
Bandit Zhang Jun (XVI) "6.19" robbery

Bandit Zhang Jun (XVI) "6.19" robbery

In May, June, and July 2000, Zhang Jun was trapped in the beast, and three months were the three months he planned to make the whole country "tremble", and it was also three months when he and his accomplices were sent to the guillotine.

On January 4, 1999, he only sold 1.3 million yuan of gold jewelry looted in Wuhan Square, distributed 170,000 yuan to his accomplices, bought 109,000 yuan for Chen Le, Qin Zhibi bought 85,000 yuan, Yang Mingyan 50,000 yuan, plus the purchase of guns and ammunition for a total of 800,000 yuan. He has not done any big "business" for more than a year, but he often flies around in the sky and squanders. In those days, Zhang Jun was really strapped for money.

In October 1999, he bought a red Santana (Xiang H-10503) with a civilian license plate. By May 2000, he found the fat man Li Jinsheng and auctioned it for 18,000 yuan at Nie Chunhai, the owner of the pawnshop at the North Railway Station.

In July 2000, he asked Chen Le to borrow 2,000 yuan from her mother and bring him to Chongqing by Li Zejun, which shows that he is already economically stretched and wants to do a big "business".

At this time, his other Chongqing mistress, Quan Hongyan, was always pestering him to join his "company" and ask him to take him out on a tour. Among the many mistresses, he only took Yang Mingyan back to Tianjin for a period of time; took Chen Le to Chongqing, locked her up in a hotel, and the two of them quarreled; Quan Hongyan was the third mistress he took out to relax, however, this area took her to the road of no return.

Looking at Zhang Jun's mistress, there are nothing more than two kinds of people, one is a divorced middle-aged woman, emotionally shocked, mentally empty, such as Yan Min, Qin Zhibi, Zhou Yixiang, Chen Shixing, Mo Jinying, are all half-old Xu Niang; the other is the hotel's sitting lady or three escort girls, such as Wang Shan, Yang Mingyan and Changde's Zou Xian, Chen Le, Luo Li, this is a famous mistress; as for "eating fast food", there are countless massage girls who "hit" and run. These mistresses, the cultural quality is not high, most of them are primary school, junior high school students, only Yang Mingyan graduated from high school, but Quan Hongyan holds a university undergraduate diploma.

Quan Hongyan, born on April 10, 1965 in Tangjiang County, Chongqing, currently lives in Zaozi Lanba, Yuzhong District, Chongqing. Quan Hongyan is a woman whose heart is higher than the sky and whose life is thinner than paper. Two years ago, her husband divorced her, left her an eight-year-old boy, mother and son, and she drove a car in a taxi company, working hard to earn some money to provide for her children's education.

In March 1998, the mountain city of Chongqing was bright in spring, a hundred flowers were in full bloom, and young men and women had a feeling in their hearts, like blooming buds. That afternoon, Zhang Jun was bored, in Yuzhong District Zhongxing Road saw a taxi with an "empty car" mark passing by, a wave, a female driver, he got into the car, the female driver did not turn back and asked: "Where to go?" Zhang Jun replied, "Casually! The woman looked back at him, only to see this young man in his early 30s, with a flat head, a strong body, two eyes shining with energy, and the dress was like a big one, and he couldn't help but have some good feelings. Zhang Jun also glanced at her, only to see the female driver thirty-four or five years old look, the big eyes contain some worries, plump figure is full of sexiness, the whole body is permeated with reservedness and arrogance, Zhang Jun thought to himself, this cold rose, can not be compared to the general wildflower idle grass, if you can get your hands, it will have a different flavor.

Taxi as long as you give money, happy to go around in the mountain city, the meter marked 70 yuan, Zhang Jun generously handed her a hundred yuan bill, the woman wants to find money, he waved: "Small meaning!" You'll pick me up tomorrow morning on ZTE Road. ”

The next day, Quan Hongyan arrived at the old place according to the time, Zhang Jun got into the car, asked to sit in the driver's seat, turned down the "empty car" sign, and began to play the watch: "Miss, I want to rent your car to practice driving, play the meter to pay the fare!"

"Can you drive?" Quan Hongyan asked worriedly. Zhang Jun smiled: "Try it, if you break your car, I will buy a new one to pay you!" That style, temperament, is completely a big money. Indeed, in March 1998, Zhang Jun had already gotten the gold jewelry of Changsha Friendship Mall in hand and exchanged it for 1 million yuan in cash, and he was a millionaire, and he had such a big tone when he spoke. A few words impressed Quan Hongyan, plus his driving skills were much stronger than his own, so he exchanged names. Zhang Jun told her that his name was Huang Jun, a foreigner who was doing business in Chongqing and told Quan Hongyan his expansion number. Of course, Quan Hongyan is not like Yan Min and Qin Zhibi, who can get started at a hook, and her level is much higher than those women after all. Anxious to eat hot food, Zhang Jun is not in a hurry, but put a long line to catch big fish, deepening the feelings of both sides in the car. For two days, there was no deviance from each other, just a little contact with the skin.

