
It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged! Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

author:Xiao Xian loves sports
It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged! Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is over, and the Chinese U18 Women's Basketball Team won the runner-up. In the final, the Chinese team lost to the defending champion Australia 79-96, although they failed to win the championship, but Zhang Ziyu, who is 2.24 meters, became the focus of the audience.

Zhang Ziyu performed brilliantly in this game, averaging 35 points and 12.8 rebounds per game, and with such a performance, she was named the MVP of this year's U18 Asian Cup. Her outstanding performance not only attracted widespread attention at home, but also caused exclamations in foreign media.

Zhang Ziyu represented the Chinese national team for the first time in the competition, which sparked heated discussions on the Internet. For the past three or four years, she has played in the Shandong youth team and has attracted a lot of attention with her outstanding height and basketball talent. However, despite her outstanding performance in the youth team, she was never called up by the national women's basketball team, which became the focus of discussion among fans.

Li Xin, as the former coach of the national youth team, was questioned because he did not choose Zhang Ziyu. He believes that although Zhang Ziyu is tall, she moves slowly, her shooting skills are not mature enough, and her physical fitness is also insufficient, which may affect the team's overall tactical rhythm. These views were once hotly debated online.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged! Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

Li Xin has a very straight personality and a very hot temper. Under her leadership, this Aoshen team is very disciplined and resilient. She is known for her strict management style and strict requirements for her players, but she has also won the respect and affection of many fans.

After parting ways with the Aoshen team, Li Xin did not stop, but successively coached in many teams. Her coaching style remains rigorous and tough, allowing her players to maintain a high level of concentration and discipline on the field. She not only pays attention to the technical and tactical training of the players, but also pays attention to the shaping of mental quality, and strives to bring out the best in the team in every game.

However, Li Xin's straightforwardness and fiery temper are not acceptable to everyone. Some netizens were dissatisfied with her strict management, believing that her style was too harsh. A fan left a message on the social platform: "Coach Li is too strict, always looking nagging, can the players bear it?" This kind of comment reflects the doubts and dissatisfaction of some fans with her management style.

On the other hand, there are also many fans who appreciate Li Xin's firmness and strictness. They believe that it is only through rigorous training and management that the team can maintain competitive condition and team cohesion. One supporter commented: "Coach Lee is not easy, her harshness is out of responsibility and care for the team, and I hope the players can understand her intentions." ”

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged! Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

Li Xin's image in the minds of fans, in addition to the side of strict management, also her dedication to the game and care for the players. Although her emotions can sometimes feel depressing, her dedication and professionalism have also deeply touched many fans and viewers who follow her.

As a coach, Li Xin has attracted much attention for his unique personality and management style. Her strictness and straightforwardness may not be acceptable to everyone, but it is this trait that has shaped her unique position in the coaching world. As she has coached different teams, her influence and coaching style have evolved and matured.

Some fans support Li Xin's decision, believing that the national brand competition needs more comprehensive ability, not just a height advantage. A netizen left a message saying: "Coach Li has his considerations, not everyone is suitable for the national brand competition, and Zhang Ziyu may need more training." These views reflect some people's understanding and support for Li Xin's evaluation of players.

However, more fans are skeptical of Li Xin's evaluation, thinking that his evaluation of Zhang Ziyu is too harsh. One fan commented on the social platform: "Zhang Ziyu has performed so well in the U18 Asian Cup and is obviously capable of contributing to the national team, Coach Li's opinion may be a little biased. Such remarks reflect the dissatisfaction of some fans with Li Xin's assessment of the player's ability, believing that he may have overlooked Zhang Ziyu's potential.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged! Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

In the debate, there are also fans who offer more understanding and tolerance. A netizen mentioned in the discussion: "Coach Li's choice is based on his tactical needs, but Zhang Ziyu should also be given more opportunities to prove himself." Her performances in the youth team have shown her quality, and perhaps she can play a bigger role with a different tactical system. This attitude of understanding the needs of the coaching team and supporting Zhang Ziyu shows a balanced and rational view.

However, Zhang Ziyu's performance in this competition was diametrically opposed to Li Xin's evaluation, and his performance was very good, and he was the best among the best. This also made many fans question Li Xin's previous decision, and they left messages on her social platforms to express their dissatisfaction. Some fans mentioned Zhang Ziyu's performance in the final, and Li Xin replied: "Did you win or lose? Did you see the results? Such a response seemed not objective enough, making people think that she was biased against Zhang Ziyu's performance.

Faced with the doubts of a large number of netizens, Li Xin seemed a little out of shape. When he interacted with netizens on social platforms, he used fierce rhetoric and even used English letters instead of dirty words to insult netizens. In some comments, he referred to himself as "Lao Tzu" with a domineering attitude and a patchwork of typos in his replies.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged! Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

Far from quelling the controversy, such words and deeds have provoked more discontent and discussion. Some netizens were outraged by his attitude, believing that as a coach, he should remain professional and calm instead of arguing with fans. A netizen commented: "As a public figure, Coach Li's reply is too out of control, and such an attitude is difficult to accept. ”

Other netizens were shocked and disappointed, expressing incomprehension and disgust at Li Xin's behavior. They point out that as coaches, one should lead by example and be a role model for young athletes, rather than arguing with others with inappropriate language. One commenter wrote: "I was a little disappointed to see Coach Li's reply. He should be more mature and calm in the face of netizens' doubts. ”

Some netizens believe that Li Xin's reply shows his sensitive and unacceptable attitude towards criticism. They believe that a public figure should be able to accept dissenting opinions, rather than responding immediately in an aggressive manner. One commenter said: "Coach Lee's response was surprising, and he should have handled these doubts more sensibly than become so angry. ”

Li's reaction on social media sparked widespread discussion and dissatisfaction among the public. Instead of justifying his decision, his out-of-control response plunged him deeper into the maelstrom of public opinion. In the eyes of the public, a qualified coach should not only have a sufficient level of skill, but also enough psychological quality and professionalism to deal with various challenges and doubts.

It is uncertain whether Zhang Ziyu's performance has stimulated Li Xin, but the pressure from netizens has obviously had a great impact on her. As a coach, instead of spraying with netizens, it is wiser to keep a low profile. Responding to doubts with a calm attitude is more likely to earn respect.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged! Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

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