
66 counties embezzled rural students' meals to repay debts, and the National Audit Office took action: soft persimmons should not be pinched like this

author:Hu said nonsense

The state has repeatedly emphasized that no matter how hard you are, you can't suffer your children, and no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education.

To this end, special funds have even been allocated for nutritious meal supplements. However, in the end, not a cent of this money went into the students' dinner plates, but was put into their own pockets by the local government and other stakeholders!

66 counties embezzled rural students' meals to repay debts, and the National Audit Office took action: soft persimmons should not be pinched like this

A few days ago, at the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress, the Auditor General of the Audit Commission pointed out in his relevant report. Subsidies for nutritious meals for rural students in many counties have been misappropriated by the government to pay off government debts.

It is reported that this meal subsidy is a special subsidy fund for rural compulsory education and student nutrition improvement programs.

66 counties embezzled rural students' meals to repay debts, and the National Audit Office took action: soft persimmons should not be pinched like this

The original purpose was to allow these rural children to really be fed, nutritious, read good books, and grow up healthily.

Unexpectedly, when the so-called nutritious meal was served, lean meat became bad meat, and all kinds of dishes were defective. A lot of times, a nutritious lunch is just a bowl of vegetarian noodles.

Normally, the use of such special funds requires special accounting, detailed records, and strict accounting. Every money has to be spent, so how do these places work?

66 counties embezzled rural students' meals to repay debts, and the National Audit Office took action: soft persimmons should not be pinched like this

First of all, the special subsidy was directly misappropriated. From 2021 to 2023, in two years, 66 counties embezzled a total of 1.951 billion yuan. The misappropriated funds are used to pay off government debts, to pay benefits to government workers, or to other expenditures, among other things.

Special subsidies have also been squeezed out in disguise

Among them, 41 counties and 1,533 schools squeezed 270 million yuan by lowering procurement standards, cutting corners, and fictitious procurement business. The original standard of 10 yuan for dishes has been reduced to five yuan or even lower. The dishes are shoddy, and students are allowed to eat leftovers and rotten leaves. But use high prices to make a difference.

66 counties embezzled rural students' meals to repay debts, and the National Audit Office took action: soft persimmons should not be pinched like this

The special subsidy was colluded to arbitrage

The education departments of five counties have colluded with suppliers to designate suppliers and then sell them at low prices in packages.

Finally, from time to time, we will "give back" to the government in the form of dividends and donations. In this way, a total of 42.1602 million yuan was obtained.

66 counties embezzled rural students' meals to repay debts, and the National Audit Office took action: soft persimmons should not be pinched like this

But at this time, many people may ask, shouldn't there be a regulatory department? What about regulators?

What's even more ridiculous is that the relevant regulatory departments and the staff of 77 schools are suspected of bending the law for personal gain and seeking personal interests in the process of supervision!

66 counties embezzled rural students' meals to repay debts, and the National Audit Office took action: soft persimmons should not be pinched like this

Seeing this, I was not only angry, but also frightened. Because this exposure is only the 13 provinces and 159 counties under the key supervision of the State Council. What about the remaining provinces, counties and cities in the country? Is what we see today just the tip of the iceberg?

Hu said

After reading these shocking data, I finally understand why students still eat so poorly despite the fact that there is a subsidy! Still getting thinner!

66 counties embezzled rural students' meals to repay debts, and the National Audit Office took action: soft persimmons should not be pinched like this

The amount of money has become an ATM for local governments, Tang monk meat. If you are short of money, you will squeeze some of it, and if you need it, you will eat it.

It doesn't matter whether students eat well or not, whether they are full or not. As long as the students eat it at school, even if it is a bran vegeal dish, it is enough in the eyes of local governments, and this is a "nutritious meal"! But what exactly is this a "nutritious meal"? Or a "diet meal"?

There is also an important reason, that is, students are "soft persimmons", especially those in rural areas. They don't know what their meal standard is, and they don't know how much the meal subsidy costs, but they just know that the school is already good for meals.

66 counties embezzled rural students' meals to repay debts, and the National Audit Office took action: soft persimmons should not be pinched like this

Said "no matter how hard you are, you can't be bitter for the child"? "To run an education that satisfies the people"? The slogans of the grassroots in various places are shouted very loudly, but when it comes to doing practical things, why is it like gluttony, why can't they be fed?

After three years of the pandemic, it is true that governments everywhere are in a difficult period of red deficits. But in order to protect their own interests, extending their claws to children is not only a lack of morality, but also a crime!

66 counties embezzled rural students' meals to repay debts, and the National Audit Office took action: soft persimmons should not be pinched like this

It's okay if the child doesn't have enough to eat, as long as his own interests are in hand, the salary is the most important!

Nowadays, it is good for the adjudication department to identify problems and report them. But the most important thing is how to strengthen supervision in the follow-up, so that these special funds can be truly used, and the key is not to be plucked by geese!

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