
40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

author:Qiqi drama chasing station

In the field, a joint U.S.-Chinese force was fighting the Japanese through dense jungles.

Along the way, there were quite a few wounded soldiers, both American and Chinese.

At such a tense and fierce moment of battle, the Chinese female military doctor found a wounded and unconscious Japanese soldier by the stream. The American GIs wanted to shoot this man to death, but the Chinese military doctors thought that it was inhumane to kill the prisoners indiscriminately and tried desperately to stop him.

However, despite the strong opposition of the American GIs, the female military doctor failed to bring the Japanese soldiers back to the camp for treatment.

Strangely, the day after returning to camp, several American GIs began to fester, as if they had contracted some kind of terrible virus.

Just when the infected people were crying for their lives, it turned out to be the wounded Japanese soldier who saved the lives of the remaining infected people.

This is the beginning of the spy war drama "Lonely War Maze", which was just launched last night in Goose Factory and Peach Factory, and will be launched on Dragon TV and Beijing Satellite TV in mid-July, and the two simulcast modes will be opened.

The original name of this drama was "Lonely Battle", starring Huang Jingyu Xin Zhilei,

Directed by Xie Ze, director of the word-of-mouth drama "The Wind Rises in Luoyang",

It's only been a few hours since it was launched, and it won the first place on the platform's hot list.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

So why is this "Lonely Lost City" so highly anticipated, and what are the highlights, let's take a look.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

1. Story: On the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, our underground workers, codenamed "Lone Star", fought to the death against the Japanese and the Kuomintang military commanders.

"Lonely Lost City" is set on the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, and tells the story of my underground worker Ou Xiaoan (played by Huang Jingyu), who fought to the death with Japanese spies and military spies.

On the whole, there are at least two major highlights of this drama.

The first is that the plot is compact and confusing.

At the beginning of the series, in 1945, China and the United States joined forces to fight the Japanese army in Burma. And the heroine is a military doctor sent by the military commander.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

In the process of treating the US military, Qin Moqing discovered a new type of virus, as long as a person is infected, the whole body will soon ulcerate and die.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

Qin Moqing, who is bold and thoughtful, believes that this is not an ordinary virus, but a bacterium researched by the Japanese. But neither the U.S. military nor the Kuomintang military believed her views.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

In order to cure the American GIs and clear the suspicion that the military commanders hurt the Americans, Qin Moqing decided to use the serum of the Japanese wounded soldiers she rescued. Because the blood of this Japanese soldier was also tested to carry the virus, but there were no symptoms. Qin Moqing deduced that he might have antibodies in his body.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

However, the Kuomintang military was afraid that it would not be cured and would take responsibility, so it did not let her try.

At this time, Qin Moqing found out that he was also infected, so he decided to experiment with himself. Unexpectedly, after injecting the serum of the wounded Japanese soldier, she really recovered.

At this moment, the Japanese soldier who had been bloodied by her many times woke up unexpectedly. Qin Moqing actually found out that he was not Japanese, but Chinese, and his identity was actually Ou Xiaoan, who was executed within the military system a few years ago for killing two of his own people and defecting to the Japanese.

Why didn't Ou Xiaoan die?

Why does he have antibodies to the Japanese virus?

What exactly is his true identity?

This series of questions came to people's faces, making people want to stop, and I really wanted to chase it all in one go and find out.

Therefore, the plot is confusing and foggy, which is the first highlight of this drama.

The second is the extreme pull between the male and female protagonists, which is also a highlight of this drama.

In addition to the plot twists and turns, there is also a major attraction of this drama, which is the extreme pull between the male and female protagonists.

In the play, the male protagonist Ou Xiaoan is a military commander agent on the surface, but he is actually my underground worker "Lone Star". And the heroine Qin Moqing is the Kuomintang military doctor who saved the male protagonist when he escaped from the prison of the Japanese Poison Gas Research Institute, and she is also a military agent.

From the very beginning, these two people have been guarding against each other, suspicious of each other, and cooperating with each other.

