
Zhang Shuhao proposed, hoping that his mother must love her very much, which moved the whole network, and Zhang's mother smiled wryly in the audience

author:Stretch out your claws to see the world


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After five years of intense affection, the lovers Zhang Shuhao and Ouyang Nini finally ushered in the romantic moment of marriage proposal.

Speaking of which, this marriage proposal is really eye-catching, Zhang Shuhao boldly confided his love in full swing to Ouyang Nini in a unique scene, and at the same time did not forget to show off the love history of the two of them to the relatives and friends present.

He also specially thanked his uncle, sister, grandfather and grandmother, and loved Ouyang Nini as his own family, and this kind of family warmth undoubtedly added another fire to this relationship.

Zhang Shuhao proposed, hoping that his mother must love her very much, which moved the whole network, and Zhang's mother smiled wryly in the audience

At the proposal scene, Ouyang Nini's smile was like a flower, and the flowers in her hand made her the focus of the audience.

However, at this jubilant moment, Zhang Shuhao did not forget to set a tone for his future life.

He actually said to his mother, "Mom, you don't hurt me so much, but you have to hurt her hard."

This sounds very fresh and profound.

This not only reflects Zhang Shuhao's machismo, but also reveals his unique insight into family relationships.

This remark was quite weighty, and it immediately aroused heated discussions in the audience, but it also showed his ardent expectations for the harmonious coexistence of his family in the future.

Zhang Shuhao proposed, hoping that his mother must love her very much, which moved the whole network, and Zhang's mother smiled wryly in the audience

Zhang Shuhao's remarks may be an outlier in the traditional concept of family, but they also reflect his keen insight into the emotional exchange between family members.

He pursues not only personal happiness, but also hopes that the future family can work together on the basis of mutual respect and understanding.

Although this kind of thinking has brought a certain amount of pressure to his mother, it also shows his deep understanding of family emotions.

The mother listened to her son's words and responded earnestly.

Her words are full of adherence to traditional family roles and pride in maternal love.

She feels that mother's love is irreplaceable, and these words not only express her infinite love for her son, but also demonstrate her dedication to family values.

Zhang Shuhao proposed, hoping that his mother must love her very much, which moved the whole network, and Zhang's mother smiled wryly in the audience

Zhang Shuhao listened, and his heart was also mixed, he knew that his mother's words were out of deep feelings for him and his future daughter-in-law, although the expression was a bit straightforward.

The relatives and friends at the scene also had their own feelings.

Some people have suggested that Zhang Shuhao can be a little tactful when expressing emotions and expectations, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts.

They felt that a more modest phrase might better reflect respect and understanding of family members' feelings.

For example, Zhang Shuhao could say something like: "Mom, thank you for your selfless love, you have made me thrive."

Zhang Shuhao proposed, hoping that his mother must love her very much, which moved the whole network, and Zhang's mother smiled wryly in the audience

Now, I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with my beloved, and I hope you will love her as much as you love me and accept her as a part of our family.

We believe that as long as we respect and tolerate each other, our family will be happier.


In addition, Zhang Shuhao also said a very poetic sentence at the scene: "The person I kneel down will take me out of this world."

This sounds profound, but it's also a bit confusing.

He may be trying to express his strong commitment and deep feelings for marriage, but this statement is indeed a bit vague and misleading.

Zhang Shuhao proposed, hoping that his mother must love her very much, which moved the whole network, and Zhang's mother smiled wryly in the audience

Zhang Shuhao's marriage proposal is really full of emotion and sincerity, but it also exposes some of his shortcomings in expressing emotions and handling family relationships.

This is also a reminder that when it comes to expressing important emotions, you have to think carefully about the words.

As for the future of Zhang Shuhao and Ouyang Nini, everyone is quite optimistic, and I hope they can build a small family full of love and harmony through mutual understanding and support.

Zhang Shuhao proposed, hoping that his mother must love her very much, which moved the whole network, and Zhang's mother smiled wryly in the audience

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