
Crazy Gangster - Gao Yang (II)

author:The decieth of two
Crazy Gangster - Gao Yang (II)

Some of Gao Yang's reforms made Northern Qi appear strong, and Northern Qi's national strength soon surpassed that of Chen in the south and Northern Zhou in the west, becoming the most powerful state at that time.

But also from this year, Gao Yang, who had suppressed for too long, began to vent hysterically, but at the same time as venting, he also launched a centralized power, most of the centralized power was accompanied by killing, the only time in history that there was no bloodshed centralized power was Song Taizu's cup of wine to release the military, Gao Yang's centralized power was not only accompanied by killing but also his hysterical venting, and he was hysterically vented in the first twenty years of his repression.

Cut out hidden dangers and centralize power

The people he purged can be roughly divided into the following three parts: 1. Fathers, brothers, and ministers. 2. Former Dynasty Sect Room. 3. Potential threats in the clan.

1. Father and brother. In the era of Gao Huan and Gao Cheng, the most representative old ministers were the four nobles, who were the father and brother old ministers represented by Sun Teng, Sima Ziru, Gao Yue and Gao Longzhi.

At that time, Sun Teng and Sima Ziru were already dead, and Gao Yang was extremely honored and honored to them, and he was extremely kind to their descendants. But it was not so friendly to Gao Yue and Gao Longzhi.

Gao Yang treated Gao Longzhi very simply and rudely, and one day in 554 AD Gao Yang drank too much, and suddenly remembered that Gao Longzhi had insulted himself, so he ordered Gao Longzhi to be slaughtered, and Gao Longzhi was beheaded. Gao Longzhi, who had unlimited scenery in the Gao Huan and Gao Cheng dynasties, was killed in this way.

Gao Yue, who had won a great victory from the battlefield on the southern front, did not expect that when his class returned to the dynasty, he was not greeted by glory and wealth, but by his nephew's butcher's knife. Gao Yang, who returned to Yecheng, got a beautiful woman xueshi, and after being pampered, Gao Yang called Gao Yue over, "Uncle, how did you rape my concubine?" Gao Yue was asked with a confused face, and when he asked, he knew that it was Xue Shi. Gao Yue was very excited: "Eldest nephew, you misunderstood, I heard that this Xue clan was very beautiful and wanted to marry her, which took her to the palace, but after a night of exchanges, I found that this lady is not a woman who can live a life, so I drove him away, how can this be considered rape?" I've been wronged! Gao Yang was furious: "You are rape, rape, rape!" The two sides dispersed unhappily, and within a few days, one day in November of the sixth year of Tianbao (555), Gao Yue, who was sullen in the palace, welcomed Gao Guiyan of the same clan, and Gao Guiyan involuntarily poured poisonous wine into Gao Yue's mouth, and Gao Yue cried out for his life. Gao Yue did not expect that he would end up like this when he had worked so diligently to assist the old ministers of the Gao family for three generations. After Gao Yue's death, Gao Yang said to the outside world that Gao Yue's heart was too small, and how could he be scared to death for a woman to argue with me twice. Gao Yang gave him a beautiful funeral, and he was extremely mournful. I highly suspect that Gao Yang knew about Gao Yue and Xue Shi, and deliberately spoiled Xue Shi, the goal was to kill Gao Yue, Gao Yue was really hard working, for other reasons there was no way to kill Gao Yue, only to use such absurd means.

Among his fathers and brothers, Gao Dezheng, Du Bi, Wang Yuanjing, and Li Xuanzhi were all killed by Gao Yang for inexplicable reasons, and the rest of the martial generals were Gao Yang's confidants.

2. Former Dynasty Sect Room.

In 559, in the tenth year of Tianbao, Gao Yang chatted with the chancellor Yuan Shao: "Ai Qing, why did you say that Liu Xiu, the Guangwu Emperor, was able to achieve the great cause of ZTE?" Yuan Shao replied, "This is because Wang Mang did not kill the surname Liu clean." Gao Yang couldn't help but say that it was reasonable, so he killed Wei Chao's Yuan clan all, a total of 721 people, not even the infants in the swaddling, and the corpses of the Yuan clan were thrown into the Zhanghe River outside Yecheng, and as a result, the fish caught on both sides of the river were full of residual human fingernails, so that the people on both sides of the Zhanghe River did not dare to eat fish for many years.