On the third day, Zhang Jun was trying to sleep on the bed of his old mistress Qin Zhibi, and his BP machine rang, cough! It was Quan Hongyan who was expanding him, and he jumped out of bed at once.

It turned out that Quan Hongyan, on the pretext of encountering unpleasant things, asked "Huang Jun" to come out to talk and complain about his grievances. So the two sat on a stone bench in the shade of loquat mountain park until late at night. The two have endless words and endless feelings. At this time, Zhang Jun understood Quan Hongyan's life, a woman abandoned by her husband, with an eight-year-old boy, living a very hard life. Especially mentally very depressed, empty. Zhang Jun secretly rejoiced in his heart: This is the next object of hunting, and she will deliver it to her door!

On the spring night of March, it gradually became colder, and the two sat closer and closer, and their hearts were also close together. With a few rays of rain floating in the sky, the two walked out of Loquat Mountain Park and strolled to the side of Chengyinyan Surgical Hospital. From here, downhill, you will arrive at Quan Hongyan's residence, Jujube Lanya. Zhang Jun wanted to burn in the fire and wanted to send her home, but Quan Hongyan refused. At this time, there was a heavy rain in the sky, and the two had to hide from the rain under the awning of a closed store, the cold rain drifted on Quan Hongyan's body, and she shivered unceasingly, and Zhang Jun embraced Quan Hongyan's sexy plump body with her fiery chest. Since she divorced her husband, Quan Hongyan has not enjoyed sex for a year or two, one of the greatest pleasures of life. Now, a handsome man who was strong and strong, three years younger than himself, put his arms around her, and the hands and lips of the originally serious "Huang Jun" could not be idle, and they were stirring up the whole Hongyan Spring heart, unable to sustain themselves.

She finally lost the battle, and begged for forgiveness: "Huang Jun, it's too cold, let's go back and take a hot bath, or we won't get a cold!"

Zhang Jun frequently nodded, unable to ask for it. Back at home, the two could not take a bath, like wolves churning up on the bed, after a night of wind, the two lived together, and Quan Hongyan's family became another den of Zhang Jun - the arsenal.

Ironically, on September 19, 2000, Zhang Jun, who fled to Chongqing in a crime, was captured alive by the Chongqing police in this "rainy place." "The place where it rained" has left Zhang Jun with many warm memories, here, it is the starting point of his hook-up with Quan Hongyan, and it is also the end of the road of no return for the two of them.

Zhang Jun and Quan Hongyan lingered for a while, and then went out to do "business". Quan Hongyan alone in the empty room, and the 35-year-old married woman, it is the most exuberant period of sexual desire, leaving the man, unable to sleep at night, soon, she found another man to accompany her to spend the spring supper. In March 1999, when Zhang Jun suddenly returned to her side, he could no longer party in her home, but Zhang Jun knew that this woman was high-spirited and bold, and wanted to get rich overnight, so he introduced Wang Shan, a mistress in Yunnan, to her, and Wang Shan took her to the evil road of selling arms for Zhang Jun. On June 19, 2000, Zhang Jun snatched the 54-type pistol and bullets used by the bank in Chongqing, which Quan Hongyan and Wang sold from Yunnan. Quan Hongyan, like Qin Zhibi, is loyal to Zhang Jun, and for Zhang Jun, he can kill people with a knife!

Soon, the temporary husband also abandoned Quan Hongyan. Quan Hongyan thought of Zhang Jun again, so she called and wanted to relieve her depression by Zhang Jun's side. Zhang Jun was planning a big deal, and there were not enough people under him, so he thought that if he brought Quan Hongyan in, he would be able to use it in the future, so he agreed to fly to Changsha with her.

In mid-July 2000, Zhang Jun and Quan Hongyan flew from Jiangbei Airport to Changsha Huanghua International Airport, and the two immediately stayed at the Rongyuan Hotel in the backyard of the provincial party committee.

