
Sun Yixue: Education for international students in China is not just about Chinese education, Shanghai
Sun Yixue: Education for international students in China is not just about Chinese education, Shanghai News, June 29 (Reporter Xu Jing) Ke Anna from Georgia is a master's student in business administration at the Business School of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and a Chinese government scholarship student.

She told reporters that studying in China is her dream and one of the most unforgettable experiences in her life. She became acquainted with Chinese when she was studying at the University of Tbilisi as an undergraduate, and after graduating from her bachelor's degree, she worked as a translator in a Georgian Chinese company. Based on this, she decided to continue her master's degree in China, hoping to gain a deeper understanding and perception of China through further professional studies.

What makes her happy is that at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, she not only learned Chinese traditional culture, rich professional knowledge and skills, but also improved her Chinese skills, and more rarely, she also met many excellent Chinese teachers and classmates.

"Shanghai University of Finance and Economics has provided us with the best educational resources and opportunities, so that I can continue to grow and improve in all aspects, and I still remember that I was the host of the international cultural festival during my time at the university, giving me a stage to show myself in Chinese. I firmly believe that the knowledge and experience I have gained here will lay a solid foundation for my future development. Ke Anna said that Shanghai, an international metropolis, has given her many internship and employment opportunities, and now, after graduating with a master's degree, she will join the marketing department of Ctrip and start her career.

"In the future, I hope to generate what I know, learn and feel in my heart, and continue, spread and echo the story with China." Ke Anna said.

Sun Yixue: Education for international students in China is not just about Chinese education

Nika from Belarus, a representative of international students and graduates of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, said that SUIBE is not only a place to learn, but also a place for international students to gain sincere friendship and life experience, share what they have learned and feel with the people around them, and tell Chinese stories together.

In fact, there are many international students like Ke Anna, who, like Ke Anna, not only have a relationship with Chinese, but also hope to become a bridge in the future, tell Chinese stories well, and show a real, cute and amiable image of China.

In this regard, Sun Yixue, dean, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of International Cultural Exchange of Tongji University, put forward a point of view: the education of international students in China is not only Chinese education. In his view, the quality standards of education for international students in China have never been unified, and it is difficult to unify them. However, one thing can be clear, that is, the quality of training of international students in China cannot only be based on the level of Chinese ability, one is that international students in China are not limited to Chinese and related majors, but also include international students studying other majors such as civil engineering, transportation, and environment. Even if the former are not only learning Chinese in China, they themselves will not only set such goals, and China's training units will not be satisfied with teaching them Chinese.

Sun Yixue pointed out that no matter what kind of students are studying in China, the ultimate purpose of our Chinese education is to help them better understand China, speak China well, learn Chinese wisdom, and help the world for peace and development, not Chinese itself. This is the core and ultimate goal of international student education. At present, the education of international students in China places too much emphasis on the ability to use Chinese as a communicative language, rather than the ability to understand China through Chinese. The same is true for various Chinese proficiency tests, case competitions, Chinese story telling contests, and so on. In fact, international students' Chinese can be relatively poor, but as long as they are "rooted in the seedlings", that is, they have an objective and true view of China, and form the consciousness of consciously telling Chinese stories well, they can slowly cultivate the ability to tell Chinese stories well and become the messenger of China's image spread overseas.

"In the process of educating international students, we should clearly anticipate that the international students in front of us now may not need Chinese at all in the future, how can we ensure that they are still willing to tell and can tell Chinese stories well in this situation?" Sun Yixue said that from now on, while teaching them Chinese, we should strengthen and cultivate their awareness of telling Chinese stories and develop the habit of subconsciously telling Chinese stories. As long as they form correct Chinese values and are willing to tell Chinese stories, their subconscious and ability to "tell China" will get better and better. If so, then no matter when, where, in any way, they will naturally speak China to others, as for the language, it does not have to be Chinese, use their native language, English, French, etc., all of them, eclectic, but if they do not develop subconscious and habits, they will not be able to do this at all, and this is precisely the highest goal and the best state of foreigners telling Chinese stories. This is the general principle of international student education in the world, and now that we have recognized it, we should act in accordance with the general principles of the world.

Sun Yixue made an analogy: from the perspective of the goal of telling Chinese stories well, if the international students who have just arrived in China are compared to raw materials, and the international students in the process of studying are compared to semi-finished products, then the international students who have graduated are the finished products. "Finished products" are an important resource for telling China's story well. However, after the international students return to China, except for some people who have been concerned about the rapid fame of "China", most of them will be scattered among the people after returning to China, sinking into the sea, suddenly losing the Chinese environment and the atmosphere of understanding China, and over time, their awareness of telling Chinese stories may weaken, and their ability to tell Chinese stories will be lost.

Sun Yixue pointed out that it is necessary to take the initiative to wake them up, resurrect them, restore their Chinese memories, Chinese cognition, Chinese feelings, Chinese taste buds, etc., fish them out of the "Chinese maze", help them resurface, see China again, and re-experience the "Chinese story" in their hearts. He suggested that overseas alumni associations can be established around the world, discover them in an organized way, resurrect them, reconnect this root bond, give full play to the role of every overseas alumnus as a cultural bridge, provide a platform for them to stand on the stage of telling Chinese stories again, and promote them to become capillaries of Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges, so that Chinese stories can spread all over the world through these capillaries, so that Chinese energy can make existing lives more vigorous everywhere they go, and make life grow in barren land. In the world's cities and villages, mountains and rivers, the voice of "China" can be heard everywhere.

"The ultimate goal of the education of international students in China is the education of people, and it is to educate international talents who can write people correctly, know how to promote the further healthy development of their country and the world in the right way, and make the world a better place because of themselves. Such a talent naturally knows how to understand China and speak China well, even if he does not speak Chinese, he can do this, no matter what major he studies. Sun Yixue said. (ENDS)

Editor: Xu Jing

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