
Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was the planner and was banned for threatening her sister

author:Gossip Zhang

On an ordinary day, the relationship between Zhang Shuhao and Ouyang Nini finally ushered in an important turning point. According to people familiar with the matter, the lovers have been together for five years, do you know how they have spent the past five years, the relationship between them has gone through ups and downs, and finally a lover finally became a family. This proposal is very warm, and it is perfectly presented after careful planning.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was the planner and was banned for threatening her sister

It is said that Ouyang Nana participated in the planning of this proposal scene, and the layout of the proposal scene was very emotional and full of romantic elements. The scene exudes a faint scent of roses, and the proposal scene decorated with garlands seems to have turned into a fairytale scene. Every detail has been carefully designed, from the arrangement to the choice of music, all of which reveal Zhang Shuhao's deep affection for Ouyang Nini.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was the planner and was banned for threatening her sister

The relationship between the couple is strong, and their every move shows their tacit understanding and understanding. Ouyang Nini's father's approval is the icing on the cake for this relationship, and his views and support for Zhang Shuhao are undoubtedly one of the important witnesses of this romantic proposal. The blessings and support of the family escorted their love, and also made this moment more precious and real.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was the planner and was banned for threatening her sister

Netizens have expressed their positive comments and blessings to Ouyang Nini on social media. They praised her for her sincerity and kindness, believing that she was a role model to follow. Some commented that after reading the news, I felt that Ouyang Nini was so beautiful, and she must be a gentle wife and mother in the future, worthy of all good things.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was the planner and was banned for threatening her sister

In addition, Ouyang Nana also worked as a photographer in addition to planning, and she recorded important moments in her sister's life from her own unique perspective. These videos were also posted on her social platforms, allowing everyone to bless her sister, which also showed her as a good sister to her sister. Her record is not only a support for her sister, but also a symbol of family warmth and unity.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was the planner and was banned for threatening her sister

The three thousand gold of the Ouyang family can be described as beautiful, the most prominent is of course Ouyang Nana, Nana is kind, affectionate and patriotic, versatile, she is also very happy about this marriage proposal, and she has nothing to say to her sister, but do you know? My sister's erroneous remarks almost made my sister banned, but fortunately, my sister admitted her mistake in time and didn't cause a big disaster.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was the planner and was banned for threatening her sister

Fans expressed their sincere wishes to the marriage proposal scene of Zhang Shuhao and Ouyang Nini, and they also forwarded these touching moments. Some people have commented that this proposal is not only a romantic ceremony, but also the best proof of the sincere feelings between them. Fans were moved by the details and emotions of this proposal, and felt the power and warmth of love.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was the planner and was banned for threatening her sister

Zhang Shuhao and Ouyang Nini's love is so touching, especially the sentence "Meet him, he is Lao Zhang, my fiancé". Many people believe that the couple shows an ideal love and is an example for them to follow. The comments are full of wishes for their happy life and hope that they will always be happy and happy.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was the planner and was banned for threatening her sister

The media exposure allows the public to feel emotional resonance and positive energy from it. They are reported as a praise for love and a yearning for a happy life. Through the lens of the media, the public has seen how an ordinary couple creates their own happiness through sincere feelings and hard work. This positive energy is a kind of positive energy transmission and infection for the whole society.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was the planner and was banned for threatening her sister

The media adopted a different attitude and strategy when Zhang Shuhao denied the marriage rumors before. Some media outlets choose to respect privacy and avoid too much speculation and speculation, while others keep an eye on and try to dig deeper. The reaction has sparked a lot of debate and speculation among the public, with some arguing that celebrity privacy should be respected, while others questioning whether the media should be more transparent and open.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was the planner and was banned for threatening her sister

However, when the marriage proposal between Zhang Shuhao and Ouyang Nini actually happened, the media reaction became swift and positive. Major media outlets have reported on this important moment, analyzing their emotional experiences and family backgrounds. The public's attitude towards this change has also followed, from the previous speculation and discussion to the current blessing and support, the media report is not only a record of an event, but also a kind of admiration and expression of love and happy life.

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