While it may seem innocuous to reward yourself with a small serving of ice cream once in a while, it's best to avoid these foods for people who need to keep their blood lipids under tight control.

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

There is also a category of foods that are tropical fruits, such as coconut, durian, etc. Although these fruits are delicious and nutritious, they are higher in fat, especially coconut, which is rich in saturated fat. Although it is not necessary to avoid it completely, patients with hyperlipidemia should appropriately limit the intake of these fruits.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the variety of processed meats, which are not only high in salt, but also rich in saturated fats and chemicals added to meat processing, such as nitrites, which are to be avoided by people with hyperlipidemia. Their preservation and flavor enhancement additives during processing may negatively affect cardiovascular health, especially in lipid management.

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

Understanding these "hidden pitfalls" is essential for effectively managing blood lipid levels in weekday dietary choices. Replacing these foods with whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, and unprocessed meats can not only help maintain healthy blood lipid levels, but also improve overall dietary quality.

While this dietary modification may seem challenging, it is actually a healthy lifestyle change that everyone can implement gradually. Understanding the nature of food and its profound effects on the body will be an important step towards a healthier life.

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things

What do you think about hyperlipidemia? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things


[1] Liu Guodong. Correlation between apolipoprotein gene polymorphisms and blood lipid levels in the longevity of the elderly in Zhongxiang, Hubei Province, Chinese Journal of Gerontology, 2017-06-25

Are potatoes and eggplants "catalysts" for blood lipids? Warning: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, eat less of these things


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