
29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

author:A story gallery

In Hong Kong, there is a 10-year-old boy named Wang Jiaer, who is engrossed in wielding the fencing in his hand. He was born into a family of athletes, and both of his parents were athletes for the national team.

His mother was on the gymnastics team, and his father was a fencing coach in Hong Kong after his father retired from the fencing team, and Wong Ka-er became his father's protégé as a matter of course.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

Although he is still young, Wang Jiaer already knows the value of hard work. He understands that as long as he practices well enough, his father will reward him. As a result, he devoted himself to fencing training and began competing in various competitions since he was 10 years old.

However, a turning point in fate quietly came at the age of 14. A scout spotted Wang Jiaer on the street and praised his appearance, believing that he was a perfect fit to be a star. Although his father vetoed the scout's proposal in person, the word "star" has been deeply imprinted in Wang Jiaer's heart.

From that moment on, Wang Jiaer began to change his inner world. He began to imagine himself standing on stage, as striking as those glittering stars.

This thought made him less engaged in fencing training.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

Wang Jiaer's father noticed the change in his son, and there was a gentleman's covenant between them. As long as Wang Jiaer practiced fencing well, his father believed that he had the ability to achieve his dream of stardom.

This agreement inspired Wang Jiaer's fighting spirit, and he decided to devote himself to training again, this time not for his father's approval, but to realize his dream.

Once a person has a dream, he will continue to break through himself. The 17-year-old proved this to his father and to himself with his achievements: he has won three Asian championships, three national championships, and nine international and Hong Kong championships! This dazzling report card is a satisfactory answer he handed over to his father and himself.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

Eventually, the father was impressed by his son's determination and strength and agreed to let him report to the agency. So, with expectations for the future, Wang Jiaer left his hometown alone and embarked on a new journey to South Korea.

This time, he worked hard and fought hard for his dream!

17-year-old Wang Jiaer stood at the crossroads of his life, holding his father's permission tightly in his hand, and his heart was full of expectations and a trace of apprehension for the future. He stepped out of the port area and left his familiar life alone, landing on a plane in a foreign country, South Korea.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

Looking out the window at his distant hometown, he took a deep breath and secretly made up his mind to realize his dream in this strange country.

However, the reality is far more cruel than imagined, and Wang Jiaer, who came to South Korea, faces many challenges due to language barriers and cultural differences. As a trainee from outside, he was ostracized by many people.

Once, he was even slapped inexplicably by an unfamiliar senior in the face of this sudden blow, although Wang Jiaer did not understand the reason, but finally chose to reconcile This maturity and rationality have begun to appear in him at that time.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

Whenever he encounters difficulties and wants to give up, Wang Jiaer will think of his father's expectations and his own dreams. He gritted his teeth, tried to adapt to the new environment, and practiced singing and dancing hard. The teenager who used to break through in the fencing arena is now conquering another field with the same perseverance.

In the end, Wang Jiaer's efforts paid off. His position in the Korean entertainment industry has become increasingly stable and he has become a high-profile artist. But the real turning point came when he joined the 88Rising label abroad.

On this new platform, Wang Jiaer seems to have found his true self and began to "let himself go".

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

88Rising provides Wang Jiaer with the freedom to create and perform, making his stage style more avant-garde, bold, personalized, and full of strong visual impact. From his zombie role in "ComeAlive" to the monster with infinite power in "Cruelty", Wang Jiaer's every performance has wowed the audience.

In terms of styling design, Wang Jiaer began to boldly try and innovate, such as red and black spliced Tang costumes, "mesh see-through suits", and wild makeup under the eyelines on both sides, every time he appeared, he could cause great heated discussions in the entertainment industry.

He no longer sticks to the traditional image of icons, but interprets art and beauty in his own unique way.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

With his unique music style, Wang Jiaer has attracted wide attention from the international music industry. Not only did he become the only Asian face at the world's largest Coachella festival, but he was also invited to participate twice in a row.

