
Ten jokes: I broke up with my husband about moving

author:Today's laugh

There was a beautiful young lady, after getting on the bus, she took out a tissue from her bag and wiped the seat vigorously, and when she was about to sit down, she let out a fart, and a gentleman next to her heard it and said jokingly: Miss really loves hygiene, and after wiping it for so long, she has to blow it!

The real strong man is that in the dead of night, he will take out his heart and sew it up by himself, and then stuff it back when he is done, and wake up with confidence when he sleeps. Believe in yourself, the more you live, the stronger you become, I have no backing, I am the mountain! I don't have the world, I fight the world by myself! I don't have capital, I earn my own capital! When I am weak, all difficulties are strong. When I am strong, all obstacles are weak! To be alive is to open the road in the mountains and build bridges in the water. Life, you put pressure on me, I return you miracle!

Ten jokes: I broke up with my husband about moving

I had a break with my husband about moving, I said to hire a moving company, he felt it was too expensive, it was better to move slowly by himself, and his new hometown was not far away! I was angry and had a big fight with him, but I didn't expect him to yell at me: Take your things and go! I was also furious, grabbed my clothes and bags and rushed out of the door, walking down the street I thought, it would be a shame to go back to my mother's house like this, why don't I go to live in a new house by myself and live separately from him! When I arrived, I saw that I didn't take any of my shoes or anything, and I went home several times to get them, and now I was walking down the street with a bedside table, and suddenly I felt that something was wrong......

Women are fickle, and children are moody, so kindergarten romance is unreliable!

Today, I paid another salary of 1500, brushed 1480 for the anchor, and left 20 yuan to eat steamed buns. Listening to the anchor's sentence of thanking Brother Wang for the plane, I felt happy eating steamed buns.

Ten jokes: I broke up with my husband about moving

I put on a beautiful makeup, took a photo, and sent it to my husband after repairing it, and my husband praised me all the time, where did this little fairy come from, so good-looking! I laughed and scolded: Flim Tongue! It's annoying! My husband said: Really, daughter-in-law, it's really good-looking, not only you are good-looking, but the wall next to you is also good-looking! Last few days, I also said that the wall is a little yellowed, and I want to find someone to redecorate it, daughter-in-law, are you looking for someone to brush the wall! This master is really good, the walls are dazzlingly white! It's really annoying!!

Today, my wife gave birth to a little princess, and the more I looked at it, the more I liked it, so I racked my brains to give her a nice name, but my father said that I wanted to find a good person to take the name, okay...... The next day, I finally sent it, saying that my daughter is short of water in the five elements, so she wants to bring water in her name! I was thinking that it must be "Tao Muxi, Tao Shijie and other names", and I couldn't imagine that it could be called "Tao Mi Shui" when I killed labor and management

Once on the bus, I saw a thief pulling open the bag of the aunt next to me and was about to steal something, I wanted to say it directly, but I was a little scared at the time, and I was relatively young. I can't help it, so I said to the aunt, Auntie, you didn't give me the New Year's money last time, and the aunt reacted and pulled up the bag. Then she called her husband and asked him to come and pick her up, and finally said to drive me home. I got into the car in a hurry, and then I was sold to Guangxi in a daze.

Ten jokes: I broke up with my husband about moving

I went back to his hometown with my boyfriend to play, I met my boyfriend's old classmate on the way, and my classmates were very enthusiastic when they saw my boyfriend, and they went up to a big hug, and then they started to talk about family life, and after seeing me, they began to ask: "Okay!" Old cows eat tender grass! Have you made a fortune all these years? I looked at my boyfriend helplessly, hoping that he could explain, but who knew that this product actually said: "Hmm!" …………

In the previous exams, there were multiple choice questions that could not be written. asked the girl on the side, she didn't lift her eyelids, and pointed to her chest...... I see, the answer is A......

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