3. Unstable factors in the clan room, Gao Jun and Gao Zhuo.

Gao Jun is the third eldest of the Gao family, is Gao Yang's younger brother, the mother Wang is said to be a widow, Gao Jun was born less than a month, Gao Huan was highly suspicious that it was not his own species, so Gao Jun was not allowed to love Gao Huan when he was a child, but as Gao Jun grew up, the characteristics of Gao Jun's children became more and more obvious, tall and handsome, able to speak the Tao, and slowly Gao Huan began to recognize this son. But Gao Jun was very high-profile, even pampered and arrogant, very contemptuous of his unassuming and even ugly Gao Yang, never hid his disgust and contempt for Gao Yang, at that time Gao Yang kept his nose every day, Gao Jun did not give his brother Gao Yang face at all, in front of everyone reprimanded Gao Yang's attendants, "You slaves are how to be bad, you don't know how disgusting it is to wipe my second brother's nose!" Gao Jun spent all his thoughts on Gao Cheng, and got a fat difference from Gao Cheng's hand, the town guarded Qingzhou, Gao Jun was very talented, and was very supported by the people and bureaucrats of Qingzhou. After Gao Yang became emperor, he made Gao Jun the King of Yong'an. Once when Gao Jun returned to Beijing, Gao Yang opened a party to entertain Gao Jun, drank and was happy that the nature of the rough man in Gao Yang's army was exposed, stripped naked and sang and danced, Gao Jun quickly dissuaded, "Second brother, you can't do this, there is no imperial prestige." Gao Yang listened and laughed, and Gao Yang, a master of power and strategists, knew that the so-called prestige was just an embellishment and could not play a key role. However, When Gao Jun saw that Gao Yang did not blame him, he ran to the home of the chancellor Yang Yan and scolded Yang Yan bitterly, saying that Yang Yan had not fulfilled the responsibilities of the courtier, and he returned to Qingzhou with a happy mouth, but Yang Yan was very upset and went to Gao Yang to complain, but he did not expect that this encountered Gao Yang's reverse scales, and the kings of the clan dared to make friends with the ministers, what do you want? So he sent someone to arrest Gao Jun and take him to Yecheng.

At the same time, Gao Yang's seventh brother Gao Zhuo was also arrested, to be honest, Gao Zhuo was a bit wronged, Gao Zhuo was the son of Gao Huan and his first love Han Zhihuisheng, who had been very favored by Gao Huan since he was a child, and when he grew up, he could carry Ding, brave and martial, and read well. After Gao Yang became emperor, Gao Zhuo continued to charge the battlefield, and by the eighth year of Tianbao (557 AD), he had become a high-ranking official of the Lu Shang Shu, which was very trusted by Gao Yang. But once when Gao Yang returned to Jinyang, he talked to the old man in his family about an old thing, it turned out that Gao Huan was looking for someone to calculate the gua in the early years, and the gua was like "the dead high man dressed in black", so from gao Huan onwards, the Gao family did not see the monk, because the monk was wearing black at that time, and that day Gao Yang suddenly asked "What is the darkest in the world?" The men said, "The blackest thing is the paint." Gao Zhuo happened to be the seventh oldest, and Gao Yang was a bit of a mute, so he sent the governor "Broken Six Han Bosheng" to escort Gao Zhuo to Yecheng, and fast entered Yecheng, Gao Zhuo killed the "Broken Six Han Bosheng" who escorted him to Beijing and escaped, but he did not expect to be arrested by the common people.

In the ninth year of Tianbao (558 AD), after Gao Zhuo and Gao Jun's brothers arrived in Yecheng, they were locked up in an iron cage by Gao Yang, eating, sleeping, and defecating were all solved in the iron cage, and later Gao Yang came to see them, And Gao Yang sang and let the two brothers sing together. At that time, Gao Zhan was next to him, and immediately said, "Brother, there will be endless troubles after releasing the tiger and returning to the mountain." Gao Yang's gaze immediately cooled down, and Gao Jun, who knew that he was finished, scolded Gao Zhan, "Bu Luo Ji (Gao Zhan's nickname) You must not die, we are waiting for you on Huangquan Road." Gao Yang asked his subordinate Liu Taozhi to stab Gao Jun and Gao Zhuo to death with a horse mallet, but he did not expect that Gao Zhuo's martial arts were too high, so he actually grabbed Liu Taozhi's horse mallet, broke it into two pieces, and cursed the injustice of the sky in the iron cage, and was sad and indignant, and Gao Yang had the two brothers burned to death with fire.

He had always felt guilty about killing his two brothers, Gao Yang, and after his son Gao Yin succeeded to the throne, he rehabilitated them.

