
Zhang Songwen has worn the same shirt for 30 years! Netizen: This is the real "sustainable fashion"

author:The post-90s sound Yue Tai

In this era of fast fashion, how long can a piece of clothing last? A year? Two years? Or is it eliminated in one season? However, the famous actor Zhang Songwen gave us a resounding slap in the face with a shirt that he had worn for nearly 30 years.

Zhang Songwen has worn the same shirt for 30 years! Netizen: This is the real "sustainable fashion"

On June 29, Zhang Songwen, who is working in Hong Kong, posted a selfie on social media for the first time. It should have been an ordinary photo, but it caused an uproar because of the blue and white striped shirt on his body. Fans were surprised to find that this shirt was actually purchased by Zhang Songwen in a small shop in Shaoguan in 1995!

Zhang Songwen has worn the same shirt for 30 years! Netizen: This is the real "sustainable fashion"

30 years, what is the concept for a piece of clothing? This shirt witnessed the whole process of Zhang Songwen's rise from obscurity to fame. It accompanied Zhang Songwen through countless lonely audition days, and also witnessed his glorious moments on the podium. When we are still worried about the piles of clothes in our wardrobe that we have never worn, Zhang Songwen uses this shirt to explain what it means to be "classic and timeless".

What's even more amazing is that this shirt has survived 30 years of wind and rain, and it still maintains a perfect condition that does not fade and break. This can't help but make people sigh, is Zhang Songwen too good at maintenance, or is the quality of the clothes of that era really amazing?

Some attentive netizens dug out old photos of Zhang Songwen in the 90s and found that he was wearing this shirt at that time. From a young boy to a successful actor, the only thing that has not changed is this simple blue and white striped shirt. This discovery makes the whole story even more legendary.

Zhang Songwen has worn the same shirt for 30 years! Netizen: This is the real "sustainable fashion"

In the face of heated discussions among netizens, Zhang Songwen personally went down to explain. His response is humorous and affectionate, as if telling of a deep friendship with an old friend. This frank and down-to-earth attitude makes his image in the hearts of fans more three-dimensional and real.

"Diligent and thrifty", "low-key and pragmatic", "environmental expert"...... Netizens praised Zhang Songwen's attitude to life. In this era of advocating luxury and pursuing pleasure, Zhang Songwen's choice is undoubtedly a clear stream. He tells us that true taste is not in how much money is spent, but in how to cherish each item.

Zhang Songwen has worn the same shirt for 30 years! Netizen: This is the real "sustainable fashion"

However, there's so much more to this shirt than that. It is a witness to Zhang Songwen's 30-year artistic career, carrying his memories of the past. Every time you wear it, it is like traveling back and forth in a time machine, reliving those difficult and unforgettable years.

Zhang Songwen's story also makes us reflect: in this era of consumerism, have we become too impetuous? A piece of clothing is tired of being worn and lost, and a bag is outdated and replaced, have we forgotten the emotional value of the item itself?

Zhang Songwen has worn the same shirt for 30 years! Netizen: This is the real "sustainable fashion"

As a successful actor, Zhang Songwen can have countless designer clothes. But he chose to stick to this ordinary shirt, showing his inner calmness and calmness. This attitude of not following the crowd is precisely the key to his ability to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

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