
Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points to save the women's basketball team, and cried into tears after the game, and the head coach and Wang Jiaxin were the reasons for the loss

author:Sports commentary


A few days ago, in the final of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team faced the Australian team and finally lost 79-96, losing by 17 points. This defeat not only made the Chinese women's basketball team, which has been soaring all the way, stop in front of the championship, but also surprised and disappointed all the fans who followed them.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points to save the women's basketball team, and cried into tears after the game, and the head coach and Wang Jiaxin were the reasons for the loss

Looking back on this game, the performance of the Chinese women's basketball team on the court is regrettable. From the beginning of the game, the Chinese team seemed to have fallen into a passive situation. The Australian team showed strong strength and excellent tactical execution, while the Chinese team appeared to be a little unable to deal with it.

In this game, the manager's tactical arrangements and decisions were controversial. In the face of the Australian team's high-intensity defense and quick counterattack, the Chinese team's tactical adjustment appeared to be untimely and effective. The head coach's failure to adapt to the situation on the court has left the Chinese team in a difficult situation at both the offensive and defensive ends.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points to save the women's basketball team, and cried into tears after the game, and the head coach and Wang Jiaxin were the reasons for the loss

Offensively, the Chinese team's tactical system failed to give full play to the strengths of the players. Some key players were not given enough opportunities to show what they were capable of, and the tactical uniformity made it easy for Australia to make targeted defensive arrangements. On the defensive end, the Chinese team's defensive strategy failed to effectively limit Australia's scoring, and the opposing players repeatedly broke through the defense and scored easily.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points to save the women's basketball team, and cried into tears after the game, and the head coach and Wang Jiaxin were the reasons for the loss

Wang Jiaxin, as a member of the team, also failed to meet expectations in this game. She was not decisive enough in her decision-making on the offensive end and missed a number of great chances to score. When defending, it was also not able to effectively contain the break-through and attack of the opposing players. Her mistakes and poor performance affected the team's overall rhythm and morale to a certain extent.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points to save the women's basketball team, and cried into tears after the game, and the head coach and Wang Jiaxin were the reasons for the loss

In the game, the cooperation of the Chinese team was not tacit enough, passing errors were frequent, and there were obvious problems in communication and cooperation between players. This not only led to a sluggish attack, but also gave the Australian team more opportunities to counter-attack.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points to save the women's basketball team, and cried into tears after the game, and the head coach and Wang Jiaxin were the reasons for the loss

In this key matchup, Zhang Ziyu's performance has attracted much attention. She had 42 points and 14 rebounds in the finals, and the stats looked quite dazzling. But if you dig deeper, you'll find some problems. Compared with the previous four games, Zhang Ziyu's shooting rate this time has dropped significantly. Previously, she had a shooting percentage of more than 80 percent, and in the final, she hit only 18 of her 36 shots, a shooting percentage of just 50 percent.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points to save the women's basketball team, and cried into tears after the game, and the head coach and Wang Jiaxin were the reasons for the loss

In the first quarter of the game, Zhang Ziyu was obviously in trouble, and it seemed that he couldn't find an effective way to score at all, and only scored four or five points. However, as the match progressed, she gradually adjusted to the defensive intensity of her opponents and her scoring began to increase. Sadly, however, even though she scored 42 points, she still couldn't change the outcome of the team's defeat.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points to save the women's basketball team, and cried into tears after the game, and the head coach and Wang Jiaxin were the reasons for the loss

Moreover, under the high-intensity interference of the Australian players, Zhang Ziyu's two-point shooting and free throw shooting rates have declined significantly. This undoubtedly exposes her discomfort in the face of strong confrontation.

From this game, it can also be seen that Zhang Ziyu has some problems and shortcomings. First, she's overweight, which can be a significant disadvantage when the senior team competes in the World Series. As her opponent gets taller and more disruptive, it will become more difficult for her to score and her shooting percentage will drop further.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points to save the women's basketball team, and cried into tears after the game, and the head coach and Wang Jiaxin were the reasons for the loss

Secondly, Zhang Ziyu currently mainly relies on his height advantage to score, and his offensive means are relatively simple. She needs to learn from Zheng Haixia, not only to lose weight and improve her jumping ability, but also to enrich her offensive skills, such as mastering skills such as small hooks and moving attacks. I have to admit that Zhang Ziyu is far from being a "nuclear weapon" of the Chinese women's basketball team, but just a conventional weapon. After the game, Zhang Ziyu cried into tears, and the loss and regret in her heart can be imagined.

For Zhang Ziyu, some fans once confidently believed that she would definitely be able to surpass Zheng Haixia. But judging by the performance of this game, this view is clearly overly optimistic. Zhang Ziyu certainly has potential, but she still has a long way to go, and there is still a lot to improve and upgrade.

Summing up this game, we saw the shortcomings of the Chinese women's basketball team, and also saw Zhang Ziyu's potential and areas for improvement. Winning a basketball game requires an overall performance from the team, not just individual prominence. We have reason to believe that through continuous training and competitions, the girls of the Chinese women's basketball team can continue to improve themselves and achieve better results in future competitions. Zhang Ziyu also needs to continue to improve his skills and abilities in future competitions and contribute more to the Chinese women's basketball team.

Dear readers, what do you think of the Chinese women's basketball team in this game? How do you think Zhang Ziyu should adjust and improve in future competitions? Welcome to leave your valuable comments in the comment area, let us cheer for the Chinese women's basketball team together, and look forward to their better results in future games.

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