Quan Hongyan pestered him, wanted to join his "company", and wanted to find business to do. Zhang Jun semantically pun said: "My business is risky, and if I don't get it right, I will lose my head." Quan Hongyan thought it was drug trafficking or gun trafficking or something like that, Zhang Jun smiled and did not answer, so he took out a Type 54 pistol from his back pocket. But his high-level mistress Quan Hongyan was not surprised, but took the gun and swept it in his hand. Zhang Jun saw that she was a good assistant and told her how to disassemble the gun, how to load it, and how to aim. Ask her: "To join my company, do you want to 'shoot targets'?" Quan Hongyan naturally knew what "shooting targets" meant, and said firmly: "As long as you Huang Jun let me do it, I am not afraid of anything!"

In May, it was the rainy season in Hunan, and on this day, Zhang Jun and Quan Hongyan did evil deeds under the brilliant sun.

At 11:00 a.m. on July 21, Zhang Jun rented a Santana and shouted Quan Hongyan to go downstairs, Quan Hongyan saw Zhang Jun next to a young farmer in Pingjiang wearing a black suit, Peng Chenghui, the three of them got into a taxi, went to the Bus West Station in Changsha Hexi, changed into another taxi, negotiated the price, and went to Yiyang for 100 yuan. When they arrived in Yiyang, they changed another taxi, and when they arrived at the Prince Temple of Hanshou County on the way to Changde and Yiyang, the three of them got out of the car and walked together with a smile to the hill on the side of the road.

This barren mountain, Zhang Jun is not unfamiliar, in September 1998, ordered by Zhang Jun, Li Zejun, Zhao Zhenghong, Chen Shiqing to kill the 19-year-old young man Wang Zhigang alive, since then, Chen Shiqing, Zhao Zhenghong blood into the gang, at the end of the year there was a Nanping pass killing and January 4, 1999 Wuguang robbery of Jin. Today, in the old place, I have done the old business.

There is the sun in the sky and flowers on the ground. The 31-year-old Peng Chenghui was coaxed by Zhang Jun from the labor market, and he did not know the true intentions of "Jiang Zong", and when he stayed in a deserted place, Zhang Jun suddenly pulled out his "big brother", ordered Peng Chenghui to strip naked, and said viciously: "Do you still dare to swallow my goods?" Blind dog's eye!"

Peng Chenghui confessed his mistake while stripping his pants: "General Manager Jiang, don't dare again." ”

Zhang Jun forced Peng Chenghui to take off his clothes completely, and his whole body trembled in the spring wind, so he picked up a tree strip from the ground and handed it to Quan Hongyan:

"Fight, you taught me a harsh lesson to him, who let him swallow my cargo!" Quan Hongyan's heart was not kind, his hands were not soft, and the tree strips suddenly twitched on the white naked body of the servant, directly hitting him and rolling on the yellow mud floor, shouting for help. Zhang Jun pointed his pistol at his braincase: "Shout again? Lao Tzu killed you! Peng Chenghui did not dare to be angry, and Zhang Jun wanted Quan Hongyan to beat the lower body of the boy with a branch: Hit him with that pipe, he still wants to you rich woman, hahaha! Quan Hongyan did not make a mistake, and when she hit her hands numbly, Zhang Jun ordered Peng Chenghui: "Give me good!"

Peng Chenghui did not dare to disobey, crying and begging for forgiveness: "General Manager Jiang, don't you kill me!" ”

Zhang Jun handed the pistol to Quan Hongyan, she was stunned, was it really "target shooting"? Zhang Jun coldly bumped into her: "Do it quickly!" Quan Hongyan closed his eyes, held the gun in both hands, and fired two shots at Peng Chenghui with his trembling hand, and Peng Chenghui threw himself on the ground, with hot blood flowing from his back. Zhang Jun took the pistol and fired two more shots at Peng Chenghui's temple to relieve his hatred. Then, he stuffed Peng Chenghui's clothes, shoes and socks in a bag, took Quan Hongyan's hand, and returned to Changsha by train that night.

This trip to Quan Hongyan Sanxiang seemed to be stained with blood in her hands, and Zhang Jun neither took her back to her hometown nor let her meet anyone in the gang. Since then, Quan Hongyan has been desperately fighting for Zhang Jun. "Because I killed people too!"

Since then, Quan Hongyan has not only been Zhang Jun's mistress, but also ventured to Kaiyuan County, Yunnan Province, to sell arms, and the pistols and bullets used in the "6.19" money robbery were all obtained by Quan Hongyan.

On May 26, 2000, his nephew Li Zejun, who was huddled in his hometown of Hualin Village, Anfu Township, Anxiang County, heard the telephone set 4326826 suddenly ring urgently. He quickly picked up the earpiece: "Oh, it's uncle!"