On this stage, which brings together the world's top musicians, Wang Jiaer has shown the world the strength of Chinese artists with his talent.

From a young fencing boy in Hong Kong to a cutting-edge artist on the international stage, Wang Jiaer's transformation is truly amazing. The success of all this is due to his never-give-up heart and persistent pursuit of dreams.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

Under the spotlight, Wang Jiaer, the stage seems to have become his second home. After joining the 88Rising label, his performance style has taken a qualitative leap, and he has begun to truly "let himself go" and create a unique stage image.

Wang Jiaer's stage is known for its "avant-garde", "boldness" and "personality", and each performance can bring a strong visual impact to the audience. In the song "ComeAlive", he plays a zombie crawling out of a grave, with pale makeup, eerie eyes, and mechanical dance moves that make the audience shudder.

In the musical "Cruel", Wang Jiaer showed a deeper acting charm. He brilliantly interprets a yokai with infinite power, eschewing the usual cute or mischievous image, and instead blending its unique coldness and charm to create a dangerous and seductive beauty.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

When a sword penetrated his body, the pain and helplessness he showed moved the audience, as if they could also feel the pain, and couldn't help but tremble Wang Jiaer's performance was not only a visual feast, but also an immersive fantasy experience.

In terms of styling, Wang Jiaer's bold innovation is always surprising. He often wears a red and black patchwork Tang suit, his hair echoes the suit, and he wears wild eye makeup, and every appearance arouses the audience's exclamations.

He did not hesitate to show his beauty, and even tried a "mesh see-through suit" to show off his good figure, and this bold style of dressing made every performance a reason for fans to scream with blood.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

However, Wang's success depends on more than just his appearance. His acting skills are excellent, and he can subtly convey the emotions of the characters to the audience. Whether it is the eerie weirdness of zombies or the powerful power of monsters, Wang Jiaer can make the audience feel the emotions through his performance.

This powerful appeal makes his performances always impressive.

Wang Jiaer's unique stage charm has been widely recognized in the international music industry. In 2022, he ranked 13th in the Billboard Artist Top 100, setting a record for the highest number of Chinese artists. This achievement not only showcased his strength, but also earned him a place on the international stage.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

In the European and American Chinese music scene, Wang Jiaer is undoubtedly the first to lead the way. His success is undoubtedly a challenge to the traditional stereotype of Chinese artists, showing the unique charm of Chinese pop music.

In his own unique way, Wang Jiaer has redefined what it means to be a truly international artist.

From the fencing stage to the international stage, Wang Jiaer has shown his unique talent and hard work. His success tells us that as long as we are determined to pursue our dreams and have the courage to innovate, we will be able to shine on our own stage.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

In the entertainment industry, Wang Jiaer's way of treating fans has always been part of his unique charm. He doesn't like a lot of high-flying stars, but treats his fans like friends, and this intimate interaction makes his fans feel happy.

In Wang Jiaer's world, his fans not only have the opportunity to take photos with their idols, but also hold hands, hug and even kiss. This intimate interaction makes fans feel pampered, and if someone who doesn't know sees it, it's easy to mistake them for a close friend or lover.

However, this close interaction has led to a lot of controversy among netizens, especially the "Da Yang sister-in-law" incident. When the photo of Wang Jiaer and this married female fan was exposed, everyone talked about it because of this matter.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

Many netizens poured into Brother Yang's live broadcast room, but they didn't see any reaction from Brother Yang, but they noticed that he slapped the table during the live broadcast, although he was very generous on the surface, the so-called was just his wife's idol, but the attentive audience still found his dissatisfaction from his action.

This incident put Wang Jiaer on the cusp, and was questioned for his lack of sense of boundary, and was even called a "disqualified idol". However, Wang Jiaer did not change his style because of this. He believes that satisfying the wishes of fans is also one of the artists' jobs, and this interaction does not cross the line, but only expresses gratitude to the fans.

