In Guangdong, Chezai noodles are already a very common fast food, in some brand tea restaurants, or not so-authentic so-called tea restaurants, are easy to find, and even several brands of convenience stores, there are also for sale. I have eaten from a bowl of more than ten yuan to a bowl of forty or fifty yuan, and I just think it is an exaggerated food.
So the last time I went to Hong Kong, when my friend suggested taking me to eat Chezai noodles, I definitely refused, and then after she strongly recommended it, I had to give it a bold try...
Followed her to an old shop in an alley, why the old shop? Because of this small shop, no matter the decoration, environment, and tools, etc. are a bit old.
In front of the small shop, you can already smell the smell of beef brisket, and there is a strong smell of curry and satay.
Listen to friends said, regardless of the ingredients of the car noodles, from the previous ten models of eight, to the current dozens of models, there are three models that must not be missing, that is, I just mentioned, column sauce beef brisket, curry fish eggs, and satay fish eggs three.
Because authentic chezai noodles, no matter what ingredients you add, you must pour a little "sauce" before serving, and the source of this sauce is derived from these three ingredients.
Another point is that authentic chezai noodles, generally not mixed noodles, usually will be soup noodles, the reason is the broth, plus these sauces are the best partner.
And I eat in Guangdong, there is really a big difference, Guangdong Chezai noodles, has been similar to the Hong Kong brand tea restaurant, but focus on the diversification of ingredients, especially those chilled synthetic ingredients, completely destroyed the taste of the entire soup noodles, plus what spicy sauce, spicy sauce and other "sauce", as well as the high price, no wonder many people like me, once eaten in Guangdong, it is difficult to have a next time, if you have tasted Hong Kong authentic, it is even more needless to say.
Finally, tell you about it, why is Chezai noodles called Chezai noodles? The history of chezai noodles may be known to many friends, but why not call it a trolley noodle, or a cart noodle? The reason is that Hong Kong people like to call relatively "small" people and things to do "boys", like hair boys (Chow Yun Fat), Star Boys (Chow Sing Chi), as well as Thin Road Boys (little boys), Shop Boys (smaller shops) and so on, so at that time, small trolleys, they were called car boys.
In fact, I heard my friend say that the predecessor of Chezai noodles is called "Hi-Chi Noodles", which means the same as the Mandarin miscellaneous noodles in the movie God of Food!
I hope that friends who like it like encouragement and support me to continue to share with you, I have tasted the Hong Kong food, thank you!!