"You quickly fly to Chongqing, there is a business to do." Manager Zhao has come over. Zhang Jun ordered Li Zejun to meet with Manager Zhao at the Yudu Hotel after arriving in Chongqing.

Li Zejun was very excited. He had participated in two major robberies in Changsha and Wuguang, and although he had made many mistakes and only received 60,000 yuan from the millions of yuan that Zhang Jun had seized, he had no complaints and became the second and third characters of Zhang Jun's gang, a fierce professional killer. Now, the hand is tense, and the "business" is coming again, so I am not happy.

The next day, he rushed to Changsha Huanghua Airport early and used the ID card of "Li Chenglong" to buy a ticket to Chongqing. This is Li Zejun's first time on a plane, "the big girl got on the car - the first time", he could not help but be excited, sitting on the plane, looking out of the window, 70 minutes later landed at Chongqing Jiangbei Airport.

That night, he met with Zhang Jun and Zhao Zhenghong at the hotel, and the three of them had dinner together. The next day, Zhang Jun asked Li Zhao and the two of them to step on the point in Yuzhong District, every intersection and every police station should be familiar, and for two days, the three of them ate dinner together. Zhang Jun suddenly asked Zhao Zhenghong to go first, and gave Li Zejun a face-to-face instruction:

"In this case, we did it twice, you and Manager Zhao took a boat back to Hunan, and then, a person flew to Chongqing to find me."

Zhang Jun had already called Zhao Zhenghong to Chongqing, why did he temporarily withdraw his troops before committing the crime? First, he estimated that this case was not big, and he and Li Zejun could take it down; second, since Wu Guang lost his pistol in the crime, Zhao Zhenghong had a lingering feeling in his heart and often touched his head: Can he still eat? Having repeatedly revealed that he didn't want to do it again, Zhang Jun was worried that Zhao Zhenghong would do bad things again.

However, Zhao Zhenghong still -- straight in the dark, thinking that Zhang Jun--he had always called him "Jiang Zong" and did not know that Jiang Zong's real name was Zhang Jun--had changed his plans, so he obediently returned to his hometown of Yiyang with Li Zejun.

Li Zejun returned to Changsha the next day, took a Boeing 737 flying to Chongqing at 10:00 a.m., arrived in Chongqing at noon, and met Zhang Jun at the Yudu Hotel as agreed.

Zhang Jun did not let him live in "Yudu", but opened a room in the Zhongshan Hotel with the fake ID card of "Liu Xiaoping, Panlong District, Kunming City", leaving Li Zejun to live alone, and he himself chose any one of his mistresses to be happy.

At that time, during the "June 1st" Children's Day and Chongqing's "Two Sessions and One Festival", the public security work was tightly grasped, and the two were not easy to start, Zhang Jun changed his mind, postponed the crime, and let Li Zejun return to Changde alone, he also returned, and Chen Le lived in his own home in the Sanlu community.

One day, he called Chen Shiqing over, and the three of them conspired together.

Chen Shiqing asked, "Which shopping mall is the target this time?"

Zhang Jun shook his head and said, "Lao Tzu decided not to build a shopping mall in the future." First, they have precautions, second, robbed the mall and had to melt the gold jewelry into gold nuggets, and then changed from the black market to tickets, a few more risks, but also let people peel half, not as fast as robbing the bank. ”

Li Zejun said: "The risk of robbing banks is greater than that of shopping malls, especially large banks, the defense is strict, it is not easy to start, or first start from small banks and savings offices, so as to accumulate a little experience for grabbing large banks in the future." ”

Zhang Jun and Chen Shiqing nodded in acquiescence. Ask Chen Shiqing to do it? Chen Shiqing said in a loud voice: "If there is any reason not to do it, you gave me 80,000 yuan last year when you grabbed 'Wuguang', and it was already in vain."

It turned out that after the success of 'Wu Guang', Zhang Jun gave Li Zejun, Chen Shiqing, and Zhao Zhenghong "dividends" in Changde, and Li and Zhao were all deducted a large half, and only Chen Shiqing, an old friend who committed crimes with Zhang Jun for the first time, got 80,000 yuan, and nothing was deducted.

"Take the money, go back and have a good year." Zhang Jun commanded at that time.

However, the blood on Chen Shiqing's hands was not dried, and the 80,000 yuan he took back had not yet been released, and an unexpected accident occurred.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month in 1999, it was a rare sunny day. Chen Shiqing's "wife" Su Wuyu and his two sons carried gifts, joyfully from Tanzikou to Dongbao Village to visit their mother Wei Chenglan, mother and son are riding bicycles, when passing through the Dongbao Lake fishing ground, Su Wuyu's bicycle collided with the fishing ground Zhong Ji'an's wife's bicycle, Zhong Ji'an's wife was proud of herself at the door of the house, there was power, so she rushed forward to knock Su Wuyu to the ground, and also stepped on her belly with her feet. Su Wuyu got up crying and called Chen Shiqing with his mobile phone.

