
It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing

author:JJ Sanshun

Friends who have raised pastoral dogs should have encountered such a scene, when we use chopsticks to feed the pastoral dogs, they will never eat the food handed over by chopsticks, even if human beings coax, they will not eat, unless we throw the food on the ground, the pastoral dog will swing its tail, bow its head to eat the food on the ground.


The pastoral dog is really too boundary, obedient and distressing, the dog breed favored by the ancestors has existed for thousands of years, and naturally has his reason, housekeeping, guardian, and the childhood of many friends is basically inseparable from the company of a Huang.

It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing
It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing
It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing
It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing

Netizens hotly discussed:

"When we eat, my Chinese pastoral dog sits obediently and only jumps up to eat when we clean up the dishes and chopsticks."

"Twenty years ago, our family raised one, really well-behaved, will go out to send, come back will run far to pick up, kill pigs during the New Year, it will sleep next to the meat at night, will not eat and will not move, every day at dawn to go to the toilet to go to the room to shoot the bed, a few years later died of illness, sad for a long time."

"The pastoral dog is not necessarily inferior to other breeds, and its excellent character cannot be learned by other dogs!"

The Chinese pastoral dog really doesn't eat the food on the owner's chopsticks

It is undeniable that some people will beat dogs when they teach dog rules, but most of the things that pastoral dogs do not eat in human hands come from its bloodline.

It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing
It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing

The ancestor of the dog is the wolf, and the wolf is a very strong sense of hierarchy, so the dog also inherits this gene, and waits for humans to eat them before eating.

It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing
It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing
It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing

The small soil dog raised by rural people is very well-behaved, if there are three or two together, waiting for chicken bones and fish bones under the dining bed, it is always the closest to whoever eats first, and it does not fight or bite, nor does it bite people's legs because of scramble.

It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing

Pastoral dogs have a very good relationship with their owners, and under the repeated persuasion of their owners, they are also very careful when they go to pick up the food in their hands, and basically will not touch the owner's hands, for fear of hurting the owner.

It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing

Although the pastoral dog is very good, it is a pity that there are fewer and fewer purebred pastoral dogs now, and most of them are skewered.

It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing
It turns out that this is how the earth dog doesn't eat the food on the chopsticks, and this damn sense of boundary is distressing

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