
He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

author:Zhang Fei, who reads 10,000 books

Wen l Zhang Fei

Editor l Zhang Fei

Love can overcome all difficulties, but doubt can shatter all peace.

Such a thing is simply a portrayal of reality on He Ziming and He Jie, when these two were together, who didn't say a word was simply a "golden boy and jade girl".

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

It's a pity that this is the golden boy and girl who was once praised by others, and in the end, they actually hated each other, and even became enemies in the end.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

"My love is love, and there are no impurities in it, but I have been through too much, and I will not marry again"

This is what He Jie said to the public in front of the camera.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

So what happened to He Jie?

Why was the once star-studded He Jie smoothed out by life?

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Recently, there is a saying on the Internet that says, "If you don't get married, then everything in your life is yourself; Once you enter into marriage, even if you really have a good family background, you will be stripped of a layer of skin in the end."

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

This sentence is simply too obvious on He Jie's body, of course, it is not only He Jie, but any ordinary person will not have smooth sailing in marriage.

In fact, the reason why He Jie said this sentence so thoroughly was that she pressed all the pain in her heart, and she had just divorced her ex-husband He Ziming at that time.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

The two people who loved each other at the beginning spoke viciously to each other in the end, and when it came to the reason for the divorce, you said that you were reasonable, and she said that she was reasonable, and the two of them did not give in to each other.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Among them, the final reason for these two people was just "cheating", He Ziming scolded He Jie for cheating in marriage, but it didn't take long for He Jie to release a lot of evidence of He Ziming's cheating in marriage.

In short, these two people come and go, you can't get used to me, I can't get used to you, and in the end, you have consumed the last true feelings of this relationship.

So the two divorced.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

For men, divorce can only be restarted, after all, He Ziming has the strength and capital.

Compared with He Jie, he spends a lot of his time on the family, including conceiving two children and taking care of the children, He Jie rarely comes out to work.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now
It can be said that He Jie has reached the lowest point of his life and career after the divorce.

People say that a woman who can climb up from the bottom will definitely have the most powerful power in the end, and perhaps there is already an obvious omen in He Jie's body.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

So what did they go through?

Why did the two people who loved each other so much come to such a field in the end, even to the point of hating each other.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

still remembers that He Ziming had just entered the entertainment industry at that time, of course, He Ziming himself was very powerful, and after entering the entertainment industry, he quickly became a popular strength student because of his resolute appearance.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

At that time, He Jie made her debut with "Super Girl", and her unique voice was also loved by everyone, especially after releasing many high-quality songs, He Jie became a popular singer in one fell swoop.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

It can be said that the careers of He Jie and the two of them can be regarded as okay, and the two of them are considered a "good pair" in everyone's eyes.

At that time, when He Ziming courted He Jie, He Jie had just come out of the previous relationship, and the breakup with Shi Xiaolong's love for many years made He Jie painful.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Speaking of which, part of the reason why He Jie and He Ziming were able to meet was that both of them debuted through singers, and He Ziming also participated in "Super Boy".

It's just that compared with singing, He Ziming is more valued by the entertainment industry after entering the entertainment industry.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

At that time, there were a lot of TV series with various military themes in the entertainment industry, but He Ziming's appearance was particularly popular in this regard, and he was soon well-known and recognized by the public.

Several military-themed TV series, especially the explosion of "Fire Blue Blade", made He Ziming's name gradually remembered by everyone.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Compared with those celebrities' hiding and hiding on emotional issues, after He Ziming met He Jie, the two quickly came together.

The most important thing is that He Ziming never hides his love for He Jie in front of the camera, the two come and go, and soon He Jie agreed to He Ziming's pursuit and took the initiative to admit that he and He Ziming were in love at the press conference.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

At that time, both of them were at the peak of their career development, especially He Ziming can be said to have reached the most glorious moment of his career, but it was at the most glorious moment of his career that He Ziming proposed to He Jie.

Maybe many people are reluctant to do this, especially celebrities, but it is definitely admirable compared to these two people, of course, He Jie immediately agreed to He Ziming's marriage proposal.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

fell in love quickly, He Jie and the two did not drag the mud and water, and there was no so-called you hiding from me, and they quickly entered the palace of marriage.

It can be said that everything seems to be logical in this way, and both the audience and fans have sent their greatest blessings to the two of them getting married and coming together.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

obviously looks so compatible, obviously looks so in love, but in the end, I don't know why it came to the point of "swords facing each other".

