
Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

author:Sunny little town


All kinds of garbage can be seen everywhere in our lives, think about it carefully, some garbage is indeed what we don't need, such as cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, and even our major cities in China have completely banned and managed these garbage, in order to pollute the environment better, but the mainland's garbage has been recycled by foreign countries, what is hidden behind this?

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle


A cigarette can be said to be smoked in a few minutes, but this cigarette is often thrown to the ground by some people after smoking, and even when it is played, it also flutters in the wind, and these cigarette butts often become food for insects, because insects will not distinguish whether they are poisonous or not, so cigarette butts will cause great harm to insects.

Because the nicotine in smoke or toxic chemical components, it will cause great damage to insects after entering their bodies, and in severe cases, it will cause cellular respiration in insects to weaken until the cells die.

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

The price of tobacco in the mainland is also very cheap, so many smokers often throw away the cigarette butts after smoking the tobacco, and the cigarette butts are a very difficult type of garbage to deal with, because there are many chemical components in the cigarette butts that are not easy to degrade, so the cigarette butts are thrown away, which often causes the difficulty of garbage disposal to increase.

Disposable chopsticks.

In order to facilitate everyone's use, many people spontaneously disinfect the chopsticks and can be used as their own portable chopsticks, but there are also some people who use disposable chopsticks directly, and throw the chopsticks directly after eating.

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

Because the use of disposable chopsticks is very convenient and the price is very cheap, many people will use disposable chopsticks, but when discarding disposable chopsticks, they will not think too much, as long as they are convenient, and disposable chopsticks are very serious after a period of accumulation pollution.

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

In the process of production, disposable chopsticks often go through a major recommendation of chemical composition, which will have an impact on the human body in the process of use, so many large cities in the mainland have begun to ban disposable chopsticks, and even some takeaway brothers have also put public chopsticks in takeaway, but disposable chopsticks in the mainland have always been a major item that foreign countries are vying to recycle.

So where are these disposable chopsticks that are banned in China sold?

Gutter oil.

Gutter oil is a major drug in China, and it is a kind of garbage that can never appear in foreign countries, but gutter oil is a very good investment commodity in the mainland, and it can make a lot of money, so many gutter oil manufacturers are hiding from foreign people that some organic edible oil will be used in high-end restaurants in foreign countries, and the price of this organic edible oil in the mainland is very high, so many gutter manufacturers will buy all these substances that can be used to make organic edible oil. It is made into gutter oil and then exported.

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

So how do foreigners know that these organic edible oils are made by domestic gutter oil manufacturers?

Cigarette butts are harmful to the environment.

A cigarette can be said to be smoked in a few minutes, but this cigarette is often thrown to the ground by some people after smoking, and even when it is played, it also flutters in the wind, and these cigarette butts often become food for insects, because insects will not distinguish whether they are poisonous or not, so cigarette butts will cause great harm to insects.

Because the nicotine in smoke or toxic chemical components, it will cause great damage to insects after entering their bodies, and in severe cases, it will cause cellular respiration in insects to weaken until the cells die.

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

The harm of cigarette butts is not limited to this, the decomposition of cigarette butts takes almost hundreds of years, and there are a lot of cigarette butt alkali in cigarette butts, which is a very good electrolyte, so it is easy to dissolve in water, and it will pollute the environment in serious cases.

The pollution of cigarette butts to the water environment is often irreversible, because cigarette butt alkali is a toxic insecticide, and it is often added to water to kill insects, but tobacco butt alkali will become more toxic after a period of decomposition.

In this way, it will cause great harm to aquatic organisms in the water, so nicotine is a destructive substance to the water environment.

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

Drinking the water contained in cigarette butt alkali can easily cause poisoning of the human body, and even lead to death in severe cases, and the manifestation of poisoning is very obvious that there will be stomach pain, and there will be symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

At the same time, cigarette butts will also become a major source of pollution in rivers and lakes, and cigarette butts will rust some large and small river stones with the flow of water in rivers and lakes, produce some fine stone chips, and have some adverse effects on water.

Disposable chopsticks.

In order to facilitate everyone's use, many people spontaneously disinfect the chopsticks and can be used as their own portable chopsticks, but there are also some people who use disposable chopsticks directly, and throw the chopsticks directly after eating.

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

Because the use of disposable chopsticks is very convenient and the price is very cheap, many people will use disposable chopsticks, but when discarding disposable chopsticks, they will not think too much, as long as they are convenient, and disposable chopsticks are very serious after a period of accumulation pollution.

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

In the process of production, disposable chopsticks often go through a major recommendation of chemical composition, which will have an impact on the human body in the process of use, so many large cities in the mainland have begun to ban disposable chopsticks, and even some takeaway brothers have also put public chopsticks in takeaway, but disposable chopsticks in the mainland have always been a major item that foreign countries are vying to recycle.

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

So where are these disposable chopsticks that are banned in China sold?

These disposable chopsticks are often melted after recycling, and then regenerated again and again, but the chemical composition of disposable chopsticks will gradually degrade, causing harm to the human body that uses it, so everyone should still discard it after use.

Domestic gutter oil and foreign organic edible oil.

The gutter oil is a major drug in China, and it is a kind of garbage that can never appear in foreign countries, but gutter oil is a very good investment commodity in the mainland, and it can make a lot of money, so many gutter manufacturers are hiding from foreign people to know, and some organic edible oil will be used in high-end restaurants in foreign countries, and the price of this organic edible oil in the mainland is very high, so many gutter manufacturers will buy all these substances that can be used to make organic edible oil. It is made into gutter oil and then exported.

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

So how do foreigners know that these organic edible oils are made by domestic gutter oil manufacturers? This is because in the process of producing gutter oil, in order to reduce costs, gutter manufacturers often directly squeeze some animal dirt and rotten animal offal that cannot be put into production, so the gutter oil will have a very unpleasant fishy smell, and there will be some peculiar smell.

Organic edible oil will not have these peculiar smells, so foreign merchants tested the waste oil, and finally found out the waste oil produced by the mainland.

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

In China, the production process of gutter oil is also very disgusting, because everyone loves beauty, so they often eat very little when eating, so that the leftovers brought out by the restaurant will be very much, so the gutter oil manufacturer will leave these leftovers to rot and ferment at room temperature, producing paraffin worms.

Of course, this paraffin insect is not poisonous, but the paraffin insect eats leftovers, but it will excrete a very smelly oil, so the gutter oil factory will extract this oil, and then fully integrate it with some alkaline water, and finally it is very smelly.

Cigarette butts, disposable chopsticks, gutter oil, garbage that China doesn't want, why do foreign countries go crazy to recycle

This is the production process of gutter oil, so our Yangchun noodles look very white, but it is not easy to cook smooth, and finally when selling Yangchun noodles, the noodles should be blanched and cooked in advance, and then the water will be controlled and dried, and finally some alum, soda and other organic substances will be added to it, so it will feel smooth when you eat it in the end, but it can not be regarded as garbage, and the noodles that come out of this way look very smooth, but in the end it is harmful to the human body.


In fact, foreign countries are very fond of the mainland's garbage, mainly because the mainland's garbage is very cheap, and there are many of the mainland's garbage that are harmful to the human body, so this is the reason why foreign countries are competing to recycle the mainland's garbage.

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