
Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

author:Kobayashi said entertainment

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won: True or False?


The revelations of the Korean media are always so unexpected, and this time the protagonists are Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won. The star duo suddenly became the focus of the media for no other reason than the rumors that they were in a relationship! However, when the reporter called the brokerage companies of both sides, the response was silence. It's like saying, "Guess, guess right, you're smart." This ambiguous attitude can be said to have whetted everyone's appetite.

Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

As a result, fans began to speculate. One fan said: "If they are really together, it will be a match made in heaven!" Another joked: "Could this be a smoke bomb deliberately put by the crew to attract everyone's attention?" In any case, Kim so-hyun's fans are blowing up, and Kim Ji-won's fans are not to be outdone, and everyone is speculating whether this is true or not.

Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

Kim so-hyun deleted ins in seconds: There are no three hundred taels of silver here?

Another highlight of the matter was that Kim so-hyun deleted a post on Instagram in seconds. Everyone speculated whether he was a thief with a weak heart, and what was a weak heart? Is it a tacit acquiescence to the relationship? A netizen's comment was particularly eye-catching: "If you delete it, it's a bit of a taste of three hundred taels of silver here." Of course, someone else said: "He may just think this post is inappropriate, it's not a big deal." ”

Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

Either way, the act of deleting in seconds makes things even more confusing. Some netizens ridiculed: "If Kim so-hyun thinks it's inappropriate, then don't post it, post it and delete it, doesn't it make everyone more suspicious?" Some people have opened their brains and speculated whether they were in love for a long time because of filming. After all, both of them are acting schools, and they have a strong sense of involvement in the role, so maybe they really have feelings in the play.

Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

Using the crew's resources to go on a date in Germany?

Some people began to wonder if Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won took advantage of the opportunity to film and secretly went to Germany for a date. This statement is somewhat credible, after all, the crew is rich in resources, and it is not impossible to arrange a secret date. Netizens said: "If there is such a thing, it will be too romantic!" Another joked: "The crew's resources are not used to fall in love, let's make a good show!" ”

Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

This speculation made things even more interesting, and many people began to make up images of them holding hands on the streets of Germany, and some even imagined them dating in an old castle. Regarding this statement, someone said: "This plot is a bit like an idol drama, but life is sometimes more dramatic than drama." Regardless of the truth, this rumor is enough to make everyone's imagination come to mind.

Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

Talented and beautiful: so worthy of envy

Speaking of Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won, I have to admit that the two are indeed very compatible. Kim so-hyun has a handsome appearance and excellent acting skills, while Kim Ji-won has an outstanding temperament and his acting skills should not be underestimated. Netizens said: "If they are really together, it will be a perfect pair of CPs!" Someone else ridiculed: "This pair of good-looking combinations, you can't do it without knocking!" ”

Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

Of course, there are also people who analyze rationally: "They are all very good actors, and it is normal to cooperate with each other, and they don't necessarily have to have feelings." But these voices were quickly drowned out by more "knocking CP" voices. After all, for fans, fantasizing about the beautiful pictures of them together is also part of the fun of chasing stars.

Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

Kim so-hyun's singing: Heal everything

Just when everyone was speculating about the relationship, someone proposed: "It's better to listen to Kim so-hyun sing and heal your restless heart." Kim so-hyun's singing voice has always been well received, his voice is warm and powerful, and many fans say that listening to his songs is the best way to relax. A fan left a message: "If he doesn't act, he will be a good singer if he specializes in singing!" ”

Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

Listening to Kim so-hyun's singing, many people began to reflect: "Are we a little too concerned about these gossips?" Some people also said: "Whether he and Kim Jiwon are really together or not, what matters is their works and talents." But soon, this voice of reason was drowned out again by the craze of gossip. After all, everyone is still more concerned about whether they are in a relationship or not.

Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

Romance speculation: Who can tell the difference between true and false?

Summing up the various speculations and discussions during this time, netizens have a variety of opinions. Some people firmly believe that they are together, some people think it's just media hype, and some people say that it doesn't matter, both of them are excellent actors anyway. The collision of opinions from all parties makes this gossip drama even more exciting.

Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

No matter what the truth is, the "relationship" between Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won has become a hot topic after dinner. Everyone always has great curiosity about the private lives of celebrities, and this curiosity also drives the media to constantly dig up new revelations. As for whether they are together or not, I am afraid that only the parties themselves know best.

Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won is in love? Fan fryer, official silence sparked heated discussions!

So, what do you think? Are Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won a couple? Everyone is welcome to share your thoughts in the comment area. Perhaps, one day, when the truth is revealed, you will find that you have guessed correctly. is still the same sentence, the things in the entertainment industry, true and false, who can tell the difference?

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