
Huo Yi: This person is Zhuge Liang's ultimate trump card, if he does not die, the Shu kingdom can last for at least twenty years

author:The historical empire of the Seven-Stringed King

When it comes to the Three Kingdoms, everyone is familiar with it, and it is said that it is impossible to finish it in a few days and nights. Especially in the late Shu Han Dynasty, after the death of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, the two pillars of the Shu Han Dynasty, everyone who loved the Three Kingdoms was angry, hated Liu Chan for indulging in enjoyment, abandoning the government, and attacking the loyal and courageous generals, listening to the rumors, resulting in the weakening of the Shu Han state.

In 263, when the State of Wei took advantage of the void and sent a large army to attack the State of Shu, when Deng Aiqi's troops attacked directly from the Yinping Trail to the city of Chengdu, the later lord Liu Chan listened to the treacherous ministers Huang Hao and Yu Zhou's bad ideas, tied himself up and surrendered, and Shu Han perished.

However, at that time, Shu Han was not without the power to return to heaven--the Southern Governor Huo Yi had more than 10,000 elite soldiers, the right general Yan Yu had more than 20,000 Yong'an elite troops, and Jiang Wei even mastered 40,000 soldiers and horses at the Sword Gate Pass. However, the State of Wei did not take much advantage in the war, Deng Ai did not have much power, and Zhong Hui was the main force. At the same time, the situation in Shu Han was not very miserable, and Jiang Wei fought with the Wei general Zhong Hui at the Sword Gate Pass, dragging wei's footsteps. But no one expected that Deng Ai would actually "general" in advance, and Shu Han would perish in this way. It can be seen from this that in the late Shu Han Dynasty, Jiang Wei was not only a major general, but also a major general who fully possessed the ability to turn the tide and turn the situation around. This general was Huo Yi, the governor of the Southern Central Capital mentioned above.

Huo Yi: This person is Zhuge Liang's ultimate trump card, if he does not die, the Shu kingdom can last for at least twenty years

Huo Yi

Today, the Seven Strings Jun will talk to you about the last trump card of the Shu Han Dynasty, Huo Yi, the Governor of the Southern Central Capital.

The son of a famous general, the main hair is small

Huo Yi (Chinese: 胡弋; pinyin: Fīīi), a native of Zhijiang, Nan commandery (present-day Zhijiang, Hubei), was born and died unknown, but was the son of the famous jingzhou general Huo Jun, who led 800 soldiers to hold the city for a whole year and repeatedly repelled Liu Zhang's attackers. After Liu Bei captured Yizhou, he set up Zitong Commandery (梓潼郡) and made Huo Jun the Taishou of Zitong, but unfortunately, after Huo Jun had been a Taishou for three years, he died young and the coffin was transported back to Chengdu for burial. Liu Bei was very saddened by Huo Jun's death, and personally attended his funeral, bringing his son Huo Yi to his palace and studying with Liu Chan. From this point of view, Liu Chan and Huo Yi were small to each other, and they were brothers and sisters. After Liu Chan ascended the throne, he appointed Huo Yi as a gurudwara, accompanying Liu Chan to take charge of communication and other matters.

The town guarded the rear and learned from Kong Ming

When Huo Yi served as the son of Zhongshu, he became a close attendant of the crown prince Liu Xuan. Liu Xuan liked to ride horses and shoot arrows, there was no moderation in and out, Huo Yi quoted the scriptures, devoted himself to advising Liu Xuan, and educated him properly. As the saying goes, "Shogun Tiger Son", Huo Yi is as brave and good at war as his father. Yongchang County was rebellious, and Liu Chan led Yongchang Taishou with Huo Yi, led an army to fight, and put down the Yongchang rebellion in southern China in just one day. When Huo Yi was in office, he was able to "reconcile the different customs, legislate and teach them, allow them to be light and heavy, and yi Jin anzhi." "It has a high prestige in the Shu Han army.

Huo Yi: This person is Zhuge Liang's ultimate trump card, if he does not die, the Shu kingdom can last for at least twenty years


During the Northern Expedition of Zhuge Liang, Huo Yi served as Zhuge Liang's assistant, and under the influence of Zhuge Liang, Huo Yi learned military strategy and the way of using soldiers from Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang also attached great importance to Huo Yi and passed on to him what he had learned throughout his life without reservation. We know from the novel that Jiang Wei is a disciple of Zhuge Liang, but in fact, Huo Yi is also a student of Zhuge Liang. Moreover, from the perspective of Tao Strategy and specific circumstances, Huo Yi was even slightly better than Jiang Wei. After Jiang Wei was succeeded by Zhuge Liang to inherit the northern expedition, Huo Yi was sent back to the imperial court by Zhuge Liang to be responsible for guarding the rear. In this way, Jiang Wei can also give a free hand when fighting on the front line, and does not have to worry about being attacked in the rear.

Huo Yi: This person is Zhuge Liang's ultimate trump card, if he does not die, the Shu kingdom can last for at least twenty years

Huo Jun

Not reused, helpless to be promoted

Although Huo Yi had distinguished himself in battle, he was loyal to the Shu Han imperial family, and had a good personal relationship with the later lord Liu Chan. However, for some reason, Liu Chan uncharacteristically rejected the advice of the chancellor Jiang Huan, limiting Huo Yi's power and letting him go to the town to guard the southern central counties. Even if Chengdu was in danger, Liu Chan did not want Huo Yi to send troops to rescue him, but instead let him stand by. When Chengdu fell, Huo Yi wore mourning clothes and wept bitterly for three days. His subordinate generals all advised Huo Yi that he should surrender to the Wei army as soon as possible, and Huo Yi said: "Now that the road is blocked, it is not clear whether Your Majesty's safety is clear, so it is really not advisable to surrender like this." If His Majesty and the State of Wei live in peace and the State of Wei treats each other with courtesy, then it is not too late for us to protect the borders of the whole country and surrender. If Your Majesty is insulted, I will refuse it with death, sooner or later! ”

Huo Yi: This person is Zhuge Liang's ultimate trump card, if he does not die, the Shu kingdom can last for at least twenty years

When Huo Yi learned that Liu Chan had surrendered and was treated favorably by Sima Shi, he led his men to surrender. Sima Zhao, believing that Huo Yi could save one side, still appointed Huo Yi as the governor of Nanzhong, and thereafter led an army to pacify the three counties of Jiaodian, Nichinan, and Jiuzhen, and was given the title of Marquis. Due to huo yizhen's meritorious service in guarding the south, the Huo family has been an official in the south for generations. Huo Yi's grandson Huo Biao (胡彪) was the Taishou of Jin Yue. From this point of view, Huo Yi's ability was undoubtedly beyond doubt.

Huo Yi: This person is Zhuge Liang's ultimate trump card, if he does not die, the Shu kingdom can last for at least twenty years

If Liu Chan could fight the Wei state to the end, while letting Jiang Wei die guarding the Sword Pavilion, and at the same time letting Huo Yi come to the rescue quickly, the two-way attack would definitely be able to turn defeat into victory, defeat the Wei army, and shu Han extended the state for more than ten years. But it is a pity that Liu Chan lost his footing into thousands of ancient hatreds, missed a good opportunity, and finally could only bury the foundation created by Liu Bei in vain.

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