
Two David TV broadcasts! Another spy war drama is coming, the only spy war drama I want to chase after "Latent".

author:Xiao Qi chats about entertainment

I don't know when people don't like to watch spy war dramas.

Perhaps the spy war drama has already passed its own glorious moment, and no spy war drama has surpassed "Latent" for more than ten years.

After entering the 10 years, only a few dramas such as "The Pretender" and "Kite" can get into people's eyes, and the rest are average.

Two David TV broadcasts! Another spy war drama is coming, the only spy war drama I want to chase after "Latent".

This year's dramas such as "Harbin 1944" and "When the Stars Shine" are even more badly reviewed.

Today's spy war dramas all need traffic stars to attract popularity, but in the end, it all depends on how well the old drama bones play.

There are too few young excellent actors, and they can't support a qualified spy war drama at all.

However, the upcoming "Lonely Lost City" is likely to change everyone's opinion.

Two David TV broadcasts! Another spy war drama is coming, the only spy war drama I want to chase after "Latent".

The plot is novel, and the male protagonist has amnesia

The most novel setting of "Lonely Lost City" is that the male protagonist actually has amnesia.

The element of amnesia is old-fashioned in idol dramas, but it is too thoughtful in spy war dramas.

The essence of the spy war script lies in a poor information, if the male protagonist has amnesia, there will be too little information in his hands.

In those days, the more information you have, the more likely you are to survive.

The setting of the male protagonist's amnesia undoubtedly increases the difficulty of the male protagonist's survival, and also makes the audience more nervous and exciting.

In addition, the identity of the female protagonist is also undercover, and she is united with the male protagonist.

Two David TV broadcasts! Another spy war drama is coming, the only spy war drama I want to chase after "Latent".

Nowadays, many spy war dramas set the female protagonist as a female spy, and then have feelings with the male protagonist, they feel that this is more dramatic.

In fact, it is absolutely impossible for a staunch revolutionary to fall in love with his enemies.

Espionage warfare is not a playhouse, in those days, every spy had the blood of his compatriots on his hands, and the crimes they committed were unforgivable.

To wash away these sins with love is disrespectful to history.

In "Lonely Lost City", we will see the male and female protagonists fighting side by side and contributing to the revolution together.

The old and the new alternate, and the young actors take the lead

On the opposite side of the cast, "Lonely Lost City" adopts a kind of cast that replaces the old and the new, with young actors Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei as the male and female leads.

Two David TV broadcasts! Another spy war drama is coming, the only spy war drama I want to chase after "Latent".

Huang Jingyu can be said to be a professional soldier, and he has already played modern soldiers, police, and firefighters.

This time I came to the anti-Japanese period to play an undercover agent, which can be regarded as stepping out of the comfort zone on one leg.

In fact, there is no need for actors to pursue any diversity at all, and it is enough to reach the peak in one field.

Huang Jingyu has already occupied the ecological niche of the tough guy type among young actors, and there is no need to rush to transform.

And Xin Zhilei I personally think she is more suitable to play a female spy, but the script sets her up as a decent role.

Xin Zhilei's appearance is not very consistent with the current mainstream aesthetics, and it is indeed not suitable for playing Xiaobaihua.

Two David TV broadcasts! Another spy war drama is coming, the only spy war drama I want to chase after "Latent".

But if you play a female warrior with strong beliefs, it's also quite appropriate to think about it.

Zhang Xilin, the actor of "Dad Ling" in "In the Name of Family", also starred in "Lonely Maze".

Zhang Xilin is also a well-known veteran actor in the circle, and has played supporting roles in many TV series, and he can win both the positive and the bad perfectly.

This time, he looks like he is playing a police chief or a spy boss or something, but he doesn't look like a good guy in short.

In the end, it is an old drama bone, and sitting there without saying lines can make people feel a sense of oppression.

Two David TV broadcasts! Another spy war drama is coming, the only spy war drama I want to chase after "Latent".

Zhang Zijian, the actor of "Yuan Fang" and "Yan Shuangying", is also in the cast and looks like a decent person.

These two classic roles are too classic, and it is difficult for Mr. Zhang Zijian to surpass these two roles in whatever he plays.

In the stills, even if he wears glasses, he is polite and polite, and he gives people a very capable feeling.

Two David TV broadcasts! Another spy war drama is coming, the only spy war drama I want to chase after "Latent".

In short, as soon as I saw these actors, I was very relieved about "Lonely in the City", and I hope it can give me the feeling of "Latent".

can be favored by Beijing Satellite TV and Dragon TV, and I believe that "Lonely Lost City" can set off a ratings frenzy in the summer.

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