
Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

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Former Asian heavyweight No. 1 brother Zhang Junlong will make a comeback on July 27.

Netizens suggested that they should hit Chesoka and other masters first, and the Dragon King responded "Yes".

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

He mentioned that he would beat Helgovich and wanted to avenge Zhang Zhilei.

Hrgovic has been depressed lately.

On July 27, the comeback opponent is unknown, and the performance is expected.

In the world of boxing, every comeback carries with it a lot of anticipation and challenges, and when the name of the former titan reverberates on the rim of the ring, people can't help but take their breath away.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

Zhang Junlong, a name that once left a deep mark on the heavyweight division and is preparing to rekindle the battle on July 27, is back not only a re-examination of his career, but also a reinterpretation of the spirit of boxing.

Zhang Junlong's comeback plan is not an impulsive move on a whim, but a well-thought-out strategic deployment.

In his opening bout on July 27, he chose a non-overly strong opponent as a starting point, which was both a test of his form and a consideration of his physical fitness after a long stay away from the ring.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

This comeback is not to go straight to the top, but to gradually regain the rhythm and competitive state of the game through 1 or 2 adjustment matches, which undoubtedly shows the steadiness and foresight of Zhang Junlong and his team.

What's even more remarkable is that Zhang Junlong made it clear that after these adjustments, he will no longer be limited to the safety zone, but directly challenge the near-top masters, such as Cesoka, Ortiz, Joyce, Hego and others, all of whom are the backbone of boxing.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

Zhang Junlong's decision is not only a reflection of his confidence in his own ability, but also an infinite love and respect for the sport of boxing.

Among the many potential opponents, Hrgovic's name stands out.

This possible showdown is not only because the two are close in strength, but also because it carries a special meaning - "revenge" for Zhang Zhilei.

Previously, the contest between Hrgovic and Zhang Zhilei was not only a collision of technology and strength, but also an interweaving of emotion and honor.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

Hellgovic may have recently lost his valuable belt by TKO to Dubois, but that doesn't diminish his threat and adds to the tragedy.

If Zhang Junlong can fight with him, it will undoubtedly be the ultimate test of his personal technical and psychological quality, and it is also the best interpretation of the boxing spirit of "not afraid of strong opponents and brave to challenge".

Although the opponent for the first comeback has not yet been announced, this has not reduced the attention and expectations of the outside world for Zhang Junlong's comeback.

Every detail, from the choice of opponents to every punch in the Circle, will be magnified and scrutinized.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

For the audience, Zhang Junlong's return is not just as simple as watching a boxing match, it is more like witnessing how a fighter is reborn in adversity, and how he still maintains his desire for victory and sincerity in boxing under the baptism of time.

For Zhang Junlong himself, this comeback may be the most crucial step in his career, it is not only a farewell to the past, but also a brave exploration of the future.

In the process, whether it is victory or setback, it will be his precious asset, recording his growth and transformation as a boxer.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

In the ring on July 27, Zhang Junlong will embark on this unknown and challenging journey with his love for boxing, his desire to win, and his challenge to himself.

We are waiting and seeing, looking forward to witnessing how a more mature and intelligent Zhang Junlong will use his fists to write a new chapter in his career on this familiar battlefield.

Zhang Junlong's comeback is not only a one-man fight, but also a kind of inheritance and development of the spirit of boxing.

In the ancient and brutal sport of boxing, courage, tenacity and relentless pursuit have always been its core values.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

Zhang Junlong's return is a concentrated display of these qualities.

In the face of external expectations and self-imposed high standards, the pressure he bears is self-evident, but it is also an integral part of achieving greatness.

The comeback battle, for Zhang Junlong, means a double innovation in technology and strategy.

The long absence gave him a chance to examine his boxing style and technical flaws from the perspective of an onlooker.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

It is foreseeable that he will maintain his original strength advantage while incorporating new training concepts and technical details to respond to the upcoming challenges with more comprehensive and flexible tactics.

This process of self-iteration is a necessary path for any athlete to grow, and it is also another exploration of personal limits.

In addition to technical and physical recovery, it is equally important to rebuild the mental level.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

In the face of past glory and setbacks, how to maintain a normal heart and how to still play the best under pressure is a big test for Zhang Junlong.

Every step of the comeback is a test of self-belief and a direct feedback on whether the heart is strong or not.

As many legendary fighters have shown, the truly strong often find opportunities to break through in the face of adversity and turn pressure into motivation to move forward.

Zhang Junlong's comeback also has far-reaching social influence and motivation.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

In the public eye, he is not only a boxer, but also a role model, and his story has been able to inspire countless people who are facing or are about to face challenges, whether in sports or other aspects of life.

He proved with his actions that as long as there is determination and perseverance, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome, and there is no dream that cannot be realized.

To sum up, Zhang Junlong's comeback fight is a comprehensive test of personal ability, willpower, and boxing wisdom.

It is not only a story of victory and defeat, but also a spiritual awakening, a brave leap to the limits of oneself.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

In the process, whether it is the love of boxing or the pursuit of higher goals, it will become an inexhaustible motivation to keep him moving forward.

On July 27th, when the bell rings, all eyes will gather in one place to witness this historic moment.

Let's wait with bated breath to see how Zhang Junlong uses practical actions to interpret the beauty of boxing and write a new chapter of his own.

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