
Blind singer Yang Guang: After the explosion, he was hidden in the snow because of "no one in his eyes", and now he is married to a beautiful wife and has a son

author:Phineas Quest Hall
Blind singer Yang Guang: After the explosion, he was hidden in the snow because of "no one in his eyes", and now he is married to a beautiful wife and has a son

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Blind singer Yang Guang: After the explosion, he was hidden in the snow because of "no one in his eyes", and now he is married to a beautiful wife and has a son

Yang Guang, a former blind singer, used to have unlimited scenery, but now he is far away from the stage and lives a calm and peaceful life. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, in 2020, he gave up his former dream of stardom, turned to short video creation, and became a blogger.

Yang Guang showed in the short video that he has established a happy and happy family, his wife is beautiful and moving, has an outstanding temperament, and exudes a gentle and virtuous temperament, which is amazing.

Their baby son is lively and cute, and the thief is shrewd, waving his little hands in front of the camera from time to time to greet the audience. A family of three is happy, showing the joy of family.

In recent years, with the rapid rise of the short video industry, Yang Guang has successfully transformed to follow the trend and made considerable gains in this brand-new field. As a well-known singer who attracted much attention in the past, his popularity and influence are still remnants, which naturally attracted the attention of a large number of fans.

Blind singer Yang Guang: After the explosion, he was hidden in the snow because of "no one in his eyes", and now he is married to a beautiful wife and has a son

Yang Guang records and shows his daily life on short videos, with a unique perspective and experience of a blind singer.

Seeing that Yang Guang is now living a happy and healthy life, we are sincerely happy for him. As a visually impaired person, his life path is more difficult and rugged than ordinary people, but he has never given up his inner dream and has come to this day step by step with his own efforts.

Yang Guang has lived a comfortable life, and we sincerely wish him a harmonious life with his wife and children, sharing the happiness of family happiness, and a happy life for the rest of his life.

The name Yang Guang caused a sensation on the "Avenue of Stars" in 2007, but not many people paid attention to him at first. However, in that era of passion, the love for players with strength remained the same.

Blind singer Yang Guang: After the explosion, he was hidden in the snow because of "no one in his eyes", and now he is married to a beautiful wife and has a son

Yang Guang's singing talent is amazing. Although his appearance is not outstanding, his voice brings unexpected surprises.

Especially when the audience saw his blind eyes, they were deeply shocked. Yang Guang, the singer who wears glasses most of the time, was stunned when he took them off the stage.

The blind man used his name as a token of faith, always believing that there was always sunshine in the world that would light his way. Although he has lost his eyesight, he still sings with a determined voice.

Yang Guang was born in 1979 in an ordinary rural family in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. At that time, the whole family was extremely excited about the arrival of the new life, and named him Yang Guang, meaning that he would become a light in the family.

Blind singer Yang Guang: After the explosion, he was hidden in the snow because of "no one in his eyes", and now he is married to a beautiful wife and has a son

Yang Guang's fleshy appearance made the whole family love him. His parents did everything they could for him and bought him countless toys, but he was only addicted to playing mobile games and turned a blind eye to his parents' love.

However, as time passed, the worries in the hearts of parents deepened. Whenever they put the newly bought toy in front of Yang Guang's eyes and shook it, he was indifferent, as if he didn't see it.

What puzzled Yang Guang's parents was why the child didn't seem to be able to see the toys. In order to solve this problem, they did not hesitate to take Yang Guang to the hospital for a check-up, but the result was a heavy blow - Yang Guang suffered from a rare retinoblastoma.

The incidence of this disease is very low and it is an intraocular malignancy. Without timely and effective treatment, cancer cells can easily spread, which can seriously threaten life.

Blind singer Yang Guang: After the explosion, he was hidden in the snow because of "no one in his eyes", and now he is married to a beautiful wife and has a son

Faced with such a cruel reality, Yang Guang's parents were in great pain, but they did not give up on their son. They are determined that no matter how tortuous the road ahead is, they will do their best to support their son.

After all, Yang Guang was already at a physical disadvantage, and they didn't want him to suffer more, otherwise his life would be extremely difficult. Therefore, Yang Guang's parents were obedient to him and submissive.

Even when Yang Guang made mistakes in the days, his family was more willing to cover him up, and even said to others with a sincere attitude: "Our children can't see with their eyes, please take care of them."

Under the meticulous care of his parents, Yang Guang spent a carefree childhood. Although he didn't know anything about the differences between himself and others, and didn't understand why he couldn't see this beautiful world, he deeply understood that it was his parents who gave him life, for which he was grateful.

Blind singer Yang Guang: After the explosion, he was hidden in the snow because of "no one in his eyes", and now he is married to a beautiful wife and has a son

With the passage of time, Yang Guang gradually grew. His parents decided to send him to a school specifically for people with disabilities. It was there that he was first immersed in knowledge and discovered his talent for music, which laid the foundation for his future musical career.

In 2007, Yang Guang successfully stepped on the stage of "Avenue of Stars", and in the fierce competition, he sang a song "You Are My Eyes", with its moving melody, deeply touched the audience across the country, allowing everyone to see the extraordinary achievements of a blind singer for many years and his unique charm.

In the end, Yang Guangrong realized his long-term dream of singing and successfully ascended to the championship of the year.

Yang Guang's touching story and superb singing skills attracted widespread attention, and he was invited by the director of the Spring Festival Gala to participate in the recording. On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, he performed the song "Waiting" affectionately, which deeply moved the audience.

Blind singer Yang Guang: After the explosion, he was hidden in the snow because of "no one in his eyes", and now he is married to a beautiful wife and has a son

The courage and tenacity of this blind singer to pursue the light with his singing voice is breathtaking, and his appearance on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala this time is undoubtedly the best affirmation of his outstanding singing skills, and it also lays a solid foundation for his future development in the entertainment industry.

However, when Yang Guang achieved what he had always dreamed of, he was not satisfied. He knows that only by continuous efforts can he achieve higher achievements in the entertainment industry. Therefore, although he already has a high reputation, he still actively participates in various programs and variety shows to increase his exposure and let more people appreciate his talent.

However, in the process of participating in these shows, Yang Guang has caused a lot of controversy and dissatisfaction, both in front of and behind the scenes. During the rehearsal phase, he had already upset the staff.

When the staff informed Yang Guang of the rehearsal time, he did not arrive on time, but did not come until a long time had passed, which seemed very late. When the director asked him why he was doing this, he replied that his musical skills were beyond the level of rehearsals, so there was no need to waste time on this process.

Blind singer Yang Guang: After the explosion, he was hidden in the snow because of "no one in his eyes", and now he is married to a beautiful wife and has a son

In the face of such an unreasonable response, the director's inner anger was difficult to suppress, but he could only choose to remain silent.

Yang Guang did not stop because of this behavior, and before the official performance, he once again proposed the need to adjust the on-site equipment. Although the staff had carried out several commissionings as instructed by him, Yang Guang was still not satisfied and insisted on continuing the adjustments.

Faced with such complex requirements, the staff reluctantly reminded him that the equipment had been carefully debugged and fully prepared before his arrival.

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