
Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her

author:Watermelon said entertainment

Ouyang Nana shared her sister's marriage proposal scene

We'll see what happens in this loving moment!

On June 29, the popular young artist Ouyang Nana shared a surprising news on social platforms: her sister, the beautiful and moving Ouyang Nini, was proposed!

As a sister, Ouyang Nana, her sharing makes us fortunate to be a witness to the sweetness of this love.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her

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This is not a hasty marriage proposal, but a period of accumulation of Zhang Shuhao's affectionate love for Ouyang Nini.

As viewers, we can feel from the video shared by Ouyang Nana that this is a loving and emotional marriage proposal ceremony. In order to create a romantic atmosphere for the marriage proposal scene, Zhang Shuhao carefully prepared a heart-filled ceremony, which is enough to move anyone.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her
Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her

Zhang Shuhao was wearing a black suit, kneeling respectfully in front of Ouyang Nini, his eyes were full of infinite love, holding the ring in both hands, and confessing to her affectionately: "Nini, I love you." ”

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her

When his voice rang out, the whole scene fell into a peaceful silence. His every word and every action revealed a strong emotion and determination, and he wanted Ouyang Nini to know that he was sincere and willing to protect her all his life.

At this moment, Zhang Shuhao's love confession turned into a sweet proverb and engraved in everyone's heart.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her
Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her

A declaration of love: Zhang Shuhao's confession of true feelings

The moment of Zhang Shuhao's marriage proposal was so affectionate and his love was revealed.

When he confessed to Ouyang Nini with tears in front of the crowd, the atmosphere of the audience was moved by their love.

Zhang Shuhao's eyes widened, tears flickered, his voice choked, but his love was firm. This marriage proposal is more like a proud speech, revealing Zhang Shuhao's deep love and Ouyang Nini's devotion to it.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her
Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her

Even those of us who watched through the screen were moved by their sincere emotions.

Zhang Shuhao's confession undoubtedly added more touching elements to this marriage proposal ceremony. It is this kind of love that makes people feel that there is a happy ending in this world where lovers finally become married.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her
Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her

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The atmosphere revolves around the lovers, accompanied by Jeremy Cheung's affectionate confession, warm and romantic. And all of this was glimpsed by us one by one in Ouyang Nana's excited sharing.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her

The design of the venue is full of romance, from the placement of flowers to the design of lighting, all have been carefully arranged to draw a perfect end to this proposal. Zhang Shuhao's face was full of shyness and happiness, and he used the truest emotions to tell Ouyang Nini how much he loved her.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her

And Ouyang Nini also responded to him with her incomparable smile and accepted his marriage proposal. With the success of Zhang Shuhao's affectionate proposal, this unique marriage proposal ceremony reached a climax. This sincere confession of love is not only a proof of love for Ouyang Nini, but also gives us an extremely touching bystander experience. It is certain that this sincere love of the lovers will always be remembered.


Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings, and the man was 8 years older than her

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