In the face of the Japanese, the two were very tacit comrades-in-arms and worked together to deal with the Japanese.

However, within the military command, the two of them were wary of each other, tested each other, and guarded each other because of their own hidden identities.

Therefore, the mutual temptation, mutual competition, and extreme pull between the two with different identities and positions are also a major attraction of the show.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

2, cast: Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei + a group of powerful old actors, the lineup can be called strong.

In addition to the plot is full of highlights, the cast of this drama is also very strong. Many of the actors in the play are familiar faces. Huang Jingyu , Xin Zhilei , Zhang Zijian , Zhao Da , Zhang Xilin , Zhang Shen , Dong Xuan , Xiao Shunyao , Lu Zhaohua , Luo Qiuyun , Ma Yue and many other actors are among them.

The first place, Huang Jingyu.

Huang Jingyu, who is 92 years old, is also a very powerful actor in domestic entertainment. "Punishment" Chang Zheng and "Icebreaker" Li Fei all let the audience see his solid acting skills.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

In "Lonely Lost City", Huang Jingyu plays the male number one Ou Xiaoan, both in terms of image and temperament, which is very suitable for the character. The play is also crisp and neat, worthy of being a spy who can escape from the prison of the Japan Institute of Virology.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

second place, Xin Zhilei.

From the begonias in "Celebrating More Than Years" to Li Li in "Flowers", Xin Zhilei is really out of the circle.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

In the spy war drama "Lonely Lost City", Xin Zhilei plays the female number one Qin Moqing, who speaks fluent English, whether it is facing American GIs or factional disputes within the military command, she is calm and decisive, calm and calm.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

third place, Zhang Zijian.

is "Detective Di Renjie" Li Yuanfang, "Falcon 1949" Yan Shuangying,

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

In "Lonely Lost City", Zhang Zijian plays Wen Yishan, the master of the male protagonist and the female protagonist in the military command, and is also the former stationmaster of the Chongqing station of the military commander.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

fourth place, Zhang Xilin.

is "In the Name of the People" Cai Chenggong, "Year after Year" Liangzi,

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

In the Name of the People

In "Lonely Lost City", Zhang Xilin plays Wei Qingming, the acting stationmaster of Chongqing of the military command.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

fifth, Dong Xuan.

From starring in "Snow Goddess Dragon" out of the circle, to "The Condor Heroes" Tomb Pai Lin Chaoying, Dong Xuan has always been a goddess in the minds of many audiences.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

In "Lonely Battle in the Maze", Dong Xuan played the role of Wang Qiushui, a worker under me. Wearing a cheongsam and combing the hairstyle of that era, it fits the characters very well and has a sense of substitution.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

Sixth, Zhang Shen.

is "Celadon" Hu Haiyang, "Eye of the Storm" Miao Lianyang,

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

In "Lonely Lost City", Zhang Shen plays Feng Yunian, deputy head of the Chongqing Station of the Military Command.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

seventh place, Zhao Da.

Zhao Da has a very high appearance rate in the past two years. Xun Jianxiang in "Big River", Fei Tang in "West Out of Yumen", and Zhao Mingfu in "Three Teams", each of which has a distinct personality and is impressive.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

In "Lonely Lost City", Zhao Da plays Qin Jiru.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

eighth place, Xiao Shunyao.

It is Di Feisheng in "Lotus Building" and Lin Haoqing in "Acquaintance with Jun Chu".

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

"Lotus Tower" flute flying sound

In "Lonely Maze", Xiao Shunyao plays Lou Mingyuan. I was used to seeing Xiao Shunyao's ancient costumes, but I didn't expect his modern clothes to be heroic.

40 episodes of spy war drama are on the air! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei led 8 actors, and the two David TV simulcasts are going to be popular

With novel themes and angles, a foggy plot, two powerful starring Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei, plus a group of familiar and powerful old drama bones, this "Lonely Lost City" is likely to become the next spy war hit.

However, at present, the series has just started, and whether it can achieve another spy war classic will not be conclusive until the follow-up plot slowly unfolds.

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