
Xu Da, who understood the six tao and three strategies when he was young, why should he follow Zhu Yuanzhang, who lacked soldiers and major generals?

author:Small new history

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At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, peasant uprisings overwhelmed the earth, and countless tyrants who could fight good wars emerged. For example, Liu Futong and Han Shantong in Yingzhou had 200,000 troops in less than half a year after the uprising. Peng Yingyu, who first rebelled against Yuan Prefecture, failed, but later Pu prefecture raised an army again, successfully established the Tianquan regime, and supported Xu Shouhui as emperor. Zhang Shicheng, who sold smuggled salt, led a rebel army to continuously conquer Taizhou and Gaoyou and establish the Great Zhou State. There are also Bu Wangsan in Nanyang, Sesame Li in Xiao County, Meng Haima in the Jingfan Uprising, and Guo Zixing in Haozhou.

And Xu Da, who understood the six tao and three strategies when he was young, had great ambitions, and it was the time to show his talents, so why not go to the leaders of these rebel armies? However, he finally chose Zhu Yuanzhang, who lacked soldiers and major generals.

Xu Da, who understood the six tao and three strategies when he was young, why should he follow Zhu Yuanzhang, who lacked soldiers and major generals?

On the left is Zhang Shicheng

Childhood playmate.

Xu Da often played with Zhu Yuanzhang when he was young, and until he grew up, he was a good friend of Zhu Yuanzhang. At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang was the leader of a group of poor children. Once, children helped the landlord herd cattle, and when they were bored, they began to discuss what to eat, and the more they talked, the hungrier they became. At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang had a clever move and proposed to simply slaughter the landlord's calf, so the person in charge of killing the cow took a knife and burned the fire to collect firewood, and quickly roasted the calf and ate it. After eating, everyone regretted it and did not know how to explain it to the landlord. At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang patted his chest and thought of a ghost idea: he said that the calf ran into the crack of the stone. In this way, the landlord not only did not believe his nonsense, but also beat him fiercely and stopped hiring him to herd cattle.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang lost his job, he showed that he was a person, brave and flexible, and won the respect of his friends.

Joining the rebel army, but there is a risk of losing your head. Xu Da will certainly not be treated casually, so finding someone he knows, trusts and admires is of course the first choice.

Xu Da, who understood the six tao and three strategies when he was young, why should he follow Zhu Yuanzhang, who lacked soldiers and major generals?

Zhu Yuanzhang, played by Hu Jun

Wisdom and courage are complete, and emotional intelligence is first-class.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was invited by Tang He to haozhou to defect to Guo Zixing, because the Yuan army was besieging Haozhou, Guo Zixing's men mistakenly thought that Zhu Yuanzhang was a traitor. They were about to hack Zhu Yuanzhang to death, at this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was still very calm, showing the momentum of seeing death as a homecoming, and immediately impressed Guo Zixing, who adopted him as a pro-soldier.

Because Zhu Yuanzhang had a strong memory and a strong physique, after becoming a pro-soldier, he had only trained martial arts for more than ten days, and he was already a first-class thug.

Guo Zixing sent him out of the city many times to spy on the enemy, and he was able to respond flexibly and successfully complete the task every time, so the soldiers who accompanied him were very willing to obey his command.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang's emotional intelligence is also first-class, and the booty obtained in every war, no matter what kind of treasure, he is all dedicated to Marshal Guo. The rewards received by their superiors are also said to be the credit of everyone, and they are divided equally among their comrades-in-arms. In the long run, it has been rumored in the military that Zhu Yuanzhang is not only wise and courageous, but also a man. As a result, Guo Zixing also regarded him as his confidant, and consulted him for many things, even marrying his righteous daughter to him. Since then, Zhu Yuanzhang has become the "Prince of Zhu", the horse master of the Marshal's Office.

Xu Da, who understood the six tao and three strategies when he was young, why should he follow Zhu Yuanzhang, who lacked soldiers and major generals?

Guo Zixing, played by Tang Guoqiang

Fellow countrymen and clan relations.

Because Xu Da and Zhu Yuanzhang both grew up in the same village and had more or less clan relations, they were not only fellow villagers, but also relatives. Doing this kind of rebellion, every minute there is a risk of killing heads, the so-called war brothers, have this layer of relationship, when they go out to fight, they don't have to worry about betraying each other.

Therefore, in Xu Da's eyes, Zhu Yuanzhang's prestige is very high, and he has the potential to divide one side, if you want to fight hard, it is certainly right to follow this kind of person. Not only xu da thought so, but Chang Yuchun, Hua Yun and others all thought so. Therefore, when Zhu Yuanzhang returned to his hometown and shook his arms, these people dragged their families and mouths to defect.

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Xu Da, who understood the six tao and three strategies when he was young, why should he follow Zhu Yuanzhang, who lacked soldiers and major generals?

Xu Da, played by Orbs Yonglin

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