What's more important is the reason, the bigger content is actually "cheating in marriage" He Ziming suspected He Jie of cheating in marriage, and He Jie released a lot of evidence to prove that He Ziming cheated in marriage.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

In short, He Jie and the two broke the news of each other's various behaviors, and directly tore their faces, without taking into account the past feelings.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

It's very simple, that is, the "family division of labor" and "energy distribution" are becoming more and more mismatched, or that sentence, marriage is not love, love can be said to be two people come and go, without considering any other factors.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

But when you enter a marriage, it is different, marriage contains not only love, but also firewood, rice, oil and salt, and more family responsibilities.

Especially He Ziming and He Jie also gave birth to two children after marriage, and the children are bound to distract most of the attention in the family.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Indeed, when they were in love or when they were just newly married, the two were busy with their own careers, and in addition to their careers were families, they could spend more energy on each other.

But after having children, it is true that the family of four is very happy, so more importantly, the happiness we see is more about sacrificing the time and career of someone who is either a father or a mother.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Indeed, since He Jie became pregnant and gave birth to two children, she has put more energy on the child, whether it is pregnant or after giving birth to a child, He Jie's career has basically been regarded as a "out of the circle".

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Most of her energy is around her children and family, where is more time to organize her career?

Even so, in He Jie's heart, she still doesn't want to be a full-time mother or housewife, after all, she is still young and has her own dreams, and she really likes singing.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Especially as the child grows up, he can gradually be expected to be a nanny, and He Jie has also begun to gradually resume his work, so thinking about it, He Jie has put a lot of his work on his career, and his energy in the family will naturally be less.

Then He Ziming is a man who is naturally more macho, and his wife spends less time at home, so it is natural that he may be "cheating".

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Of course, for these, He Ziming himself even directly consulted the emotional radio station and exposed his situation, and was later picked up by someone who cared about it, this is He Ziming and He Jie.

Even He Ziming also exposed that he had located his wife He Jie's mobile phone, and he often saw He Jie's location in the hotel.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Let's just say that the emotional problem of celebrities is a big problem in itself, especially He Ziming also directly "broke the news", and soon the news of "He Jie's cheating in marriage" came directly from all directions, and for a time He Jie directly became the center of public opinion.

Even if Xie Nan and other friends later released that He Jie took the baby to be with them during those times, it was difficult to beat everyone.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Things have come to this point, where can the two people who once loved each other continue to walk, directly from falling in love to wanting to see each other hate each other.

Soon the entry of He Ziming and He Jie's divorce was on the hot search, first of all, let's not talk about whether He Jie cheated in marriage.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

But should such a thing be communicated by two people, and in all the words He Ziming said, there is no real evidence of He Jie's cheating, on the contrary, most of them are some speculations.

Doubts and speculations are the most painful, and once there is doubt, the feelings of two people are not far from separation.

After the two divorced, their careers fell into a low period.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

In short, it has been two years since He Ziming and He Jie divorced, and He Ziming gradually began to resume work, but on the other hand, He Jie's career is obviously not as good as He Ziming's development.

After all, because of his family and children, he retired for a few years, and his job, which was just hard to come out, was hit again because of various scandals.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

It can be said that He Jie's desire to make a comeback is basically a twist and turn, and He Jie still has the so-called "marital cheating" label on her head.

A mouthful of foam and a mouthful of fish, one person and two people from three people, even if He Jie has been telling everyone that he really did not cheat in marriage, which also includes the proof of friends, but there is a word called "preconceived".

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

There is no way, even now He Jie's work is not developing so well, and he can only develop slowly in the field that he can master.

Although the current development is far from the peak of the previous career, it is still the same sentence, something is better than nothing.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

In fact, after so many years, He Jie may have already let go of the past.

Especially accompanied by friends, I slowly walked out of the haze of the past.

even participated in this year's "Sister Lang", just like He Jie herself said at the beginning, in the lowest period, she walked out little by little with the help of these friends who seemed to be opponents, but were actually friends.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Wang Baoqiang once thanked Chen Sicheng for saying such a thing. Now this sentence has been fully corrected in He Jie's body.

He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now

Now she doesn't think too much about it, but she just cherishes her life now and lives every day.

I wish He Jie a better and greater development and stage in the future.

Information sources:

Sohu Entertainment Jiupai News Strategic Perspective
He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now
He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now
He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now
He Jie: Abandoned Shi Xiaolong, divorced and tore each other apart from He Ziming, three children and two fathers, what is happening now
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