
After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

author:Li min
After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

The reason behind Fan Sizhe's sending to Northern Qi turned out to be...... (To be continued)

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Fan Xian is the right-hand man of the prosecutor's office, he is married to the county lord, and he is about to take over the inner treasury, he is famous, and his reputation in the officialdom is unmatched. He recently went on a trip to Northern Qi and returned with a batch of precious books presented by Zhuang Mohan, which added an important boost to his future development.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Fan Xian's status brings him broad prospects and endless opportunities. The position he held was not a simple official position, but a symbol of great responsibility and sacred mission. His wife was the lord of the county, which not only showed his personal glory, but also propelled his career forward. Coming up with Neku coming up will be a new peak in his career, and it will be a great time for him to showcase his talents.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

The books that Fan Xian received as gifts from Zhuang Mohan seemed to be a treasure, full of profound wisdom and extensive knowledge. These books are not only the source of Fan Xian's wisdom, but also the ironclad proof of his strength. He was recognized as a true successor, and this is not unfounded. This is an affirmation of his personal talent and a symbol of anticipation and trust for the future. In short, it's both a compliment to him and an expectation for his future.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

After an in-depth investigation, Fan Xian discovered a shocking conspiracy. It turned out that the second prince and the eldest princess secretly colluded with the Jinyi Wei of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and they teamed up to plan the deception of Baoyue Tower.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

The newly populated Baozuki Tower in Kyoto has a prosperous exterior but seems to be hiding a secret inside. Fan Xian's observation of this building was very keen, and he found that the identity of the owner of this green building was extremely mysterious, as if shrouded in a layer of fog. This sense of mystery makes people curious, and there are all kinds of speculations and doubts about the back of the Baoyue Tower.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

After Fan Xian's careful investigation, he revealed the secret behind Baoyue Tower. In order to compete for greater power, the second prince and the eldest princess secretly colluded with the Jinyi Wei of the Northern Qi Dynasty and plotted a conspiracy. The place where this conspiracy was carried out was the Baoyue Tower, and this building became a key place for their power struggle.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

In this hidden scheme, the Imperial Family was severely betrayed and brought danger to the peace of Kyoto. Fan Xian is well aware of its importance, and he must stand up to the looming conspiracy to ensure the safety of Kyoto. He vowed to do everything in his power to prevent this betrayal of the royal family and the peaceful capital. This is not only a challenge to power, but also a protection for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Fan Xian resolutely did not allow this kind of betrayal to happen, and did his best to protect the safety of the capital.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

So, Fan Xian launched a thrilling plan of action. He skillfully used his position and intelligence network, closely watching the movements of Baoyue Tower. Every step he made showed foresight and decisive decision-making, like a delicately laid out chess piece on a chessboard, gradually pushing the second prince and the eldest princess into a desperate situation.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Fan Xian changed into ordinary people's clothes and quietly sneaked into Baoyue Tower. He was nervous, because this adventure was really nerve-wracking. As soon as he entered the building, he felt an unusual atmosphere, the atmosphere in this building seemed to be slightly different from other green buildings, as if a sense of depression permeated the air.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

When Fan Xian's thoughts were full of thoughts, a figure that looked quite familiar suddenly appeared in his eyes, she was Sang Wen. Her expression revealed surprise, which made Fan Xian even more confused. The two began to talk, and in the conversation, Fan Xian gradually grasped the situation inside the Baoyue Tower.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

At first, Sang Wen was unfortunately trapped in the Baoyue Tower and became a captive person. When the news reached Fan Xian's ears, he resolutely decided to help Sang Wen get out of danger. Fan Xian understood that if he wanted to grasp the internal situation of Baoyue Tower, he had to rescue the trapped people first, so that he could obtain more useful information. Therefore, he began to plan how to rescue Sanwen.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

In the darkness of the night, Fan Xian and Sang Wen made a plan for a conspiracy. They devised a clever escape plan that they planned to put into action the next night. Fan Xian's resoluteness and intelligence made Sang Wen full of confidence and longing for him. They decided to join forces and face unknown challenges with wisdom and determination.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

On the second night, Fan Xian and Sang Wen easily escaped from Baoyue Tower and came to the free air outdoors. They expressed their gratitude to each other and their trust in each other deepened. Fan Xian is determined to investigate the secrets of Baoyue Tower, and Sang Wen also expresses her willingness to fully support his investigation. Breaking free from the confines of the building, they talked about the future under the night sky. Encourage each other, and strengthen their faith and determination for each other. Fan Xian's determination is to expose the truth behind Baoyue Tower, and Sang Wen is also determined to complete this mission with Fan Xian. In the thick of the night, they worked together and moved forward bravely.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

After Fan Xian heard the news revealed by Sang Wen, he began to think about the secret hidden behind Baoyue Tower. He discovers that the owner of Baoyue Tower is involved in Shangshu Lane, which alerts him and begins to dig deeper. All kinds of scenes related to Shang Shuxiang kept coming to his mind, especially Yuan Meng, who had a close relationship with the prince of King Jing. He decides to uncover the truth behind the Baoyue Tower.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Fan Xian had heard of the name Shangshu Lane, which was not new to him. He recalls that it was a place of political intrigue and many unknown secrets. As for Yuan Meng, as a close friend of King Jing, the relationship between her and Shang Shuxiang should not be underestimated. He began to wonder if the darkness behind Baoyue Tower was related to some clues from Yuan Meng and Shangshu Lane.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

