
Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Lao Wang next door just told me that jujube can make blood lipids soar, is this true?" Zhang Xiwang frowned and asked the nurse next to him with a confused expression. This question seems to have somewhat broken all his perceptions of healthy food.

Zhang Xiwang is a dispatcher for a courier company, and his busy and orderly life on weekdays left him with little time to care about his diet, until he was recently hospitalized due to high blood lipids. Life in the hospital was monotonous, but it gave him the opportunity to re-examine his habits, especially his dietary choices.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

In his ward, patients and their families often discuss the health effects of various foods, and jujube is one of the most frequently mentioned items. Jujube is widely used in Chinese families as an ingredient to nourish blood and improve immunity, and is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, potassium and other minerals and vitamins, making it the choice of daily nourishment for many people.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

Hearing Zhang Xiwang's inquiry, the nurse smiled and suggested that he ask the attending doctor Dr. Li directly for a more professional answer. So during the next ward round, Zhang Xiwang raised this problem that bothered him to Dr. Li.

"Xiwang, jujube is indeed a very good blood tonic food, but for patients with hyperlipidemia like you, you really need to pay attention to the appropriate amount." Dr. Lee pointed to the nutrition facts list on the information as he spoke.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

"You see, the sugar in jujube is really high, especially fructose, and the absorption of fructose will affect your insulin levels, which may cause fluctuations in blood sugar and blood lipids."

"Although jujube is rich in vitamins and minerals, which is indeed beneficial for enhancing immunity and replenishing qi and blood, if consumed in excess, especially without sufficient exercise, the sugar in the body will be converted into fat, which will exacerbate blood lipid problems." Dr. Li went on to explain in detail the nutrients of jujube and their specific effects on blood lipids.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

He also mentioned problems with the spleen and stomach. "In addition, although jujube is good, but it is also necessary to take into account its burden on the spleen and stomach, we believe that the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow, and it is the source of qi and blood biochemistry of the human body.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

After listening to Dr. Li's explanation, Zhang Xiwang felt like he had suddenly opened his mind, and it turned out that even healthy food should pay attention to the appropriate amount and individual differences. He decided to pay more attention to the choice of ingredients and portion control in his diet in the future, so as not to backfire his efforts.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

This conversation gave Zhang Xiwang a new understanding of jujubes and a better understanding of why he needs to adjust his diet under the guidance of professionals. For him, this is not only a cognitive renewal of food, but also a reminder of his responsibility to manage his own health.

When talking about blood lipid control, we often focus on those obviously high-fat, high-calorie foods, but often ignore some seemingly harmless or even healthy fruits and vegetables. Today, we will talk about three kinds of fruits and vegetables that should be consumed with caution in controlling blood lipids, because of certain components or their processing, these vegetables and fruits may pose hidden challenges to blood lipid management.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

We want to mention the pickled olives that are commonly found in stores, although olives are a wellness food praised in the Mediterranean diet, and their raw form is rich in healthy fats and antioxidants, which are good for heart health. The problem with pickled olives, however, lies in its high salinity and potential oily treatment.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

The use of salt in large quantities when marinating food can lead to water retention in the body, which not only increases the burden on the heart, but also may increase blood pressure, and the oils that may be added during the commercial curing process are usually refined oils, which may have oxidized, thus forming free radicals in the body and accelerating the process of arteriosclerosis.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

It is important to note that dried fruits, especially sweetened dried cranberries, are processed with a lot of added sugar to improve the taste, and these extra sugars are easily converted into fat and stored in the body after ingestion. Even natural dried fruits without added sugar have a much higher sugar density than fresh fruits, which is undoubtedly a hidden danger for people who need to control blood lipids.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

Mango is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, which do have many benefits for the body, however, mango is also extremely high in sugar, which may adversely affect blood sugar and blood lipids in some cases. Especially when mango is eaten in an overripe form, its sugar is more easily absorbed by the body, which quickly raises blood sugar levels, which is not good for blood lipid management.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

The problem with these fruits and vegetables is not their nutritional value, but rather the way they are handled and consumed in specific situations that may pose hidden risks to lipid management.

For people who need to strictly control their blood lipids, it is very necessary to understand this side of these foods. When choosing food, we should not only consider its nutritional value, but also pay attention to its potential health effects, reasonably adjust the dietary structure, and avoid those foods that may lead to uncontrolled blood lipids, so as to truly achieve the purpose of healthy eating.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

In terms of controlling blood lipids, in addition to avoiding certain foods, it is more important to know which fruits and vegetables can help stabilize blood lipid levels. Today we're not just going to talk about the general benefits of these fruits and vegetables, but their specific role in controlling blood lipids, which may not be well known to most people.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

Avocados are different from other fruits in that they are unique in that they are high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which are "good" fats that help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL).

The fatty acid composition in avocados is similar to that of olive oil, so it is often recommended in a heart-healthy diet. Avocados are also rich in fiber, and the presence of fiber helps to slow down the movement of food in the intestines, which can help to better control blood sugar and blood lipid levels.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

Nuts, especially walnuts and almonds, are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids that the body cannot produce on its own and must be obtained through the diet.

Omega-3 fatty acids are particularly good for heart health, being able to help lower blood triacylglycerol and total cholesterol, and walnuts have also been found to contain anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

The common feature of these fruits, vegetables and nuts is that they all contain ingredients that are beneficial to blood lipids, which can help significantly reduce bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol.

Therefore, a balanced diet that includes these foods can not only help control blood lipids, but also provide the body with a variety of nutrients that can achieve overall health. Increasing the proportion of these foods in the daily diet will help stabilize blood lipid levels and maintain long-term cardiovascular health.

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

(All names have been changed)

What do you think about what to eat less for high blood lipids? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day



[1] Luo Guijin. Effect of insulin combined with low molecular weight heparin sodium on coagulation function, inflammatory factors and blood lipid levels in severe hyperlipidemic acute pancreatitis, Jilin Medicine, 2024-05-15

Jujube is the "hidden killer" of blood lipids? Advice: If you don't want your blood lipids to get out of control, don't eat these 3 things every day

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