Through a brutal purge, Gao Yang firmly took back power into his hands, and also eliminated hidden dangers for the future monarchs of the Gao family.

Crazy Gangster - Gao Yang (II)

Broken childhood leads to retaliatory venting

In addition to the above planned murder, Gao Yang also had many perverted behaviors, and I personally believe that it is directly related to the suffering of his teenagers, among which the main responsibility is Gao Yang's mother, Lou Zhaojun.

Gao Yang was born at the lowest point of Gao Huan's life, Gao Yang learned the first sentence is not father or mother, but "to live", although there is no direct evidence, but personally believe that Gao Huan's difficult living environment and life situation at that time largely led to Gao Yang's disability, Gao Yang's cheekbones pointed chin, dark skin, serious skin disease or a cripple, and his brothers became a sharp contrast. Due to physical disabilities and physical disadvantages, not only caused Gao Yang to be isolated and despised by his brothers, Lou Zhaojun, as a mother, not only did not stand up in time to protect the weak and helpless Gao Yang, she herself did not hide her disgust for Gao Yang, which also led to Gao Yang's extreme inferiority in his heart, from a young age Gao Yang was silent and taciturn, buried everything in his heart and did not dare to show it, and even pretended to be demented, dragging a big snot, cowering and shrinking. Except for his father and teacher, no one recognized Gao Yang, except for his wife Li Zu'e Gao Yang did not feel any warmth, especially maternal love.

Gao Yang planned to usurp the throne as emperor, and told his mother at the first time that he longed for his mother's approval of him, but Lou Zhaojun said with extreme contempt: "Your father Gao Huan is a figure like a dragon, your brother Gao Cheng is a tiger-like person, they have not become emperors, you look at yourself, you are not personal, and you still want to take pictures of the day, soak up and pee." I don't know when Gao Yang heard his mother say this, the shadow area of his heart. Gao Yang was an extremely strong person, and such vicious language did not block his path to the emperor, but inspired him to be a promising emperor.

Since Gao Yang became emperor in the early days, for five or six years, he did not disarm, lived a life of licking blood from the knife edge, Gao Yang was eager to establish a meritorious deed, and every battle he personally came to the front line to command, personally charged with the enemy's bow and arrow, carried a large knife and fought with the enemy, every time worried that there were not many enemies, could not establish merit, invincible and invincible, one knife and one shot laid a peaceful and prosperous world for Northern Qi.

Gao Yang's only hobby is drinking, and he is always drunk when he is not fighting, plus he is still a cripple himself, shaking all day. Once Lou Zhaojun saw Gao Yang limping and shaking and walking over full of wine, the old lady's violent temper could not be suppressed, and she raised her crutches to hit Gao Yang, scolding while hitting, "If there is really any father, there is no son!" It is estimated that he was complaining that Gao Huan, the father of Gao Yangxue, was not moderate in drinking, and Gao Huan, who had been beaten, shouted half-truthfully while running: "Old lady, if you fight again, I will marry you to the Hu tribe." Lou Zhaojun was so angry that he almost didn't catch his breath, and quickly sat on the pony to catch his breath, Gao Yang saw that his mother was angry although he didn't beat himself, so he knelt down and climbed to Lou Zhaojun's feet, wanting to spoil a pet, but Gao Yang, who had not been pampered since childhood, would not be spoiled at all, imitating the way his brothers were when they were children, and he did not expect to overturn Lou Zhaojun and break his waist. Mother and child can not find a pattern of getting along. After Gao Yang woke up, Lou Zhaojun did not speak with a straight face, Gao Yang knew that he really angered his mother, he was very remorseful, so he let people pile up a pile of firewood, and after lighting it, he was going to jump on it, Lou Zhaojun quickly hugged Gao Yang, Lou Zhaojun showed his mother's tenderness in front of Gao Yang for the first time: "Silly child, what are you going to do?" Before, it was all because you were drunk, how can you not think about it. Gao Yang hugged Lou Zhaojun and cried bitterly, this was the first time he had enjoyed maternal love when he was so old. When the two women were crying and tired, Gao Yang asked Lou Zhaojun to punish himself like when he was a child, and hit the foot board 50 times with a small wooden stick, so that the mother and son could be reconciled. But the sentimentality in Gao Yang's eyes could not be concealed in any way.

