
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt led Chen Farong, and couldn't help but praise it!

author:Bear practiced for two and a half years

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Zhang Songwen posted his first selfie after working in Hong Kong for a month, but this small gesture caused huge waves online. His selfies are not ordinary, they are full of all kinds of curious and hotly discussed elements. From the scenery that records the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland to the nostalgic theme, from the shirt that has not changed color and is not damaged for 29 years, to the natural and casual curly hairstyle, to the low price of the clothes picked up by netizens and the comparison chart over the years, even the message and praise of Hong Kong sister Chen Farong has become a hot topic. This series of details makes everyone full of anticipation and desire to explore this set of selfies by Zhang Songwen.

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt led Chen Farong, and couldn't help but praise it!

Let's start with the theme of Cheung Chung-man's selfie, he records the scenery of the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland from a unique perspective, which not only shows his concern and love for the city, but also allows us to feel the development and changes of Hong Kong in the past 27 years through his lens. The theme of nostalgia is more like an expression of his inner feelings, and one can't help but wonder what kind of thoughts are surging in his heart when he reminisces about the past years.

Looking at the shirt that sparked a lot of discussion, the color of the shirt changes with the sunlight, this unique characteristic is amazing. What's even more unbelievable is that this shirt Zhang Songwen has been wearing for 29 years, but it still does not change color and is not damaged, as if it has been forgotten by the years. This can't help but remind people that in the past 29 years, this shirt has accompanied Zhang Songwen through many ups and downs and witnessed what ups and downs he has experienced in life. Perhaps in some important moments, this shirt gave him confidence and strength; Or maybe in ordinary days, it just accompanies silently and becomes a warmth and comfort in his life.

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt led Chen Farong, and couldn't help but praise it!

And Zhang Songwen's hairstyle has also become the focus of everyone's attention. was recognized by fans as what it looks like in life, and he frankly said that this is his usual curly hairstyle. also praised the female Tony teacher for her good skills, so she stayed for a while. This kind of authenticity and casualness allows people to see his side of life, without deliberate embellishment and disguise, it is so simple and pure. This real attitude also makes fans like him even more and feel that he is as close as the big brother next door.

The power of netizens should not be underestimated. They not only picked up the price of this shirt that year, which was only 30 yuan, but also found a comparison chart of Zhang Songwen who had worn it for 29 years. From these comparison pictures, we can see the traces left by time on Zhang Songwen's body, and this shirt seems to have become an eternal witness. It has witnessed Zhang Songwen move from youth to maturity, from obscurity to fame. And the exposure of the price makes people sigh at Zhang Songwen's thrift and cherishing of items.

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt led Chen Farong, and couldn't help but praise it!

Hong Kong sister Chen Farong's likes and messages added a fire to this wave of popularity. She left a message in the comment area saying that this dress can still be worn until she is eighty years old, and this comment was liked by Zhang Songwen. This interaction made people feel the friendliness and humor between the stars in the entertainment industry. also let everyone see Zhang Songwen's affinity, he did not stand tall because of his fame, but shared the bits and pieces of life with everyone.

These photographs are not just simple video records, they are more like windows to Zhang Songwen's inner world. Through these windows, we can get a glimpse into his real life and rich emotional world. From his landscape footage recording the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, we can feel his keen perception of the changes of the times and his respect for history. The presentation of the nostalgic theme allows us to see the deep nostalgia and cherishment of the past years in his heart.

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt led Chen Farong, and couldn't help but praise it!

The shirt he wears contains countless stories. Its color changes with the sunlight, as if it is a unique magic given to it by nature, making it show a different charm in different lights. It's a miracle that after 29 years, this shirt has remained uncoloured and undamaged. What it carries is not only the traces of time, but also Zhang Songwen's persistence and perseverance along the way. In this era of materialism, fashion and trend, Zhang Songwen's long-term love for this shirt allows us to see his pursuit of quality and cherishing the past, rather than blindly following the wave of consumerism to change clothes frequently. This thrift is not stinginess, but a deep understanding of life and respect for resources.

His casual and natural curly hairstyle has also become an important element to show his true side. When he unabashedly told everyone that this is the hairstyle in life, and chose to stay longer because the female teacher Tony cut well, we saw a Zhang Songwen who did not deliberately cater to the eyes of others and adhered to his own style. This kind of authenticity and casualness is like a clear stream in the entertainment industry, which is full of falsehood and disguise, making people feel extremely comfortable and cordial.

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt led Chen Farong, and couldn't help but praise it!

The efforts of netizens to dig and discover have also added more color to this set of photos. They pulled out the price of the shirt that was only 30 yuan that year, and the comparison chart of Zhang Songwen wearing this shirt for 29 years, which made us more intuitive to see the footprints left by time on him. These comparison pictures seem to be a silent documentary, telling Zhang Songwen's growth and persistence on the road of acting.

Hong Kong sister Chen Farong's likes and messages are a wonderful part of the chain reaction triggered by this group of selfies. Her humorous comment that "this dress can be worn until the age of eighty", as well as Zhang Songwen's praise for it, all show a rare sincere interaction in the entertainment industry. This interaction is not for show or attention, but for sincere communication and appreciation between friends.

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt led Chen Farong, and couldn't help but praise it!

Everything brought by this set of selfies allows us to see a real, thrifty, and affectionate Zhang Songwen. In this complex, seductive and flashy entertainment industry, he is like a determined star, exuding pure and warm light. He tells us with his own actions that the true meaning of life does not lie in the accumulation of material things and vanity on the surface, but in the fullness of the heart and the adherence to truth, goodness and beauty. He makes us believe that in this hustle and bustle of the world, there are still people who can maintain their original intentions and face the ups and downs of life with their truest selves, bringing us endless emotion and strength.

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