Although Chen Shiqing's reputation in the local area was not bad, he heard that his wife had been bullied when he returned to his mother's house to visit the New Year, so he immediately rushed over. At this time, Zhong Ji'an, who was more than 40 years old, was holding a kitchen knife and shouting fiercely to kill. Of course, Chen Shiqing, who was in debt of blood, did not buy his account, picked up a wooden stick, and hit Zhong's forehead, and suddenly, Zhong Ji'an was full of blood.

The Dahukou police station received a call to report the case, and immediately rushed to the scene of the accident, took Chen Shiqing back to the police station, and then transferred him to the Anxiang County Detention Center.

Zhong Ji'an went to the hospital for treatment and prosecuted Chen Shiqing for intentional injury, and was sentenced to 2-3 years in prison according to the criminal law.

Chen Shiqing panicked, and it was Zhang Jun who was more anxious than him, he was afraid of pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud, thus shaking out several previous big blood cases. Chen Shiqing's family tried to find a relationship and did not hesitate to make the other party withdraw the lawsuit.

Chen Shiqing stayed in the detention center for 39 days, paid 24,000 yuan to release on guarantee pending trial, spent 4,000 yuan in the detention center, plus the other party's medical expenses, etc., and spent a total of 50,000 or 60,000 yuan; during this period, Li Zejun got married, he sent 5,000 yuan, and later, Li Zejun borrowed 2,000 yuan from him, plus repayment of debts, expenses, and playing cards, and the 80,000 yuan was almost like boiling water poured on a snow pile, and suddenly disappeared.

June 17, 2000, was a cloudy day with high temperature and high humidity. Li Zejun and Chen Shiqing took a bus from Changsha to Chongqing, still staying at the Zhongshan Hotel. The two of them stomped on the area around the Chaotianmen Savings Office, and then Zhang Jun divided the work: Chen Shiqing beat the female cashier, Li Zejun shot the police to grab money, and he grabbed a taxi and waited on the side.

At more than 7:00 a.m. on June 19, the three people arrived at the scene - the Chaotianmen Savings Office of Shaanxi Road Commercial Bank in Yuzhong District.

Before the opening of business at 7:50 a.m., Zhang Jin, a female employee of a commercial bank, and another female accountant withdrew money from the head office, carrying a large bag of 140,000 yuan of cash, ready to send it to the branch 200 meters away. Escorted by two economic policemen, stepping on the ladder and stepping on the ladder, suddenly, Li Zejun and Chen Shiqing rushed up, Li Zejun shot at the police with a gun, the bullet got stuck, the person did not fall, Chen Shiqing shot Zhang Jin's head, Zhang Jin fell in a pool of blood, and died on the spot. Another female accountant picked up a stick and shot at Li Zejun, and Chen Shiqing fired three shots at the police officer Qin Zhengjia in a row, and Qin Drank's bullets fell, and the other police officer was also injured in the foot. They fired a total of 19 shots.

At this moment, Zhang Jun, who was waiting on the side of the road, raised a gun and shot At the head of Luo Yunhong, a 37-year-old driver of the Zhongbei Taxi Company, and pushed Luo out of the car.

Zhang Jun was anxious and handed the pistol to Li Zejun: "Why can't you come up?" You get out of the car and pick him up." Soon, the two people breathlessly got into the car, Chen Shiqing carried a large bag containing money and a women's Kun bag, Zhang Jun rushed out of the scene and fled to the alley tens of meters near the entrance of the field, and the three of them stuffed wigs, baseball caps, gloves and other camouflage into woven bags. Immediately, Chen Shiqing was asked to return to Changde immediately. Chen Shiqing took the travel fee, took a steamship to Qianjiang, and then took a minibus back to Changde. Li Zejun carried a snakeskin bag, walked to the vegetable market community, not far from Qixinggang, met Zhang Jun, after he handed things to Zhang Jun, Zhang Jun asked him to go back immediately, Li Zejun went to the Zhongshan Hotel to retreat from the room, and returned home.

After the "6.19" robbery, the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau set up a "6.19" special case team, publicly offered a reward of 200,000 yuan, and in a few months, the city investigated more than 1.5 million permanent and temporary residents, and conducted a dragnet investigation of 6,263 taxi drivers

However, where is the bandit Zhang Jun hiding?

To be continued...

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