
Vladivostok must be returned, this is the land that our ancestors bought with their blood and lives!

author:Social Awa onions

"Vladivostok must be returned!" This land, which was once ours, has changed its sovereignty in the long course of history due to a paper treaty.

Vladivostok must be returned, this is the land that our ancestors bought with their blood and lives!

Hundreds of years ago, the name Vladivostok still shines on the map of China. At that time, it was called the Pearl of Dongying, which was part of the Qing Dynasty and was under the jurisdiction of General Jilin. It was once a bustling trading market, a meeting point of culture, and a constant flow of businessmen and adventurers.

Vladivostok must be returned, this is the land that our ancestors bought with their blood and lives!

In 1860, the Qing Dynasty and Russia signed the Sino-Russian Treaty of Beijing, which ceded large swathes east of the Ussuri River, including Vladivostok, to the Russian Empire far north. Since then, the fate of this land has taken a turn, and Vladivostok has been renamed Vladivostok, which means "to rule the East".

Vladivostok must be returned, this is the land that our ancestors bought with their blood and lives!

This period of history was a great loss and humiliation for China at that time. Those soldiers who fought to protect this land, their efforts and sacrifices, but because of the political game, lost this treasure land. What a sad scene!

Vladivostok must be returned, this is the land that our ancestors bought with their blood and lives!

As the years passed, the topic of Vladivostok was occasionally brought up in some historical retrospectives, but for most people it was only part of history. For those who love history and care about the territorial integrity of the country, Vladivostok is an unfinished history, a testament to the bloody sacrifice of ancestors.

Vladivostok must be returned, this is the land that our ancestors bought with their blood and lives!

In the 21st century, China has rapidly emerged as one of the world's great powers. The issue of Vladivostok is once again on the agenda. Not only because of the question of territorial ownership, but also because it is related to the dignity of the country and the self-esteem of the nation.

Vladivostok must be returned, this is the land that our ancestors bought with their blood and lives!

Vladivostok, a land that once belonged to us, has now become a distant dream. The Sino-Russian Treaty of Beijing in 1860 was an unequal agreement that ceded our territory and caused great harm to our national dignity. Today, as a fast-rising country, we should remember this period of history, never forget our original aspirations, and safeguard the dignity and territorial integrity of the country.

Vladivostok must be returned, this is the land that our ancestors bought with their blood and lives!

We should not forget every inch of land lost, let alone the heroes who fought and died to defend it. The question of Vladivostok is a symbol of national self-esteem and national dignity. We must remember history, be alert to the future, and not allow the tragedy of history to repeat itself.

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