
Exchange and sharing, common growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange and Sharing, Common Growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange

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<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > exchange and sharing, common growth - changge city second primary school Chen Yao campus class teacher experience exchange</h1>

  The famous educator Wei Shusheng once said: "Teachers should have the ability to enter the hearts of students, educate people before cultivating hearts, and only education that enters the spiritual world of students can arouse the resonance of children's hearts." "The class teacher is the guide for the healthy growth of students, and is a bridge between students, parents and teachers.

  In order to further strengthen the construction of the team of class teachers in our school, explore new ideas and methods of class management work, improve the professional quality and work ability of class teachers, and achieve the purpose of mutual exchange, learning and sharing, and common growth, our school has carried out a class teacher work exchange meeting with the theme of "happiness sharing, common growth".

Exchange and sharing, common growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange and Sharing, Common Growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange

  The sharing meeting was presided over by Lou Hongtao, Director of the Moral Education Office. At the meeting, Director Lou first introduced the process of this exchange activity, which is an opportunity to learn and improve, and is a gas station for the growth of the class teacher! The participating teachers all began the journey of this experience sharing session with a sincere learning heart.

Exchange and sharing, common growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange and Sharing, Common Growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange

  Immediately after that, the meeting carried out the second item - the exchange of experience of the class teacher. Class teacher Shang Yunxia, Sun Yanzhi, Xie Shuge, Chen Botao, Wang Jing, Li Jin six teachers made speeches, they used wonderful pictures and texts, explanations, shared their own experience in leading the class, exchanged their understanding, perception and thinking about the work of the class teacher, they talked about their work in class management from the aspects of class culture construction, how to carry out effective home-school communication, and class routine management. The six class teachers all talked about the detailed management, and clarified the new direction of efforts for the detailed management of the work of the class teacher.

Teachers talk about experience

Teacher Shang Yunxia

Exchange and sharing, common growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange and Sharing, Common Growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange

Teacher Shang always likes to walk in front of the work and prepare in advance. For class management affairs, she will always preset the position of class cadre and divide the labor according to responsibilities. She believes that: First, the class team management construction and class incentive mechanism are very important, and the participation of each child is required to have collective strength. Therefore, the division of labor is refined, and everyone has something to do and everyone has to do. For habit formation, it is necessary to train repeatedly and strictly require; second, foresee problems, early education is also very important, it can prevent problems before they occur. She often asks students what would you do if they had such a problem? Third, use praise instead of criticism, use contrasting praise to guide children to realize their shortcomings, use whispers to impress students, and enter the hearts of children.

Teacher Sun Yanzhi

Exchange and sharing, common growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange and Sharing, Common Growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange

Teacher Sun believes that as a senior student, reasonable rewards and punishments are crucial. She makes full use of the class optimization master's planned summary, which is evaluated every two weeks. At the beginning of the school year, a reward and punishment system is formulated, so that students can have a good idea and formulate class slogans in a timely manner, such as "Concentrate on concentration, positive thinking" and "love learning, abide by discipline, and emphasize civilization". In addition, give full play to the leading role of excellent students, adopt the policy of learning support, make the class learning atmosphere strong, and make everyone enthusiastic about learning on the basis of continuous encouragement.

Teacher Xie Shuge

Exchange and sharing, common growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange and Sharing, Common Growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange

Teacher Xie also made a detailed introduction to the management system of "three hearts, one heart, two diligences" that she manages. Teacher Xie's self-determined educational goals of "carefulness, love, intention, attention, diligence in home-school communication, and diligence in unity and cooperation" have been highly praised by everyone, and the management education model of "strict kindness and kindness, grace and charity" introduced by her has benefited us a lot.

Chen Botao

Exchange and sharing, common growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange and Sharing, Common Growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange

As a new class teacher, Teacher Chen often faces children and parents with a grateful heart, grateful for meeting and cooperating. In the study and life, he has always firmly believed that character is more important than achievements, learn to care for the late students, let the late students fully develop their talents, praise the children as soon as they have advantages, do not give up every child, care for the latter students, care is a lifetime. Secondly, we must learn to educate children with wisdom, children are naïve, and every teacher needs to use wisdom to guide children and give them the best influence.

Teacher Wang Jing

Exchange and sharing, common growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange and Sharing, Common Growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange

In terms of class management, Teacher Wang adopts the form of "mutual assistance at the same table", in line with the principle of boys and girls at the same table, Teacher Wang tries to arrange it like this: lively and quiet sitting at the same table complements each other, and the degree of sitting at the same table competes with similar degrees, and the degree of sitting at the same table helps. The first is to ensure classroom learning discipline, and the second is the learning outcome of the competition.

The adjustment of seats helps to form a good learning atmosphere, and I hope that children can find good partners to grow together.

Teacher Li Jin

Exchange and sharing, common growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange and Sharing, Common Growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange

Teacher Li advocates class self-management, gives full play to the subjective initiative of students, allows students to self-manage, encourages students more, and influences students with personality charm. Teacher Li poured all her love into the students, she paid attention to the construction of class culture, let love become the main theme of the class, let the fragrance of books become the taste of the class, and let the parents become the assistants of the class. She also actively leads students to carry out various activities, so that every child feels the warmth of living in the class and has a happy childhood. In the class management, Teacher Li pays attention to creating a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere for the children, in the collective activities and life of the class, let each student fully display themselves and play their role, forming a set of "class autonomous management system" rules, everyone has a post, everything is done, everything is managed.

The third concluding review

Principal Yan Zhiyong of Chen Yao Campus

Exchange and sharing, common growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange and Sharing, Common Growth - Changge City No. 2 Primary School Chen Yao Campus Class Teacher Experience Exchange

  At the end of the meeting, President Yan Zhiyong summarized the experiences of the six class teachers and summarized the following six points:

First, kung fu is in the ordinary

Second, good habits are used for a lifetime

Third, the details determine success or failure

Fourth, live to be old, learn to be old, and learn to always be on the road

Fifth, there are thousands of methods, and the one that is suitable is the best

Sixth, do everything well with heart and affection

  Mr. Tao Xingzhi once said: "Whoever does not love students cannot educate students well." Everything the class teacher does is for the students to grow and become talents, and love is the magic weapon for the class teacher to enter the students. When our teachers conquer students with love and smile, our teachers themselves are touched by love and smiles.

Taking this meeting as a new starting point, the class teachers conscientiously understood the requirements of President Yan, earnestly performed the duties of the class teacher, paid attention to our students with love and enthusiasm, and did a good job in the work of the class teacher with a high sense of responsibility and a strong sense of professionalism.

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