
Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

author:Wenshui entertainment business
Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources of information and is detailed at the end of the article
Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

The grass grows and the warbler flies, and the four fields are vast. The harshness of the winter in Harbin, the capital city of Northeast China, has not dampened people's yearning for a better life. But in Yang Guang's family, such a simple wish has become the most unattainable luxury. In the cold winter of 1979, the heavens seemed to cast a particularly cruel shadow on the family's life - the innocent little Yang Guang was diagnosed with a rare disease "retinoblastoma" when he was only eight months old. This disease is like a nightmare that tears at the hearts of every family member.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

With countless sleepless nights and collective sighs, the mother faced despair for a while. However, in the midst of the lamentation, a strong figure slowly stood firm, it was the old man in the family, Xiao Yangguang's grandmother. She used the vicissitudes and wisdom of her life to point out a way forward for the family.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

Although Grandma's life is simple and monotonous, her wisdom and tenacity are priceless treasures for the whole family. Faced with the fate of her grandson's loss of sight, her reaction was strong and clear – saving her grandson, giving him hope and teaching him how to take care of himself was the most important thing. After teaching Yang Guang his daily life skills, he was determined to find a way to make the little one feel the light.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

One night, the house was filled with the sound of singing on the TV and the atmosphere of happiness and warmth was many times stronger than usual. After inadvertently mischievously imitating a beautiful melody, Grandma is acutely aware that this is not just a child's innocent game – it is also a blessing in misfortune. The pure, freewheeling way of singing amazes those who know the beauty of music – especially the child's ability to control the rhythm so accurately that it is like a prodigy in a unique world.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

From that moment on, in every day full of dreams of reconstructing life, Grandma carefully and excitedly began her journey as a teacher - turning on the tape recorder and radio, selecting beautiful songs for Yang Guang to imitate and learn, and giving him more confidence and new ways of life expression after countless attempts.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

Fate always likes to play jokes of one kind or another with people, giving people endless suffering and trials. Yang Guang, who first went to Beijing, was full of longing, hoping to find a new world in his music career in this bustling city. However, the reality is far more cruel than expected, and life is not as prosperous as expected.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

There are high-rise buildings and stars, and his repeated encounters in the music industry are suffocating. The Beijing Repertory Theatre, the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe and other art groups have not given him the recognition he deserves—a blind singer who sings solely by hearing and singing with his heart seems to be unable to cross the threshold of beauty.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

Although the difficult years are long, who would have thought that the dawn is slowly approaching Yang Guang's life? Yes, in that miserable time, I have never seen a soul with a full heart give up easily. He insisted on singing in various small places; left his own notes on the streets of Beijing; The curious eyes and deep respect of countless passers-by have created the joy of his every small success.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

Finally, before the historic moment of 2007 arrives, make a bet on the wheel of fortune: to break into the center stage of "Walk of Fame" with the determination to be invincible. Yang Guang's singing voice gradually sublimated in the eyes of many expectations; Whether it is elegant, classical or bold rock and rap style songs, he can interpret them vividly. Every time I go on stage, I can always bring the emotional and hearty melody.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

After passing all the way, the Walk of Fame Finals brought the blind star the supreme honor - the audience judges were shocked by the sincerity and perseverance behind the voice, and finally stood out from the selection to become the overall champion!

From that moment on, carrying the crown of the champion, Yang Guangru set sail for the vast sea like a dream sail giant ship.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

The festive fireworks shone like a dream under the sky, and Yang Guang not only won a well-deserved championship title through "Avenue of Stars", but also won a reputation that attracted much attention. His name is like a flower that blooms that season, and its fragrance is growing all over the country. His unique musical talent launched a new chapter in his career - a tailor-made album was released one after another under the eagerness of the major record labels.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

At that time, the limelight was in full swing, which brought him the opportunity to invite a series of variety shows, one of which was "You Are My Eyes", which was popular all over the country with its warm and inspiring melody, which was familiar. In particular, the 2008 Beijing Olympics was an opportunity to achieve another glorious period in his life; The torchbearers and soloists at the opening ceremony presented unforgettable moments that the Chinese people will never forget.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

However, the good times did not last long, and the seed of self-expansion in Yang Guang's soul was gradually buried under the halo of glory, and began to sprout and grow quietly: the humility of the past gradually faded, and was replaced by the use of the people around him as a matter of course for himself - indiscriminately ordering and reprimanding became commonplace; Those staff and colleagues who considered him from a market perspective and admired his content talent were inexplicably cold and dissatisfied.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

Like the pride of the sky, the environment is full of flowers and applause, and he forgets the importance of gratitude and kindness. As a person who is bent on moving towards the peak of music, how dangerous is it to forget his original intention and go astray in the glory moments of his life? These little things are small but very illustrative - the unscrupulous treatment of the people around them has laid the groundwork for the later ups and downs.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

The dual growth of interests and fame gradually deformed Yang Guang's character, causing mistakes again and again in life. These changes not only affected his interpersonal relationships, but also left an image of his irrational behavior in the industry. When a person has enough influence, it does not make a person swell and lose himself.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

Overconfident, he lost his humility and reverence for music and everything in the world. Just as he was enjoying all the benefits of fame during the rise of his career, countless people who had respected and looked up to him were quietly leaving him; Those unembellished words and behaviors that do not care about the feelings of others have finally broken the hearts of people inside and outside the circle.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

Every performance requires intense concentration and hard preparation, but arrogance makes all expectations drift away. At first, Yang Guang may not have found that his words revealed nothing, but with the passage of time and the changes of Zhao Wei around him, more often he has become accustomed to using commands rather than communication methods to treat others - whether it is the director, fellow artists or even his own former idols.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

In this way, he continued to accumulate under the vice, and finally only reaped the disappointment and loneliness afterward. After deeply reflecting on his mistakes, Yang Guang still tried to pick up the heart that loved music, and found that even if he was full of arrogance and did all the wrong things, he could still use his soul to forge a new chapter.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

Crystals were scattered all over the place, and it always took perseverance and courage to put them back together in the silence of the night. For Yang Guang in the whirlpool, this process of falling from the peak to the trough is undoubtedly a cruel baptism in life, but after that, he has a new understanding of life and the motivation for artistic pursuit, and hopes to recover the self that he almost lost through unremitting efforts.

Good and evil will be rewarded! The arrogant "blind" singer Yang Guang finally paid a heavy price

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