Crazy Gangster - Gao Yang (II)

Gao Yang's long-suppressed personality after he took power, carried out a retaliatory vent, the first object of his revenge was his eldest brother Gao Cheng's wife, sister-in-law Yuan Zhonghua, Gao Yang used wine to rape Yuan Zhonghua, while doing things, he said, "I am retaliating against your husband for raping my wife." ”

Gao Yang used Xue Shi to kill Gao Yue, but Xue Shi did not get a good ending, she was killed by Gao Yang, and her thigh bone was made into a pipa by Gao Yang, and Gao Yang often held this pipa to play and sing herself, and the scene was creepy.

Xue Shi has a sister, who is also good-looking, introduced to Gao Yang by Xue Shi, very much favored by Gao Yang, once taking advantage of Gao Yang to drink too much, Xue s sister took the opportunity to tell Gao Yang to let his father be Situ, Gao Yang was furious: "Situ is an important official position in the DPRK, which is what you want to ask for?" After saying that, he sawed her to death with a saw.

Empress Li Zu'e's sister was the wife of Yuan Ang the Prince of Wei and was beautiful. Gao Yang coveted her, so he used the excuse to go to Yuan Ang's house to drink, pretended to be crazy after drinking, and flirted with Sister Li. Yuan Ang and Sister Li were not humiliated, their faces were unhappy, and although Gao Yang was angry, he had no way to start. In order to get Sister Li, Gao Yang wanted to include her in the palace as a three-zhaoyi, but he was afraid that she would stay in love with her husband, so he had a plan, found an excuse, summoned Yuan Ang into the palace, and shot her with a random arrow. Sister Li set up a spiritual hall to pay tribute to Yuan Ang, and Gao Yang pretended to go to the sacrifice. Just before Yuan Angling raped Sister Li.

After seven years, Tianbao stopped fighting every day, began to take revenge and fun, drunk every day, liked to sing and dance, opened parties all night, also liked to engage in performance art to play naked running, also liked to engage in cosplay, grease and powder and spread like a hu person, either wandering in the city or running to the minister's house to play, and gathering people to declare adultery. Engaging in performance art is only a personal hobby, and killing people has also reached new heights, often mutilating corpses, or burning people alive, or bundling them and throwing them into the river to drown.

Although Gao Yang's body was strong, he could not withstand his tossing like this, and after five or six years, his body was completely hollowed out, and in the last days of his life, he could not eat any food, and could only drink to live.

Tiger Father Dog Son

Northern Qi in the hands of Gao Yang, the national strength is booming, the internal integration has also been completed, but there is one thing that has always reassured Gao Yang, that is, the heir, his son Gao Yin is a big warm man, very kind and gentle, although very smart, but lack of the chaotic monarch must have the decisive decision to kill, Tianbao Ninth Year (558), Gao Yang called Gao Yin to Jinfengtai, let Gao Yin personally kill the death row prisoner, but Gao Yin was cowardly, several times could not cut off the prisoner's head, Gao Yang was furious, took up the whip and smoked Gao Yin, While smoking, he scolded, How did I give birth to such a. Gao Yin was frightened and confused, and later stuttered.

Gao Yang knew that under the environment of a pack of wolves outside and a fierce tiger inside, his son would definitely not live long, and for the sake of the Gao family's social inheritance, Gao Yang did not kill his younger brother Gao Yan. Before dying, Gao Yang summoned his mother, wife, children and brothers to the dragon bed, and in front of everyone, he pushed his heart to the third brother Gao Yan and said in a serious tone: "In the future, after Gao Yin succeeds to the throne, if you have the opportunity to take the throne, the throne will be given to you, but please don't hurt Gao Yin..." Before the words were finished, Gao Yang left the world with infinite regrets, leaving orphans and widows to face this cruel world.

Gao Yang was a complex emperor, if the thesis of martial arts, Gao Yang was the first person of the Gao family, in his hands, Northern Qi expanded its territory to the present-day Shanxi, Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Inner Mongolia and the vast plains of northern Jiangsu and northern Anhui, with a population of 3 million households and 20 million mouths. The vastness of the land, the large population, the strength of the army, and the large number of grain reserves became the most powerful of the three divided countries in the north and south at that time.

A lot of his tyranny needs to be blamed on the lack of maternal love of his mother Lou Zhaojun, which leads him to vent his revenge, play performance art to a new height, and push tyranny to a new height, but he never abuses the people, and he gives all the respect and gentleness to his wife Li Zu'e. Unfortunately, the tiger father and the dog, the cowardly Gao Yin, not only could not keep the family business, but even the lives of him and his mother could not be fully protected.

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Crazy Gangster - Gao Yang (II)

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