
Tirelessly guard the front line of vaccination and vaccination cast a defensive line - Chen Hui of Guangrao County People's Hospital

author:China Shandong Net

China Shandong Network - Perception Shandong July 19, 2019 The new crown vaccine is the most convenient and effective means to prevent the spread of new crown pneumonia and protect the lives and health of the people during the normalization of epidemic prevention and control. In accordance with the city and county covid-19 vaccination work arrangements, in order to complete the task of vaccinating all the permanent residents aged 18-59 in Dongying City as planned before the end of June, Guangrao County Hospital attaches great importance to the new crown pneumonia vaccination work, extensive mobilization throughout the hospital, and selects Chen Hui, who is experienced and skilled, to participate in the vaccination task after layers of selection.

Since New Year's Day 2021, whenever the vaccination task is assigned, Chen Hui and other medical staff work overtime, give up holiday breaks, and stick to their posts. In order to ensure the completion of the day's vaccination task, this thin but determined woman arrived at work half an hour in advance every day to make preparations such as disinfection; in the afternoon, she was also the last to leave the office after completing various inspections and checks.

When the child was left unattended after school, she entrusted it to the teacher; when she came home to cook, check the homework, and do the housework, it was late at night. Once the teacher called after school, but at that time, due to the large number of people vaccinated, there was no time to answer. When she was busy going to the teacher's house to pick up the child, she found that the child's face was red, although the teacher had carried out emergency treatment, and the temperature was still 39.8 degrees high fever, and she quickly took the child to the doctor full of guilt.

"Free vaccinations are an effective means of prevention and control, and our work is intense but meaningful." Chen Hui described his ordinary but great work in this way. At the Yijingyuan vaccination site, Chen Hui has to vaccinate the key groups every day, and began to vaccinate at the temporary vaccination site of the Guangrao County International Expo Center in March, and each medical staff has a daily vaccination workload of more than 350 people, and every day is like a gyroscope.

In order to reduce the queuing time of the inoculation masses, Chen Hui often did not even have time to drink saliva, and he was tired and sweaty after a shift. In the face of heavy and meticulous work, she must be highly nervous in her brain, but even under the relative shortage of vaccination personnel and the overload of labor intensity, she still greets the daily work with full enthusiasm. From pre-examination, triage to vaccination, strict three checks and seven pairs, account for precautions, to ensure safe and effective vaccination of everyone.

For this noble cause, for this heavy responsibility, with the efforts of countless staff like Chen Hui, the work of vaccination has been widely praised by the society; it is precisely because of the hard work and selfless efforts of countless comrades Chen Hui that the orderly and efficient development of the new crown virus vaccination work in Guangrao County has been built for the people.