Wang Jiaer shows a strong affinity in daily life, he will go to fans' homes for dinner, and will help clean up the table, just like a visit between ordinary friends. Sometimes he wears slippers and wears his hair casually at a roadside stall for breakfast, chatting with the table, and there is no star shelf at all.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

These down-to-earth performances make fans feel like ordinary friends around him.

Although the controversy has never stopped, Wang Jiaer has always adhered to his own principles. He firmly believes that treating everyone who supports him sincerely is the attitude that an artist should have.

Such an attitude may seem a bit excessive to some people, but for his fans, it is an important part of Wang Jiaer's charm.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

Wang Jiaer used his way to explain the relationship between idols and fans. In his world, there are no high-flying stars, only friends who cherish each other. This unique way of getting along may be controversial, but it is also one of the important reasons why he is attractive.

On the international stage, Wang Jiaer is not only a talented artist, but also a responsible representative of China. He often emphasizes that he is Chinese on important occasions and shows China's strength with practical actions.

During his time as a trainee, Wang Jiaer had already shown strong patriotic feelings. Once, when the host introduced him, he used the word "Hong Konger", and Wang Jiaer immediately corrected: "It should be Chinese."

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

His firm attitude shows his pride and identification with his identity.

Wang Jiaer's international influence is obvious. He has been invited to participate in the world's largest Coachella music festival twice in a row, and is the only Asian face to appear on this stage.

On this stage, which brings together the world's top musicians, he has proved the great potential of Chinese artists with his talent.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

In Thailand, Wang Jiaer's popularity is surprisingly high. The number of his fans is very large, even when he arrives at the airport in the early hours of the morning, a large number of fans come to pick him up. Even the former princess of Thailand became his fan and chartered the entire hotel for him.

This super popularity is not only a personal respect and recognition of Wang Jiaer, but also an affirmation and admiration of Chinese pop culture.

At the 2023 concert in London, England, Wang Jiaer showed his due responsibility as a Chinese artist. In the face of the British media's groundless smear and distortion of China, he did not choose to remain silent, but boldly rebuked angrily on stage, which won warm applause and tears of emotion from the Chinese audience at the scene, and also fully demonstrated his deep feelings for the motherland.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

Wang Jiaer has used his own way to show China's power on the international stage, he is an excellent performer, and he is also the spokesperson of Chinese culture. Whether it is showcasing his talent at music festivals or maintaining the country's image at concerts, Wang Jiaer has interpreted with practical actions what it means to be a truly international Chinese artist.

The 29-year-old Wang Jiaer is no longer the young fencer, his life has changed dramatically from Hong Kong to the world, but the spirit of not admitting defeat in his bones has never changed.

Wang Jiaer has a never-say-die spirit, as long as it is his choice, he must do his best. In his world, there is no "comfort zone". Whether it's music or performance, he always keeps innovating.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

For him, he is never satisfied with the present, he has always challenged himself, and every time he takes the stage, it is an opportunity for him to break through.

This innovative spirit not only brings new experiences to the audience, but also enables Wang Jiaer to gain a foothold on the international stage. In 2022, he ranked 13th in the TOP100 of the Billboard Artist List, breaking the Chinese record, which is the best proof that he continues to break through.

Despite his great success on the international stage, Wang remains true to his roots. He has always insisted on emphasizing his Chinese identity and showing China's power through the international stage.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

This confidence in his own culture is an important reason for his charm.

There is no fixed pattern to success, and Wang's story profoundly reveals this. At the age of 29, he may not be the most dazzling star in the domestic entertainment industry, but he is unique on the international stage and shines in his own way.

Wang Jiaer has shifted from the fencing arena to the music stage, from Hong Kong to the world, and he has vividly interpreted what a truly international artist is with his efforts and talents.

29-year-old Wang Jiaer is not popular in the entertainment industry because he is in another circle and is becoming purple

Wang Jiaer's story makes people feel young because his soul never gets old. He told us with his actions that as long as we stick to our dreams and break through ourselves, we will eventually shine on our own stage.

His story is not only an inspirational story of success, but also an inspiration to all dreamers.

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