
Zhang Jun, the "first bandit" in Hunan: How cruel is he who carries 28 lives?

author:A former lawyer who is not fat

At about 9:50 p.m. on September 19, 2000, a man wearing a dark blue crewneck shirt arrived at Guanyin Rock, before he could react. Three scouts, who had long been ambushed nearby, pounced on him like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, and the man could not hide from his arrest. Subsequently, the criminal police ripped off the shoes and socks of his left foot and saw that the man had a black mole the size of a green bean in the center of the foot plate. Obviously, he is the person the police are looking for, who is this person? What did he do to get the police to arrest him?

In fact, this man with a black mole in the heart of his left foot is Zhang Jun, the first criminal in the Xiang'e-Yu series of gun robberies! Zhang Jun was born on August 5, 1966, in a poor peasant family in Hualin Village, Anfu Township, Changde'an Township, Hunan Province, with seven brothers and sisters. However, most of them are half-siblings, and Zhang Jun is the youngest and the only seedling of the Zhang family. It should be said that he was also a filial piety when he was a teenager, and when he was twelve, his mother was diagnosed with uterine cancer. During his illness, he often thought about eating a bowl of meatball soup, and Zhang Jun saved money for a semester.

Zhang Jun, the "first bandit" in Hunan: How cruel is he who carries 28 lives?

After running more than 30 miles to buy back a little meat, the sisters made a bowl of meatball soup, which fulfilled her mother's last wish. However, filial piety did not stop him from going to crime, and a teenager who had no one to teach and did not go to school began to fight without doing anything. He was sent to a juvenile detention center in 1983 for a brawl, when he was 17 years old, and he still did not repent after coming out. In the past 8 years, Zhang Jun and the gang have organized and planned a series of major and extraordinarily serious criminal cases.

Zhang Jun, the "first bandit" in Hunan: How cruel is he who carries 28 lives?

Illegally purchased pistols, shotguns, and bullets, and repeatedly openly robbed banks and gold shops with guns in chongqing, Wuhan, Changde and other prosperous areas in broad daylight, and shot and killed people. The looting of cash and jewelry was worth more than 6 million yuan, killing and injuring nearly 50 people, of which 28 were killed, 5 were seriously injured, 15 were slightly injured, and 2 were slightly injured. The means are very cruel, the arrogance is extremely arrogant, Zhang Jun even led the gang to practice various criminal skills and openly shouted and fought with the police.

Zhang Jun, the "first bandit" in Hunan: How cruel is he who carries 28 lives?

This is a rare case of violent group crime since the founding of New China, which has caused great harm to society, but because Zhang Jun's gang is very cunning, it has been unable to arrest it and arrest it. Zhang Jun's gang has four characteristics, the first point is that it is well organized, and this criminal group was gradually entangled from 1990. The first to join the gang were Yan Ruoming and Qin Zhibi, and in 1997 Chen Shiqing, Li Zejun, Wang Yu, Zhao Zhenghong, Quan Hongyan, and Li Jinsheng were recruited, and most of the seven backbone members involved in the crime were related to each other.

For example, Li Zejun, Wang Yu, and Yan Ruoming are Zhang Jun's nephews, cousins, and cousins-in-law, Chen Shiqing is Zhang Jun's fellow countryman, and Zhao Zhenghong is the brother-in-law of one of his concubines. At first, Zhang Junshi was co-opted by a small favor, and when the time came, he would pick out his identity and persecute, and if he wanted to join the gang, he would have to be stained with blood. The second point of activity is to hide caution, Zhang Jun has a high degree of criminal intelligence, and has accumulated rich experience in evading crackdowns. Third, carefully designed and planned, repeatedly stepped on the point of drill, the crime process is fast.

Zhang Jun, the "first bandit" in Hunan: How cruel is he who carries 28 lives?

The fourth focuses on the study of criminal tactics, the enhancement of criminal skills, and the fierceness of the heart. Based on these four characteristics, the police could not find the gang's first criminal, Zhang Jun, until a woman entered the police field of vision. Zhang Jun had a total of five mistresses, and Qin Zhibi, who first joined the company, was in his fifties and had great courage. Quan Hongyan did not know Zhang Jun's details at first, but once he forced him to shoot an innocent young man, and after staining the blood, he collapsed to the ground.

Yang Mingyan is the youngest and most beautiful one, giving birth to a daughter for Zhang, and Zhang Jun also used a fake ID card to marry her. Yan Min took her daughter alone after the divorce, and her life was quite difficult, thinking that Zhang Jun was a dependent and followed him. Chen Lezi was good-looking, unlike other mistresses, she did not see Zhang Jun's sinister side before the crime. The woman who entered the police's field of vision was Yang Mingyan, who showed clear signs of escape on September 13, 2000.

Zhang Jun, the "first bandit" in Hunan: How cruel is he who carries 28 lives?

The police, who had been waiting outside, arrested her, and through her, Zhang Jun, who had slipped through the net and was on the run, began to surface. On April 14, 2001, the No. 1 Intermediate People's Court of Chongqing Municipality and the Intermediate People's Court of Changde City, Hunan Province, held a public trial of 18 people. After investigation, Zhang Jun's gang did commit the crime of robbery, intentional homicide, robbery of firearms and ammunition, and illegal possession of firearms and ammunition, and all of them reached the level of serious circumstances.

In accordance with article 263 of the Criminal Code, the crime of robbery is punishable by fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years, life imprisonment or the death penalty, and shall also be fined or have property confiscated. Article 232 stipulates that the crime of intentional homicide shall be punishable by death, life imprisonment or imprisonment of not less than ten years in the aggravating circumstances, and the crime of robbery of firearms and ammunition shall be punished by imprisonment of not less than ten years, life imprisonment or death. According to the Firearms Control Law of the People's Republic of China, the crime of illegally possessing firearms and ammunition shall be punished by fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.

Zhang Jun, the "first bandit" in Hunan: How cruel is he who carries 28 lives?

Of course, only the main offenders and backbone members who committed these four crimes at the same time were Zhang Jun, and most of the rest only committed one or two or three crimes. Depending on their level of participation and role in the gang, each person is sentenced to a different penal code. Fourteen of them, including Zhang Jun himself, were sentenced to death, deprived of their political rights for life, and had all their personal property confiscated because of the particularly serious circumstances.

Knowing the result of this trial, Zhang Jun had nothing to say, but knelt down to the prosecutor and said sorry many times. Executed on May 20, 2001, the brazen bandit ended his life of sin after a gunshot. In fact, the people who should kneel down and say sorry are those who have died innocently and been hurt, as well as their families.

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