
As soon as this plate of potato roasted pork ribs came out of the pot, the children next door were crying

author:Fat and skinny food safety circle

Roasted pork ribs with potatoes, this is a classic home-cooked dish, whether it is in the streets and alleys of the north or in the deep alleys of the south, it can be found. It can not only satisfy people's appetites, but also provide rich nutrition, and is deeply loved by everyone. Today, let's talk about how to make this delicious dish.

First of all, we need to prepare the ingredients: fresh ribs and potatoes; Ingredients: green onion, ginger, star anise, bay leaf, cinnamon, dried chili; Seasoning: cooking wine, soybean paste, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, rock sugar.

As soon as this plate of potato roasted pork ribs came out of the pot, the children next door were crying

The first step is to put the pork ribs in a pot under cold water, put in a little cooking wine, boil the pot for three to five minutes, remove them, and rinse them with warm water.

Then heat the oil in the pot, fry the pork ribs to get rid of the water vapor in the ribs, then add small ingredients to fry in the pot until fragrant, add two spoons of soybean paste, put in a little cooking wine, light soy sauce, a little dark soy sauce and stir-fry to color, pour in boiling water and cover the ingredients, open the lid for three or five minutes, be sure to open the lid for three or five minutes to run away from the fishy smell of meat, pour it into the pressure cooker and time it for about 8 minutes.

As soon as this plate of potato roasted pork ribs came out of the pot, the children next door were crying
As soon as this plate of potato roasted pork ribs came out of the pot, the children next door were crying

Finally, heat the oil in the pot, put in the potato pieces, fry the potatoes until the skin is slightly charred and colored, add the pressed pork ribs with the soup to the potato pot, add a little salt, monosodium glutamate to taste, add two rock sugars, cover the lid and continue to simmer for 15 minutes. Finally, sprinkle a little chopped green onion, so that a delicious potato roasted pork ribs is out of the pot, and the color and flavor are complete.

This kind of grilled pork ribs, suitable for all ages, is really a classic dish worth making, and children especially like it.

As soon as this plate of potato roasted pork ribs came out of the pot, the children next door were crying
As soon as this plate of potato roasted pork ribs came out of the pot, the children next door were crying

Original: Fat and Skinny Food Safety Circle

2024: Issue 100

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