
Zhang Ziyu cried, No. 8 Wang Jiaxin C took a happy photo with Australia! The coach was satisfied with the game

author:Daya said sports
Zhang Ziyu cried, No. 8 Wang Jiaxin C took a happy photo with Australia! The coach was satisfied with the game

The 2024 Women's Basketball FIBAU18 Asian Cup finals staged a fierce matchup, with the Chinese team competing against the last year's champions Australia on the field, and Chinese fans are full of anticipation to witness their new chapter.

At the beginning of the game, the Chinese team showed a strong desire to attack and team cohesion. The audience could see that they were not only fighting for victory, but also for honor and country. Zhang Ziyu is like an unstoppable shooting star, her 42 points and 14 rebounds not only make opponents fearful, but also make every fan of the Chinese team proud and proud.

However, sports competition is always a harsh reality. Despite Zhang Ziyu's all-out efforts, the Chinese team still lost to the Australian team 79-96 and could not win the championship as expected. After the game, there was a heated discussion on social media about the reasons for the victory and defeat of the match. Some netizens commented: "Zhang Ziyu's performance alone has exceeded the team's expectations, but after all, basketball is a team sport, and it is difficult for a star to hold up the entire sky." These words sparked widespread resonance and discussion, and many people said that the overall strength of the Chinese team needs to be further improved, and it cannot rely entirely on the performance of individual players.

Zhang Ziyu cried, No. 8 Wang Jiaxin C took a happy photo with Australia! The coach was satisfied with the game

Another netizen believed: "The manager's tactical arrangement at critical moments is not ideal, and over-reliance on Zhang Ziyu leads to the failure of other offensive points to give full play, which is an important reason for the loss." The criticism immediately raised questions about the manager's decision-making, with many believing that this tactical reliance must be improved in future matches to avoid another defeat.

As for Zhang Ziyu's performance, some netizens expressed their admiration and support. Although he lost the game, Zhang Ziyu's fighting spirit and tenacious character were deeply touched. In the future, Chinese basketball will definitely become stronger because of her existence. These words not only show the fans' appreciation for Zhang Ziyu, but also highlight their confidence and expectations for the future of the Chinese team.

After the game, Zhang Ziyu on the bench burst into tears. As the soul of the team, she gave everything for this game, but the defeat left her depressed. On the court, she showed her superb basketball skills and was at the heart of almost all of China's offense, but Australia's ultimate dominance prevented her from turning the tide of the game.

Zhang Ziyu cried, No. 8 Wang Jiaxin C took a happy photo with Australia! The coach was satisfied with the game

Zhang Ziyu, who sat on the sidelines, silently wiped away her tears, knowing that no amount of effort could change the outcome of the game. It wasn't just a loss, it was a heavy psychological blow for her. She fought hard in the game, giving her all in every attack and every defense, but in the end she still couldn't help the team win the championship. She can attack under the basket, but she can also play well with the team's offense, and she works well with her teammates. On the court, Zhang Ziyu showed the ability to be a versatile player, and she was able to play well on both the offensive and defensive ends. Although she may have a slight weakness in terms of footwork at the moment, her teammates are actively working to make up for her shortcomings and try to maintain a tacit understanding with her.

In a recent interview with the mixed mining area, Zhang Ziyu showed extraordinary collective consciousness and wisdom. She doesn't just focus on individual performance, but also on the overall interests and cooperation of the team. In the interview, she was frank about her role and responsibility in the game, emphasizing the importance of teamwork in achieving victory. This mature and intelligent performance has earned the praise and respect of many fans.

On social media, some netizens commented: "Zhang Ziyu is not only a superstar on the court, but her wisdom and teamwork are the precious wealth of our Chinese team." These comments reflect the fans' recognition and support for Zhang Ziyu's all-round ability, and they believe that she is not only an individual talent, but also an indispensable core of the team.

Zhang Ziyu cried, No. 8 Wang Jiaxin C took a happy photo with Australia! The coach was satisfied with the game

Zhang Ziyu's intelligence and technical ability have made her a key figure in the Chinese women's basketball team, and her existence is not only for personal glory, but also for the team's victory and achievement. Her performance on the court is not only impressive, but also inspires her teammates to work together to fight for the future of Chinese basketball.

Fans can't help but feel distressed and reluctant for her efforts. On the social platform, someone wrote: "Zhang Ziyu's performance today is really distressing, she did her best for this game, we support her!" These comments show the fans' recognition and support for Zhang Ziyu, who not only saw her efforts on the field, but also felt the dedication and persistence behind her.

Zhang Ziyu's tears were not only because of the loss, but also because of the affirmation of his efforts and the helplessness of the result of the game. In her heart, this game is not only a competition, but also a responsibility and responsibility for basketball, the team and the country. Although the loss was a source of discouragement, she knew it would be a valuable experience and an opportunity for growth in her basketball career.

In the Australian team, Wang Jiaxin's performance became the key. She hit many shots at critical moments in the game, disrupting the defensive rhythm of the Chinese team and becoming a presence to be reckoned with in the game. After the game, she smiled from ear to ear in the C position, which made some fans quite disappointed with her performance, feeling that her recklessness in the game affected the overall rhythm of the game.

Zhang Ziyu cried, No. 8 Wang Jiaxin C took a happy photo with Australia! The coach was satisfied with the game

The manager's tactical decisions have also become a point of contention among fans. He insisted on using Wang Jiaxin in the game, although she didn't shoot well in key moments and failed to give other players more opportunities. This decision is considered one of the main reasons for the defeat of the Chinese team, which has sparked widespread discussion and criticism.

Despite this, the manager's post-match statement was that he was very pleased with the team's performance. He believes that the team has shown good strength and competitiveness in the game, especially Zhang Ziyu's individual performance is eye-catching. However, the opinions of the fans are very different, believing that the team's poor tactical arrangement at key moments led to the eventual defeat.

For the future, the Chinese women's basketball team needs to deeply reflect on the shortcomings in the game, and make adjustments and improvements in tactical strategies and player mentality. Zhang Ziyu will continue to play an important role as the core of the team, and her growth and adjustment will directly affect the future direction of the team.

This competition is not only a sports competition, but also a true portrayal of team strength and individual dedication. The Chinese women's basketball team failed to win the championship, but their hard work and fighting spirit have deeply touched the hearts of every fan.

Zhang Ziyu cried, No. 8 Wang Jiaxin C took a happy photo with Australia! The coach was satisfied with the game

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