
Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

author:Möngke talks about health

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When it comes to the benefits of eating jujube for the liver, this is actually quite an interesting topic. Do you know that jujube has a long history in China, which is not only a common ingredient, but also a commonly used medicinal material in traditional Chinese medicine. Especially for liver health, jujube really has some effect.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

First of all, I have to say that the liver is a busy person in our body, mainly responsible for detoxification, metabolism or something, in a word, busy! And jujubes, this thing is rich in nutrients, especially vitamins C and B, which have a very good protective effect on the liver.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps the liver defend against external chemicals and environmental stressors, and promotes the repair of liver cells. Complex B also plays an important role in helping liver function and participates in many metabolic processes.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

Moreover, there is a special antioxidant in jujube, which can effectively reduce oxidative stress on the liver. This is simply good news for friends who often work overtime and stay up late, or have irregular lives.

Although it has many benefits, if you have liver insufficiency, such as severe hepatitis or cirrhosis, eating more jujube at this time may increase the burden on the liver, because anything in excess may be converted into stress on the body.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

So, what I want to say is that although jujube is good, it is not a panacea. Do you think, if the three meals a day are irregular and staying up late becomes the norm, no amount of jujube can save this liver. It's all about balance, which is the king of maintaining liver health.

In addition, there are many other foods and habits in life that can also support liver health, such as drinking alcohol in moderation, avoiding high-fat foods, and eating more fruits and vegetables. These are all good habits that help keep our liver in tip-top shape.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

Jujube is indeed a good thing, but the key is to take it in moderation, combined with healthy lifestyle habits, in order to truly exert its protective effect on the liver. Don't forget, staying curious and learning to learn more about health is always beneficial to us.

Let's talk about the effects of jujube on liver health, especially from some perspectives that are not often discussed. Generally speaking, it is well known that jujube can replenish blood and calm the nerves, but its specific role in maintaining and improving liver health, as well as the scientific basis for it, may not be so well known.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

Jujube is rich in a variety of trace elements and vitamins that are beneficial to the liver, the most important of which are vitamin C and vitamin P. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce the free radicals produced by the liver during metabolism, which are responsible for cell aging and tissue damage.

Vitamin P (also known as bioflavonoids) can enhance the effect of vitamin C, while helping to strengthen the blood vessel wall and reduce inflammation, which is especially important to prevent cirrhosis from progressing to liver failure.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

In addition, the content of minerals such as iron and zinc in jujube should not be ignored. Iron is essential for hematopoiesis, and the liver is one of the main organs that store iron.

A moderate intake of jujube can help replenish the iron needed by the liver, thereby promoting blood health and indirectly supporting liver function. Zinc is essential for the normal function of the liver, and it is involved in a variety of biological processes such as protein synthesis and enzyme activation, which contribute to liver repair and regeneration.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

Further, the polysaccharides in jujube are also an aspect of its beneficial liver health. To a certain extent, this provides a more favorable internal environment for the liver to resist various external intrusions and internal pressures.

Jujube is indeed a food with high nutritional value and many positive effects on the liver. However, how to properly use jujube in the daily diet to support liver health needs to be adjusted according to the individual's health status and specific needs.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

While you're concerned about your liver health, it's just as important to know which foods you should eat less or avoid. Many people may know that greasy or overly sweet foods are bad for the liver, but in addition to these obvious facts, there are also foods that may not be mentioned as often, and their impact on liver health cannot be ignored.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

The first thing to mention is certain fruits, especially those that are rich in sugar and certain acids. Citrus fruits, for example, are rich in vitamin C and may seem to have great health benefits, but for those with hepatitis or other liver problems, high-acid foods may irritate the liver and increase the burden on the liver.

In addition, certain organic acids and aromatic compounds in citrus fruits may not be easily metabolized in the setting of liver disease, triggering or exacerbating liver inflammation.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

This is followed by fruits that are high in fructose, such as persimmons, grapes, etc. Although they are delicious, foods high in fructose are primarily processed by the liver during metabolism, and excessive intake can overburden the liver, potentially causing fatty liver disease or exacerbating pre-existing liver disease. This is because fructose is metabolized and quickly converted into fat, which is stored in the liver, and long-term ingestion in large amounts may lead to liver cell damage.

Another group of foods that should be consumed in moderation are vegetables high in nitrates, such as spinach and beets. These vegetables are rich in nitrates, which while normally help lower blood pressure, during conversion in the body, nitrates may be converted to nitrite, a compound that is potentially toxic to the liver, especially if the liver is already damaged or underfunctioning.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

Let's talk about legumes and high-protein foods. In general, legumes are a very good source of protein, but for patients with hepatic insufficiency, excessive protein intake can increase the metabolic burden on the liver and may lead to an increased risk of ammonotoxic encephalopathy.

In the dietary management of liver disease, it is often recommended to reduce the intake of animal protein and choose plant protein appropriately, but even plant protein needs to be controlled within the safe intake recommended by the doctor.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

For people who want to keep their liver healthy, it's not just about focusing on which foods are good, but also knowing which ones can be harmful. Excessive intake of any food, no matter how healthy it is, can cause an unnecessary burden on the liver. Therefore, maintaining a balanced diet, combined with proper exercise and lifestyle modifications, is the best strategy for maintaining liver and overall health.

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

By understanding and adjusting these dietary habits that are not often discussed, it is possible to effectively reduce the burden on the liver and prevent or control the development of liver disease. This in-depth discussion and adjustment of common perceptions will not only increase public awareness of liver health, but also provide practical daily health management strategies.

(The names in the article are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

What do you think about jujube and liver disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day


[1] Lu Xu, Evaluation of the Efficacy of Pharmaceutical Services in Patients with Hepatitis B Cirrhosis by Drug Treatment Management Combined with PCNE Classification System, Herald of Medicine, 2024-06-01

Jujube is the "killer" of liver disease? The doctor warned: If you don't want liver disease to worsen, don't eat these things every day

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