
"Swallowtail Butterfly and Moon": The best love for children is to let go, not to bind in the name of love 01.Everything must silently follow the laws of nature 02.Love is to let go, so that children can face the wind and rain independently 03.Grind growth and create with their own strength

author:Working moms and dads
"Swallowtail Butterfly and Moon": The best love for children is to let go, not to bind in the name of love 01.Everything must silently follow the laws of nature 02.Love is to let go, so that children can face the wind and rain independently 03.Grind growth and create with their own strength

I especially like to read the parent-child time with my children in picture books, this "Swallowtail Butterfly and the Moon", my son has been praised from the beginning of reading.

He was more interested in the content of the drawings, and kept exclaiming to me as he watched:

Mom, this painting is too good and too real! You see this leaf just like the real thing.

No wonder my son likes it, because he has loved to draw since he was a child.

While I marveled that the child's perspective and focus seemed to be different from that of adults, I also felt the visual impact of the picture and the beauty of growth and love recorded in the text.

"Swallowtail Butterfly and Moon": The best love for children is to let go, not to bind in the name of love 01.Everything must silently follow the laws of nature 02.Love is to let go, so that children can face the wind and rain independently 03.Grind growth and create with their own strength

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >01.All things must silently follow the laws of nature</h1>

Overheard a story about a mother with cancer who was pronounced a death sentence by a doctor.

But she was worried that her daughter would not take care of herself, so she held her breath and dragged her heavy sick body, and even lived for five more years.

During these five years, she taught her daughter to be independent, and seeing that her daughter could rely on her own strength and live well, the mother left with confidence.

I can't help but sigh that the power of maternal love is really great.

In fact, most parents in this world will be concerned about their children.

The same is true of the swallowtail butterfly mother who knows that she does not have much time.

She could only pray to the moon:

O Moon, please bless my baby to grow into a butterfly in peace.

Because I'm leaving this world soon, I can't take care of them anymore.

Moon heard the prayer of Mother Swallowtail Butterfly, but she was embarrassed.

The baby of the swallowtail butterfly has to wake up on its own and grow up on its own, and the moon doesn't help much.

But Moon still wanted to comfort the swallowtail butterfly who had been praying, telling her not to worry too much.

Unfortunately, the swallowtail butterfly could not hear the sound of the moon at all.

Just then, a large praying mantis grabbed the swallowtail butterfly and slowly ate it.

The moon was very sad, but could only close her eyes tightly.

Yeah, what can the moon do? This is the law of nature!

In fact, whether it is nature or life, there are their own laws, there are many things that we do not want to be unwilling, it will not happen.

It's like this when mother swallowtail butterflies are eaten by praying mantises, and so do the little caterpillars who need to grow up on their own.

"Swallowtail Butterfly and Moon": The best love for children is to let go, not to bind in the name of love 01.Everything must silently follow the laws of nature 02.Love is to let go, so that children can face the wind and rain independently 03.Grind growth and create with their own strength

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >02. Love is to let go, so that children can face the wind and rain independently</h1>

Parents who don't know how to let go, what happened to the children they raised?

There was once a 20-year-old Henan guy who actually starved himself to death after his parents died one after another.

Of course starvation is only the lad's last resort.

This child is the only son in the family, and has been loved by her parents since she was a child, and her parents are afraid of falling in the palm of their hands and in their mouths.

When the child is seven or eight years old, the parents will still feel sad that he is tired of walking, and often carry the burden to let the son sit on it, let alone let the child work.

However, after the death of his parents one after another, this child who could not do anything, the son tasted the cold and warmth of the world, thinking that even if his relatives were willing to take care of him, it was impossible to take care of him like his parents.

Even if the neighbor is willing to give some food, such as vegetables and meat, he will not do it.

For a long time, he lived off food picked up from the trash can.

Such a life is really too difficult, and in the end it is really lifeless, and I simply starve myself to death.

I think that the parents of this child, if they know the child's experience, must regret not being able to do so, and must regret not teaching their children to live independently.

Parents who are unwilling to let go, parents who do not let their children grow, will only let their children suffer more of life!