He struggled to piece together clues in an attempt to uncover the truth behind the Baoyue Tower. Whether the relationship between the second prince and the prince of King Jing is involved in this conspiracy is still a mystery to be solved. Although Fan Xian has not yet found conclusive evidence, his feelings tell him that there must be some kind of connection.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Fan Xian sent Fan Sizhen to Northern Qi, and there were three deep-seated considerations behind it. Out of love for his brother, he hopes that Fan Sizhen can take the right path and be a good person. Fan Xian knew Fan Sizhe's personality and knew that what he needed was not just a harsh rebuke, but more of a sincere care and guidance. He believes that only by guiding Fan Sizhen with a warm heart can he truly help him on the right path. In short, Fan Xian's intentions are good, and he hopes that Fan Sizhen can grow and progress.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Fan Xian made a decision to send someone to Northern Qi. He hopes that through this experience, that person will realize the responsibility and responsibility of life, and become a more courageous and mature man. This decision may make one stronger and more confident.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Fan Xian was envious of the deep affection between other family members. The brotherly relationship in his eyes is not only based on blood connection, but also spiritual mutual support and resonance. When he observed the unbreakable friendship between Sean and Zhuang Mohan, his heart was deeply touched. Fan Xian looked forward to it in his heart, if Fan Sizhen could also have a brotherhood like theirs, what a beautiful thing it would be. They can support each other, grow together, and become important partners in each other's life journeys. For Fan Xian, this kind of brotherhood is truly meaningful and what he desires.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Fan Xian sent Fan Sizhen to Northern Qi, but there was actually another secret mission. He hoped that Fan Sizhen could find opportunities for business development in Northern Qi, not only to establish a hidden spy there, but also to serve as a bridge builder for his transactions with the Cui family in Northern Qi. In other words, he wanted Fan Sizhen to conduct business in Northern Qi while secretly collecting intelligence and becoming his right-hand man in the Cui family's deal.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Fan Xian was well aware of the dark side hidden within the Northern Qi Dynasty, and as a businessman, Fan Sizhen had the opportunity to go behind enemy lines and spy on its secrets. He had the opportunity to infiltrate the heart of the Northern Qi Dynasty to find out the true face of smuggling and covert transactions there, paving the way for his future business expansion. Not only will he learn more, but it will also bring greater benefits to his career.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Fan Xian has strong expectations and confidence in Fan Sizhe's future. He decided to send Fan Sizhen to Northern Qi, not only to keep him away from the gossip and strife in Kyoto, but also to let him experience a life baptism and enlightenment in a new environment. He believes that this will allow Fan Sizhen to grow and be inspired.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Fan Xian understands the ups and downs and mistakes Fan Sizhen has experienced in the past, but he firmly believes that everyone has the opportunity to correct and start over. He hopes that Fan Sizhen can find the courage and strength to inspire him to start anew in this strange place in Northern Qi, embark on the right path, and become a person who contributes to the community. In the process, he will find that every step of the way is a step towards a better future.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Fan Xian attaches great importance to Fan Sizhe's status in business. Northern Qi was a thriving economy, and as a merchant, Fan had a better understanding of the local business situation, especially those that were illicit. Therefore, Fan Xian felt that Fan Sizhen had the potential to become his commercial spy and intelligence agent in Northern Qi. He hopes that Fan Sizhen can use his business identity to gain an in-depth understanding of the business environment in Northern Qi, especially those illegal transactions, which will bring more opportunities and benefits to his career. To put it simply, Fan Xian wanted Fan Sizhen to become his business assistant and intelligence source in Northern Qi.

After reading the original work, I realized that Fan Sizhen was sent to Northern Qi for 3 reasons

Hey, when you read, did you feel Fan Xian's deep friendship with his younger brother Fan Sizhe? Although Fan Sizhen went astray, Fan Xian's ingenious arrangement not only preserved the family, but also gave his younger brother a chance to start over. This sincere affection between brothers is strengthened when they go through difficulties. We should also be like Fan Xian in our lives, using our wisdom and love to help the people around us. This kind of behavior not only helps others, but also makes our hearts more fulfilling and satisfied. What do you think?

Oh, friends, what do you think of Fan Xian's plan this time? Do you think Fan Sizhen can show his strength and shine in Northern Qi? I hope to communicate with you in the comment area and talk about your views on Fan Xian and Fan Sizhe!

The bright stars above the city are like sparkling diamonds, dotting this bustling city. When night falls, the neon lights of the city and the stars shine together, bringing a sense of tranquility and beauty to people. The city under the stars is like a palace inlaid with countless jewels, beautiful and dreamy. The city's night sky sparkles with rows of highlights, like jewels. These highlights are like scattered diamond shards that adorn this lively city. The lights of the night and these stars together create a fascinating picture, giving people a sense of serenity and joy. The city at night is like a fairyland palace full of jewels, wonderful and wonderful.

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