
Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

author:Dinner table

Braised lion's head, also known as Sixi Balls, is one of the huaiyang specialties, which means auspicious and blessed, and is a famous dish that every household will make during the New Year's Festival, which looks round and full, and is soft and fragrant to eat, which is both depressing and cooking.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

So how to make braised lion's head delicious? If you want to make a big full and juicy braised lion's head, meat filling is the key, as long as the meat filling is adjusted well, pay attention to the good heat, the kitchen xiaobai can also do zero failure.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

Today, Xiao Dining Table will teach everyone the family practice of braised lion's head, make this dish according to the method I taught you, the pot of meat is fragrant and juicy, it is not greasy at all, friends who love meat dishes must try it.

First, the practice of braising lion's head

Ingredients: pork front leg meat 600g

Accessories: appropriate amount of broccoli, 1/2 carrot, 4 shiitake mushrooms, 3 spring onions, 1 small piece of ginger, 4 cloves of garlic

Seasoning: 3g salt, white pepper powder to taste, 3 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of cooking wine, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, 1 egg, corn starch to taste, 2 star anise, a little peppercorn, 1 piece of cinnamon, 2 pieces of fragrant leaves, 2 spoons of sugar

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

1: Wash the pork first, then stir into the minced meat and set aside. If you don't have a meat stirrer, you can also chop it directly with a knife or go to the supermarket to buy ready-made meat fillings instead.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

2: After the minced meat is stirred, cut the carrot and shiitake mushrooms into cubes, chop the shallots and ginger into small pieces, and put them into the stirred meat filling.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

3, adjust the meat filling, first put 3g of salt, an appropriate amount of white pepper in the basin, 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, 1 egg and 1 spoon of corn starch, and then stir evenly in a clockwise direction, and finally repeatedly beat many times, so that it tastes better.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

4: After the meat filling is adjusted, divide it into 6 equal parts, and knead each meat filling into the shape of a ball.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

5. After the meatballs are kneaded, a layer of corn starch is wrapped on the surface, which is easy to set.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

6, from the pot to burn the oil, wait for the oil temperature to be 60% hot after adjusting the heat, the meatballs into the pan fried until the skin is golden brown, then fish out the oil control, if the balls are relatively large, you can also fry it many times.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

7: After the meatballs are fried, start the pot again and boil the oil, add minced garlic in the pot and sauté to bring out the aroma.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

8: After stir-frying the minced garlic, first add 2 spoons of soy sauce and 1 spoonful of cooking wine, then pour in the appropriate amount of hot water, 2 star anise, a little peppercorns, 1 piece of cinnamon, 2 fragrant leaves, 2 small shallot knots, 2 spoons of sugar and fried meatballs, and finally turn the heat to high and simmer for 40 minutes.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

9, after the meatballs are simmered, fish out and put them on the plate, find an empty bowl, first add half a spoon of corn starch and an appropriate amount of water in the bowl to stir evenly, then pour into the pot, boil until the soup is thick and pour on the meatballs, and finally blanch the new orchids, garnish it and eat it.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

10, so far, this big full of juice and braised lion head is ready, with rice to eat too fragrant, adults and children like.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

Second, the precautions for making braised lion's head

1, pork is best to choose three points fat and seven points thin, so that it tastes soft and sticky, the taste is the best.

2, after the meatballs are in a hurry to turn over, wait for the low heat to fry until it is set, and then turn it over, otherwise it is easy to scatter.

Braised lion head family method, a big full of juicy water, delicious not greasy real relief, zero failure

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