"Swallowtail Butterfly and Moon": The best love for children is to let go, not to bind in the name of love 01.Everything must silently follow the laws of nature 02.Love is to let go, so that children can face the wind and rain independently 03.Grind growth and create with their own strength

Let's take a look at what the moon in the picture book story does.

The moon wants to forget the instructions of the mother swallowtail butterfly, so that she does not think about the caterpillars that have not yet transformed into swallowtail butterflies.

But she always couldn't help but quietly observe the little caterpillars.

She looked closely at the little caterpillars that were slowly nibbling on the soft shells, and saw them sleeping, molting, nibbling on the leaves, and the moon found a whole ten caterpillars, and all the children of the swallowtail butterfly mother were here.

Moon thought to himself, now don't worry about it anymore.

But on the second day, the third day, and even every day after that, the moon has been silently watching these little ones.

Unconsciously, the moon treated these little caterpillars as its own baby.

Even so, the small caterpillars are still decreasing one by one.

Sometimes the magpie takes one, sometimes the long-tailed eats one...

In the end, only one caterpillar remained.

The moon prays again and again in its heart:

My baby must not be in trouble.

But she was also just silently paying attention and praying.

When a praying mantis appeared in front of the caterpillar, the moon's face was already frightened and white, and his heart was about to jump out.

Fortunately, the caterpillar used the unpleasant smell emitted by its antennae to drive away the praying mantises.

In the process of the caterpillar's transformation into a swallowtail butterfly, the moon's heart is tightened all the time.

But she knew that nature had its own rules.

Parents are the same, if you want your children to grow, you must learn to let go.

After all, the ups and downs in this life must be experienced by the children themselves, and they will become stronger and braver.

"Swallowtail Butterfly and Moon": The best love for children is to let go, not to bind in the name of love 01.Everything must silently follow the laws of nature 02.Love is to let go, so that children can face the wind and rain independently 03.Grind growth and create with their own strength

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >03. Sharpen and grow, and create with your own strength</h1>

Mother Swallowtail butterfly has a total of ten babies.

But there are always all kinds of dangers lurking in nature.

Caterpillars' natural enemies are magpies, long-tailed, tsubaki elephants, praying mantises and so on.

In the end, only one caterpillar remained.

Although it was small, when she met the mantis in the narrow road, she did not have the slightest cowardice, but immediately used her tentacles to emit a bad smell and drive the mantis away.

The last caterpillar is a caterpillar with a firm heart and an effort to grow.

The caterpillar squirmed its body, and it was about to shed the last layer of skin.

But it was a long winter.

The more the moon is, the more it is praying:

Bless my baby to live safely into the spring!

When the spring rain poured down, the violet flowers bloomed, the spring flowers also bloomed, and the dogwood bloomed with yellow flowers, and the pupa began to move a small door, opened the small black head, and probed out first.

A small worm broke out and hung on the branch, and she slowly and slowly spread her wings.

"Swallowtail Butterfly and Moon": The best love for children is to let go, not to bind in the name of love 01.Everything must silently follow the laws of nature 02.Love is to let go, so that children can face the wind and rain independently 03.Grind growth and create with their own strength

Fluttering edges —a beautiful swallowtail butterfly flew up.

The moon shed tears of joy:

Looks so good like her mom!

Mao Mao, under the attention of the moon with love in her heart, little by little, with her own strength, finally ushered in her own new world.

And although the moon's love for the caterpillar is very strong, she did not interfere with the life and growth of the caterpillar in the name of love, but quietly waited for the moment when the swallowtail butterfly grew and bloomed according to her anxiety and worry.

On the road to your child's growth, what kind of parents are you willing to become?

"Swallowtail Butterfly and Moon": The best love for children is to let go, not to bind in the name of love 01.Everything must silently follow the laws of nature 02.Love is to let go, so that children can face the wind and rain independently 03.Grind growth and create with their own strength

The author of this article: Xian Qi, a text lover who is mixed in the workplace, an old mother who earnestly learns how to raise a baby, the joy and meaning of life lies in ridicule and sharing.

Reference book: Swallowtail Butterfly and moon

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